
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

City of Kankakee City Council met August 29.

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City of Kankakee City Council met August 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Ok, I am calling the meeting to order.

We will start with prayer form City Council. Who would like to lead that?

Alderman Tetter:

I would Mayor

Alderman Tetter:

(No Mic Inaudible)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Thank you, next, we have,

Pledge of Allegiance – Led by the City Council

Thank you. We have no public comments this evening so we will move onto roll call.

Clerk Dumas:

Tetter; Brown (Absent); Curtis (Absent); Baron; Lewis; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Crawford; Osenga (Absent); O’brien; Gall; Malone-Marshall, Kennedy (11 Present – 3 Absent)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Department heads

Clerk Dumas:

Dumas; Schuldt; Kubal (Present); Power (Present); Simms; Piggush; Cross; Bertrand; Nelson; Schmitz (Present); Costanza

Thank you

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Let the record reflect that I did tell the department heads that they did not have to be here for this particular meeting.

We have no minutes, no petitions, no communications, no standing committees, no bills, no unfinished business, no new business, no appointments. Moving on to motions and resolutions.

A.) Resolution Relating To Participation By Elected Officials In The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

Elizabeth, I will turn it over to you if you would like to speak on this for just a moment.

Elizabeth Kubal:

(No Mic Inaudible)

Basically, why you are here tonight is to pass a resolution (inaudible). A new law that IMRF passed last March. They gave communication in May and inadvertently got left off of our agenda between May and today. It basically recertifies (inaudible). As of right now we only have one position which happens to be the City Clerk. As many of you know, who have been on the council for awhile, the decision to take the Council off. (Inaudible) So this is basically a recertification IMRF is requesting that we do this every other year now. (Inaudible)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

May I have a motion to approve the resolution

Alderwoman Swanson: So moved

Alderman Faford: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Motion made by Alderwoman, Seconded by Alderman Baron. Is there any discussion, questions, or concerns?

Roll Call

Clerk Dumas:

Tetter; Brown (Absent); Curtis (Absent); Baron; Lewis; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Crawford; Osenga (Absent); O'brien; Gall; Malone-Marshall, Kennedy (11 Aye – 3absent)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Motion carries. We have no executive season.

Alderwoman Kennedy:

(No Mic Inaudible)

I have a question. Once her term is over will we keep it that way or will we just decide to (Inaudible)

Elizabeth Kubal:

(No Mic Inaudible)

I believe all changes (inaudible) prior to election

City Clerk Dumas:

180 days

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Any other questions?

No executive session.

Alderman comments?

City Clerk Dumas:

I would just like to thank you all for coming out tonight it really means a lot to me. I appreciate your support. Thank you for coming.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

May I have a motion to adjourn

Alderwoman Malone-Marshall: So moved

Alderman Crawford: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Motion by Alderwoman Malone-Marshall, Seconded by Alderman Crawford. All in favor

Aye; opposed; same sign

We are adjourned.

Motion carries

6:07 p.m.
