
Kankakee Times

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Kankakee County Highways and Buildings Committee met May 17.

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Kankakee County Highways and Buildings Committee met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Members Present:

Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, and Mr. LaGesse

Members Absent:

Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, and Mr. Einfeldt In Attendance

• Board Members

Mr. Liehr

• Department Heads

Mark Rogers, Brian Gadbois, Erich Blair, and Kevin Duval



1. Call to Order

• Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. McConnell, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.

2. Public Comment

3. Approval of Minutes: April 19, 2017

Mr. Olthoff made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

4. Highways - Mark Rogers

• Bidding and Letting

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Mr. Tripp made a motion to open the bids, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Mr. Rogers provided the committee with a map showing where the work is going to be done. He opened the bid and read it to the committee.

Mr. Vickery made a motion to accept the bid, and Mr. Mulcahy seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Liehr.

5. County Engineer’s Pay Estimates

Mr. Rogers reviewed and discussed the pay estimates with the committee.

Mr. Olthoff made a motion to approve the pay estimates, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Liehr.

6. Resolutions

• Prevailing Wage Resolution

Mr. Rogers stated that it’s required by the Department of Labor each year that the County has to have a resolution and publish that any Public Works performed are according to prevailing wage.

Mr. Mulcahy made a motion to accept this resolution, and Mr. Vickery seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Liehr.

• Resolution Authorizing the County Board Chairman to sign a Management Agreement with CourtMoney for collection of electronic payments

Mr. Rogers stated that this resolution is currently being prepared by the State’s Attorney, but he provided the committee with the management agreement. This resolution is to authorize the Board Chairman to sign the management agreement with CourtMoney for collection of electronic payments. Currently, the Highway Department doesn’t accept electronic payments. They issue oversize/overweight permits to a lot of companies and freight haulers that are outside of the area, or out of state. They have had several requests to pay with a credit card, but just haven’t had the ability to do that. He learned recently that another County Engineer was approached by CourtMoney and set it up for them to collect oversize/overweight fees, culvert fees, and all those types of fees when they issue permits. He spoke with that County Engineer who said that it’s working out great, and it sounds like they do things very similar to how his department does them. It’s not just a matter of someone going online, requesting a permit, and putting in their credit card number. The person has to call Highway, who determines if the route’s ok, issues the permit, and then they have to charge the person. It sounds like this plan is very flexible. They charge $1.75 for any transaction under $50. His department doesn’t pay anything. If the permit is $30, the person pays the $1.75, Highway gets their $30, and then are not charged anything. The payee pays the $1.75, not the County.

Ms. Evans made a motion to accept this resolution, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

• Resolution Appropriating County Bridge Funds to Match Bourbonnais Township Road District Funds for Construction and Engineering Required for a Bridge Replacement on 4000 N Road

Mr. Rogers stated the Township Highway Commissioner petitioned the County to pay 50% of the local share because the value of the bridge, which is estimated around $600,000, exceeds 0.02% of the value of the taxable property in the road district. He stated that he does have this money programmed in his budget.

Mr. Vickery made a motion to accept this petition and appropriate the funds, and Ms. Webber seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Liehr.

• Resolution Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Sign an Engineering Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation and Appropriate County Bridge Funds to Match Bourbonnais Township Road District funds for Construction and Engineering Required for a Bridge Replacement on 3100 N Road

Mr. Rogers stated that it’s the same instance here. The Township Highway Commissioner petitioned the County to pay 50% of the costs. The cost of the entire bridge is estimated to be $600,000. Just like the previous one, Township Bridge Program money is being used, which pays 80%, so the Township will pay 10% and County will pay 10%. He wants to appropriate $60,000 out of County Bridge Funds, and an engineering agreement needs to be signed for this one so that they can pay for the engineering with Township Bridge Program Funds.

Mr. Tripp made a motion to accept this petition and appropriate the funds, and Mr. Stauffenberg seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Liehr.

7. Buildings - Brian Gadbois

➢ Open Bids for Vending Contracts

Ms. Evans made a motion to open the bids, and Mr. LaGesse seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Mr. Gadbois opened the bids and read them to the committee. He stated that basically the vendor pays the County back a percentage, and that is what the vending contract is based on.

Mr. LaGesse made a motion to accept the highest responsible bidder, upon review by Mr. Gadbois, and Mr. Mulcahy seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Mr. Gadbois read a letter to the committee, addressed to Chad Kolitwenzew, the Chief of Corrections, from Joe English, who is the head of the ICE program. Mr. English’s letter commended the County’s Maintenance Department on the successful completion of the ICE VCT system located at the Kankakee County Detention Center.

➢ Facility Dude Report

➢ Financial Report

Mr. Gadbois reviewed and discussed the above reports with the committee.

➢ State’s Attorney’s Office Relocation Update

Mr. Gadbois stated that, on May 9th and 10th, they relocated the Criminal Division to the Courthouse. He stated that Teresa Willis from the State’s Attorney’s Office did a tremendous job in organizing that relocation. She had everything marked and everything at the Courthouse was marked. Two moves between the two of them, and they were able to get it organized. With four men and two trucks, that office was back in operation in less than two days. They’re getting ready to begin the second portion, which will be this Friday and Saturday when Schools will be relocated out of the 6th floor at 189. He spoke with United Van Lines, and they will be here Friday morning to begin that move. That’s being handled by the Superintendent of Schools. On the 22nd, Maintenance will go back up there to clean the best that they can. On the 23rd & 24th, they’re relocating Civil, Traffic, and Victim Witness to the 6th Floor and changing over the phone lines. The IT Department will take care of all of the computers that need to be hooked up.

Mr. Gadbois stated that the phone system in the County has gone digital. The Courthouse, the Annex, and 189 are digital. The problem they have is that the phone systems are not tied together. It is crucial that we do this so that we can umbrella all of our buildings in our phone system. He will be speaking with Mr. Duval about this matter since he has not yet had a chance to do so.

➢ Rolling Files at Old State’s Attorney’s Office

Mr. Gadbois stated that there is an $80,000 seven rack rolling file system at the old State’s Attorney’s office. It came from Jerome Combs and was transferred there. It cost $18,000 to relocate that set of rolling files. He has nowhere to take it, doesn’t have any use for it, and can’t use it anywhere because of HIPAA laws. He called Bradford’s and asked them if they could find someone who might be interested in purchasing them from us.

Mr. Olthoff asked if Mr. Gadbois has checked with any of the firms in town, like CSL or Olivet.

Mr. Gadbois said no, he hasn’t because he wanted to let the committee know first. He does think that we could sell them ourselves, and that Mr. Olthoff has a good idea. He has a meeting with Mr. Rowe on Tuesday concerning some other things, so he will find out what the process should be and bring this back to a committee to get things taken care of.

➢ Building Report

Mr. Gadbois reviewed and discussed the above report with the committee.

Mr. Gadbois stated that he has two Scag lawn mowers that they currently use to mow the grass. They have put more money than it’s worth into one of those lawn mowers. If they go to a John Deere tractor, it will take them twice as long to mow than it does with the Scag. He needs to replace one of them as it’s over ten years old. He hasn’t priced one yet, but wanted to come to the committee first to get permission to start doing that.

Mr. Vickery agreed that the zero turn mowers are twice as fast, and Scag is fine, but everybody makes them, so he suggests getting some prices.

A motion was made by Mr. Tripp to allow Brian Gadbois to solicit bids for a zero degree mower, and was seconded by Ms. Polk. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Mr. Gadbois stated that he was called out at 10:00 at night a couple of weeks ago. In the Public Safety building, there is a server room that feeds all of New World and 911. Inside that room is a transfer switch, and they lost power because the transfer switch never transferred. About three months ago, he had a service done on that transfer switch, and it was recommended that the solenoid be replaced. It’s a solenoid plunger, and it transfers from normal to emergency power. It failed. It doesn’t fail every time, but occasionally it does. That little plunger costs $3,800. It took him seven days to get one, and they haven’t replaced it yet. They went into the computer room and transferred everything onto the big emergency backup system. G.E. is the only one that they can get these parts from. It was $3,800, and G.E. wouldn’t take anything but a credit card because they did a service for it and still hadn’t been paid. Mr. Gadbois stated that he put it on his County credit card in order to get the part, and has the part sitting there waiting. In the event of a failure, they’ll be here within the hour and make that change.

Mr. Olthoff asked why not make the change right away so Mr. Gadbois doesn’t get called at 10:00 at night.

Mr. Gadbois stated that it was going to be another $1,500 to have them change the solenoid out, and he needs about four hours. Plus they will want it on the credit card, but if the committee wants him to proceed with the replacement, he will be glad to do so.

A motion was made by Mr. Tripp for Brian Gadbois to proceed with the replacement of the solenoid in the server room of the Public Safety building, and was seconded by Ms. Polk. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 13 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Tripp, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Parker, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Liehr.

Mr. Gadbois also provided the committee with a list of priority maintenance projects for consideration, and discussed each item with the committee.

A motion was made by Mr. Vickery to move the list of priority maintenance projects for consideration to the Finance Committee, and was seconded by Ms. Peters. Motion carried with a voice vote.

8. Old Business

• Mail/Folder/Inserter Machine

Mr. Blair stated that this committee asked him last month to bring back some numbers from different vendors to see what it would cost to outsource the project. He went through Adcraft, Postal Partners, and Devnet to see how those prices lined up. What he found was that Adcraft is probably the best cost he has, but in order to have them fold, stuff, and insert, it would cost $3,262, if he had 28,000 notices. It would cost $4,130 if he had 35,000. He is not going to have them print the notices because they don’t have the ability to do that. They use a press, not a laser printer, so they aren’t able to put the bar code in the appropriate place on the page so that his office can take advantage of the best postage price. We would have to print them in house. Adcraft told him they would print them for 5 cents apiece. He checked with Becky Draper and we can print them in house for the paper and ink cost of 2 cents per unit, so we could save some costs there. It would take one of his employees about three days to print those notices. He then went to Postal Partners and asked them the same thing. It’s $6,388 for 28,000 notices, and $8,047 for 35,000 notices. He’s not comfortable printing for Devnet because if he’s holding 35,000 notices, he then has to mail them or get them to Sycamore. When he got Devnet’s quote, they included the printing and everything in it, and it would cost $5,264, before postage, for 28,000, and $6,580 for 35,000 notices, before postage. The most economical route would be to go with Adcraft between $3,262 and $4,130. He has copies of all this information if anyone in the committee would want it. This raises the question of whether the committee wants Mr. Gadbois to go ahead and negotiate his way out of the folder/inserter contract. He also wants the committee to know that when he built his budget in August, he didn’t have the $3,000-$4,000 that he’s going to be paying out to Adcraft built into it, so asked if this is a Central Services purchase or is it something that is charged back to his account.

Mr. Blair also stated that he spoke with Becky Draper about the machine, and she feels like the machine’s performance has degraded over the years, and it did not do very well last year. She told him that when Adcraft ordered the envelopes last year, they didn’t work with the machine, so Adcraft was kind enough to fold and stuff them by hand at no additional cost to the County. She also told him that you can run the machine for about 45 minutes, and then you need to let it sit for two hours to cool down, so it may take a long time for him to do it in house.

Mr. Mulcahy asked if there is a maintenance contract included with that machine.

Mr. Gadbois stated that, when it stops working, they do come down here. The problem is that everything has to be kept at a certain temperature. If there is a little bit of humidity, it doesn’t run right.

Mr. Vickery stated that it sounds like we need to get away from that machine entirely, so let’s turn it over to someone who can negotiate our way out of it.

A motion was made by Mr. Vickery to move this matter to the Finance Committee, and was seconded by Ms. Peters. Motion carried with a voice vote.

9. New Business

10. Other Business

• Reminder of H & B and PZA Committee Meetings Date Changes Effective July 2017 Mr. McConnell reminded the committee about the change of meeting dates for the Highways & Buildings Committee and the PZA Committee, beginning in July.

11. Adjournment

A motion was made by Mr. LaGesse to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 a.m., and was seconded by Mr. Tripp. Motion carried with a voice vote.
