
Kankakee Times

Friday, May 3, 2024

Kankakee Valley Park District Board of Commissioners met April 23

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Kankakee Valley Park District Board of Commissioners met April 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

The Board Meeting was called to order at 5pm by President Hollis. Those present for roll call were Commissioners D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, M. Mullady, D. Skelly, and A. Hollis. Staff present: Executive Director, Dayna Heitz, Superintendent of Recreation, Melissa Woodard;

Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds, Rick Collins, and Attorney John Coghlan.

Pledge Of Allegiance

Public Comment

Public Present: Craig Nordine, Frank Koehler, Frank Blanchette

Craig Nordine-been a boat slip holder for many years. Upon receiving his application, he has something he is upset about. If you are a resident it’s $10, and a non-resident is $55. Could see it being $20-25 but $55 seems a bit out of hand.

Frank Blanchette: Is there an issue on the agenda for the dates of the harbor? Summer is short as it is. One year it changed. Then it jumped to May 15 because it was impossible but that year they extended the date. Don’t know the reasoning. It affects the boaters and the storage. Some people want to get their boats in early. If you can’t cover opening with personnel, you’ll have the same trouble opening it later. It’s just scheduling. His opinion and had quite a few phone calls that the May 1st date should be maintained. Go into November. That lets people have more time to get them out.


Commissioner Hollis read a letter from Karen Lesmeister regarding the boat slip dates.

Consent Agenda

Consent agenda for Monday, April 23, 2018 consists of board, committee minutes, executive session minutes (not for public viewing) bills payable, and financial statements.

A motion to receive the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Spriggs, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: M. Mullady, D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion to approve consent agenda was made by Commissioner Skelly, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: M. Mullady, D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Old Business

Ratify KVBC Agreement

Director Heitz said this is the agreement that we discussed at the committee meeting. This is being ratified so the board can approve it.

A motion to approve the KVBC agreement was made by Commissioner Mullady, seconded by Commissioner Spriggs. Discussion: Commissioner Skelly will abstain as he is a boat club member. Commissioner Tucker said this is the boat club agreement. Does this impact what the public comment was? No. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: M. Mullady, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, and A. Hollis. Abstain: D. Skelly. With 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain, motion carried.

New Business

City of Kankakee, Frank Koehler

Frank Koehler-The city has an opportunity to go after a couple of grants. One is from the National Park Service. It is focused on promoting conservation and outdoor recreation. It’s a 50/50 matching grant. Looking at maybe $15,000-20,000. Have to get the application done in the next couple weeks and the work needs to be done in this calendar year. Attorney Coghlan clarified what he is asking for. Frank said we don’t need park district action. Moving forward if we feel we need anything we will come back and talk. Commissioner Hollis said some of this goes through our property? Frank said it approaches the parks but doesn’t actually get on park district property. Initially we did think about that but since we had a short timeframe, we simplified. Commissioner Spriggs clarified what he is asking for at Legion and Alpiner. Attorney Coghlan said it is city property, he will just come up to the park. Commissioner Skelly said we definitely want to work with the city on these things.

Anytime Roof-Civic

Dayna Heitz: The Civic is in need of a new roof. Would like permission to go ahead with the project. If it comes in lower, great. Rick called 5 companies out but 3 came out. This is the company that was the lowest. They also did the Bird Park bathroom roof. $11,000 is with contingency if they find something unexpected. Commissioner Tucker asked how much the other ones were? Double. Comes with 10-year warranty. Commissioner Spriggs asked if they are union? Didn’t think to ask. Would like to know if they are. Superintendent Collins will look into this. Commissioner Tucker asked if we are taking action tonight even if we are waiting for more information. Commissioner Hollis said his answer isn’t going to change. Table while Rick calls.

Staff Reports

Executive Director

Director Heitz: Completed the bid package for the Regatta. Did hear back from Elizabeth at the City. She has approved her portion and the meeting date. Waiting to hear back from Boat Club. Legal advertisement will go in local papers and online if we hear back from everyone.

For the House of Sportz and Levasseur agreement, did meet with them and John. Did get water on and electric is on. Got a sample facility agreement from PDRMA. Bill was in on the meeting too and it was very positive. They are going to do their field clean up on May 6. They do have our logo on their flyer. They will have all their proposals and timelines to us this week. Commissioner Hollis asked if we are approving the proposal tonight? No. How long did he want? 5 years but hopefully there is something we can agree on. We aren’t even close to that point yet. Attorney Coghlan said within the agreement there will be specific details and contingencies. Commissioner Tucker asked if it will eventually come before the board? Yes. Commissioner Spriggs said aren’t we leaning towards a 1 year to see how it goes? Attorney Coghlan said we would have those contingencies. Then give them some sort of option for maybe 2 years if they meet all these provisions. Commissioner Skelly said they understand it’s a year instead of 5 years? Attorney Coghlan said 5 years was brought up but there hasn’t been any commitment. Commissioner Skelly said we don’t want them under the impression that it’s a 5 year agreement but we know it’s not. Commissioner Spriggs said they understand. They wanted to put in timelines.

Strawberry Jazz Fest Mark Stephen has asked for the parking to be altered again. Have reiterated that the board didn’t have interest in modifying. The day after he sent an email asking for the board to look at this. Commissioner Hollis said we have already said we don’t want to. Don’t they use all the grass next to the museum? Yes. Commissioner Spriggs said no one has trouble getting in or out. Commissioner Hollis said he hasn’t had any trouble with parking. Commissioner Skelly is confused and wonder why we are opposed to him cutting the curb and doing it himself. Commissioner Spriggs said the downside is you make another entry, it will be made into a parking lot for other events.

Meeting with Mr. Palmer with Bill on Wednesday.

Did call back Mr. Willard and waiting for a call back. Looking to have him help us out with widening the path at Small Memorial. It’s narrowing and not accessible for everyone and definitely needs to be redone. Commissioner Spriggs said the alderman Crawford and Osenga would like to be involved in that.

Did ask BMX to move the container so we can level that and take on less water on the fields.

Weather has not permitted that. Someone at the county will be moving it for them.

Women’s Club-no update on the signage. Commissioner Spriggs said Helen loves the bushes being gone. Congrats to Rick and his crew. Looks nice.

Liquor inspections went well. Waiting for the permits. Did go today but I think they were out of the office.

In current financials, did sign a check for the Bradley Mowers for $29,518 for the new mowers. Filtered purchase through PDRMA from claim. Will have more equipment coming in and will need additional checks signed. Commissioner Tucker asked if that was 100% reimbursement? On equipment, 100% replacement. The $29,000 covers how many? 3. No deductible.

Do continue to work on the refund on the credit card from former employee. It was an auto renewal.

The District had a Paypal account. We will be receiving a reimbursement for $2000 for that.

Working on ideas for Splash Pad/Splash Valley.

Last Saturday was first NSA tournament. Have 16 teams this coming weekend. Scheduled port-o-lets.

People from out of town don’t want to buy concessions. A lot of the teams bring their own food. Director Heitz talked about the loss from prior years. Commissioner Hollis asked what the loss was. We need to have something out there for the people. It’s not us physically losing. We have concession company out there. Commissioner Hollis said for you to even bring it up, has him a little worried. Want to see what we have lost in the past. We need to provide that service. Maybe we are offering the wrong stuff.

Boat Harbor fence and gates have been ordered. New docks we have to order. PDRMA is checking to see if they can cover the meters. There is electrical work too. Commissioner Skelly asked about new docks? Adjustor wrote it up that 2 are sinking. Insurance will cover that. Commissioner Skelly asked when will we open the harbor? The letter went out when we weren’t sure what is going. May 1st is around the corner. There is no possible way we can open this year by May 1. What we found in house has been May 15. Commissioner Skelly asked when do you anticipate having the docks ready? Rick said by the 15th but possibly before. Commissioner Hollis said going forward would it be feasible to say if there is no flooding, May 1 would be a date we could accommodate? Yes. Commissioner Hollis asked if that could just be the date? Commissioner Skelly said put the docks in and send a letter. If they want to put theirboats in they can. Commissioner Tucker asked what the delay is? Rick said a few of them are damaged. PDRMA will be paying for new ones and we can use the old docks in the meantime. The gate is not complete so it’s not secure. Commissioner Mullady left at 6pm. Director Heitz will check with PDRMA.

Frank Blanchette said you are going to put a hard date. Traditionally it’s been May 1. We just don’t want you to take those 2 weeks away. Still going to honor May 1 as target date. Until you get the fence up people will be leery. If you put the letter out and tell us why, and extend, you will get cooperation. Commissioner Hollis said we want May 1. Commissioner Tuckerasked what would be a problem with the 2 week extension? Extend 2 weeks if we are 2 weeks behind so people have the same amount of time.

Ice Valley has received payment from Coyotes and Irish. Still owe for Spring League. Austin did present an idea for running a pro shop at Ice Valley.

Had staff orientation this morning with our seasonal staff. Had 6 this morning and 2 more on Thursday.

The military luncheon will be at the Rec Center. 100 soldiers that are going to be deployed.

Will be closing the Rec Center for it, it’s a private event. It is May 5.

Rick and Dayna met with Luke Shepard today. We are going to be fixing some minor things at Alpiner. Faucets are fixed. Commissioner Spriggs asked if you have all the paperwork? No. Missing background checks, schedules, board info. Did mention it to him again today. They would like to put a window in the concession stand so they can see the games. They have some talented Dad’s on the team that can do the work. They will purchase the material themselves and the labor will be donated.

Rick said the roofing company is not union. They do have union workers. If they use union workers the quote is quite a difference. A motion to approve the Anytime Roof quote for the Civic was made by Commissioner Spriggs, seconded by Commissioner Skelly. No further discussion. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: M. Mullady, D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Committee Reports

KCCVB Report

Dayna Heitz: didn’t make that meeting.

Historical Society Report

Commissioner Skelly: All good.


Commissioner Hollis: Finally got the bus figured out. Going to go with a 3 year purchase. Going to trade the old one in and buy another one.

Commissioners Forum

Commissioner Spriggs: when he got the report of what is rented this weekend thought Bird Park was a typo? Didn’t know we rented this building. Commissioner Skelly said in the past they had issues. Director Heitz said PDRMA won’t allow renters to use the kitchen but yes you can rent it. If we start to have issues, we will stop. Why don’t we use the Quarry building? Only once or twice a year. Why don’t we fix it up and rent it out. Director Heitz said there are mirrors that would be nice for a dance class. What you have done this spring with minimal help has been really good. Bushes and butterfly garden at the civic, excellent and lots of compliments. Asked if we are picking up the trees? Have to meet with Don first. Can you get the pile of dirt at Washington? Yes.

Commissioner Hollis asked if you could talk about the money that you recouped from the county that we got back? Director Heitz said in our levy when they sent us their report, they were missing over $200,000 in our levy to make the bond payment. That money would have had to come out of operating account. Went into the county right away. Working on past taxes, we have been underpaid on the levy in prior years. The treasurer was very gracious.Transferred to escrow so you are covered on your payment. While we figure it out, we will balance out on the 2017.

Commissioner Spriggs said did you discover this Dayna? Yes. That’s mighty good work. Commissioner Hollis said it’s safe to say they missed $200,000. If we are going back to prior years how far can we go back? Maybe there is more money.

Commissioner Skelly said it just goes to show the importance of minding the books and you do good work.

Commissioner Tucker said you don’t want people come to protest for the roofing job. Commissioner Skelly said this is tax payer money and if we can get the same job cheaper, we owe them. Commissioner Hollis said we are cash strapped at this time. If we can get this roof done, and we have been talking about it for awhile, and now we have someone to do it. Commissioner Tucker said just want to be able to grind it out and talk about it. A motion to approve the Anytime Roof for the Civic was made by Commissioner Spriggs, seconded by Commissioner Hollis. Upon roll call vote for the Anytime Roof for the Civic, the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, B. Spriggs, and A. Hollis. Absent: M. Mullady, Abstain: D. Tucker. With 3 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, 1 abstain, motion carried.

Executive Session

A motion to go into executive session for personnel was made by Commissioner Spriggs, seconded by Commissioner Skelly at 6:37pm. Upon voice vote, all ayes, motion carried

Reconvene open session at 6:50pm. Roll call was taken, all Commissioners present. Staff present, Executive Director Heitz, and Attorney Coghlan.

Adjourn Meeting

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 6:50 pm by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Spriggs. Upon voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.



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