
Kankakee Times

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Iroquois County Community Unit School District 9 Board met April 16.


Iroquois County Community Unit School District 9 Board met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Present: James Bruns, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were Bob Burd, Crystal Blair, Kirk McTaggart, Gina Greene, and Rusty Maulding.

Also present were: James Bunting, Carolyn Short, Dawn Garner, Heather Gerth, Brad Welch, Claire Henneike, Michele Daniel, Joy Norder, Jennifer Taylor, Nicola Germann, Amy Curry, Carla Waters, Tina Douglas, Amy Bruens, and Connie Breeling.

Absent: Brittany Cluver

Guests And Public Comments: Mr. Bruns welcomed guests and visitors.

Mr. Bruns thanked the Nettie Davis staff for all the hard work in getting Nettie Davis open after the flood.

UNEA Report: No report.

Consent Agenda: Mr. Bruns stated that items A through F are routine items. Mr. Bunting reported item G is an annual task to renew Glenn Raymond membership in the Illinois Elementary School Association, item H, also an annual task, to approve overnight trips for WCHS FFA, band, volleyball and basketball, summer school at both Nettie Davis and Glenn Raymond can use Title 1 funds since the Title 1 Grant is district wide this year, youth football uses Unit 9 grounds, as needed, and pays for 1/3 of the maintenance of the football field, additional funds have been given to Nettie Davis school library, community has been generous in helping Nettie Davis after the flood.

It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve: open and closed session minutes from the regular meeting held on March 19, 2018; the open session minutes from the special board meeting held on April 4, 2018; the open and closed session minutes from the special board meeting held on April 6, 2018; the open and closed session minutes from the special board meeting held on April 10, 2018; the payment of Unit #9 bills; the monthly imprest expenditures; the monthly credit card expenditures; the Treasurer’s Report; the destruction of the closed session recordings from the regular Board of Education meeting held on October 17, 2016; the 2018-19 GRS membership in Illinois Elementary School Association; an overnight summer trip by WCHS FFA, WCHS band, WCHS Volleyball, and WCHS Warrior Basketball; to approve the offering of summer school utilizing Title 1 funds; the use of Unit 9 grounds by the Watseka Youth Football League for 2018; and Nettie Davis library donations of $5,000.00 of books from WCHS National Honor Society, $1.200.00 of books from Angie Ahrens, $4,000.00 of books from Follett Education Solutions, $312.00 of books from Donovan Elementary School, and $225.00 from an anonymous donor.

Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

Communication: None.

Special Education Report: At the regular meeting the board approved bills, calendar and hired a speech therapist. At a special meeting the board discussed the future of the Special Education facility. Many options are on the table, including purchasing a building, and renting space. Board hopes to make a decision by the end of this fiscal year.

Board Committee Reports:

Building and Grounds: WCHS roofing project will be discussed later in the meeting. Committee discussed the issue regarding space at Wanda Kendall. Several options were discussed with teachers and Mrs. Garner including a portable, which is expensive for a short term fix, and moving one grade level to the high school. Administration and faculty agreed the best option was to close the library to use as a classroom and move the counselor’s office to the speech room so special education has two classrooms. Library books will be moved to individual classrooms. Mrs. Garner stated this was a hard decision, but the best option available. This allows classrooms to remain smaller. There will be two third grade classrooms in the portable.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Consideration and possible approval of WCHS roof bid. Mr. Bunting stated several bids were received. The low bid was $452,401.00 from Langlois Roofing. Architect had estimated the cost to be $900,000.00. It was moved by Rusty Maulding and second by Gina Greene to approve the bid submitted by Langlois Roofing for the Watseka High School roof replacement for the scope of work established in the bid documents prepared by Reifsteck Reid & Company Architects; and award Langlois Roofing, contract 3, established in the bid documents for $452,401.00. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

Consideration and possible approval of disposal of technology equipment. Mr. Bunting stated Mr. Schall, the technology coordinator, has found a company who will take the outdated and unused equipment and pay the district a small amount to do so. It was moved by Kirk McTaggart and second by Bob Burd to approve the disposal of electronic equipment as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

Consideration and possible approval of registration fees for 2018- 2019. Mr. Bunting stated there were no changes to fees for the upcoming school year. Lunch costs are typically approved at the same time as registration fees, but Mrs. Clifton does not have the final figures from the State. It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve the registration fees as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

Consideration and possible approval of a retirement letter from an administrator. Discussion for executive session.

Consideration and possible approval of a cheerleading coach. Discussion for executive session.

Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Bunting reported the district has received an evidence based funding payment. This payment is approximately $53,000.00 more than the district usually receives. Next year’s funding should be based on the new funding model, but can change if the State changes the district’s status to a different tier, currently Unit 9 is a tier 1. State owes district approximately $141,000.00, this is mostly transportation funds. Mr. Bunting does not expect to receive the funds this fiscal year. One FOIA request was received for information regarding resource officers. The district does not employ any resource officers, information was submitted.

Administrators’ Reports:

Mr. Welch reported D & F schedule is included in his board report. Numbers have stayed consistent from the 1st quarter. GRS has been using virtual technology in the classroom. Ten google headsets have been purchased. Mrs. Curry has been using the technology in her classroom. Mrs. Curry reported the students enjoy the new technology. She can choose subject matter and download. Most of the lessons are geography and science related. Mrs. Curry stated her classroom has used Great Wall and Civil War lessons. She chooses content, lessons are run from a tablet and droid phones.

Mrs. Garner reported students are participating in field trips. She briefly discussed building options regarding space and changes needed at Wanda Kendall. Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Allhands attended a forum in Pontiac hosted by Representative Tom Bennett. Group discussed social and emotional needs of children, PARCC testing and several other topics. Representative Bennett will share information from the forum with the Illinois State Board of Education.

Mrs. Gerth thanked everyone for their hard work cleaning Nettie Davis. She stated staff worked very hard to get the school ready to reopen. Pre- registration for kindergarten begins this week an Opera will be performed at Nettie Davis later in the week.

Mrs. Short stated the Jazz Band participated in the IHSA competition and received the highest honor. Mrs. Short had nothing further to add to her written report.

Executive Session: It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina

Greene to enter executive session at 6:42 p.m. to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of individual employees, collective negotiations, and impending litigation. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

It was the consensus of the Board to return to open session at 7:16 p.m.


It was moved by Gina Greene and second by Crystal Blair to approve the retirement of Mrs. Dawn Garner as Wanda Kendall Principal effective June 30, 2018. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Kirk McTaggart to approve the resignation of Mrs. Maggie LaBelle as GRS cheerleading coach. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.

President’s Prerogative: Mr. Bruns had no additional comments.

Adjournment: It was moved by Kirk McTaggart and second by Bob Burd to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
