
Kankakee Times

Friday, May 3, 2024

Kankakee Public Library Board of Trustees met June 25.

Kankakee Public Library Board of Trustees met June 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

The Board Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by President Hollis. Those present for roll call were Commissioners D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, D. Skelly, M. Mullady and A. Hollis. Staff present: Executive Director, Dayna Heitz, Superintendent of Recreation, Melissa Woodard; Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds, Rick Collins. Not present: Attorney John Coghlan.

Pledge Of Allegiance

Public Comment



There is a copy of Sam Miller’s dedication of the bench from Saturday. There was a card from the Miller’s to the District.

Provided flyers of Recreation events coming up.

Just received a letter in the mail from Ken Klipp the cross country meet that had been held at the Civic. Did speak to him after the last meeting and was excited to work with him on another location. Commissioner Hollis read the letter. Commissioner Tucker asked again for clarification regarding them outgrowing the location. Connie called regarding several issues from last year. Commissioner Hollis said he has received calls regarding the matter and Coach Klipp has been a pillar in the community for years. If we say for this one day to check for these things that we had issues with, let’s try to accommodate him there rather than move him somewhere else. This has been going for 28 years. Director Heitz suggested the buses going to park at the school? That might alleviate some congestion. Commissioner Tucker suggested the church. Commissioner Skelly would like you to call him up and work it out. Commissioner Spriggs said his problem with this is has he reciprocated anything to do anything for the park? Probably not. Like a clean up or something else. If he was concerned enough to write the letter, why didn’t he come to the board and talk. At least at some point there could be a reciprocal thing and he could come here to do a clean up. Commissioner Hollis said he would probably do it. He’s all about that kind of thing. Still think we need to give him a call. Commissioner Mullady said let’s figure out a way to make him happy. Commissioner Skelly said McNamara as a school has done things like clean up days. Commissioner Hollis said it doesn’t need to be contingent on them doing a clean up day. Commissioner Tucker said Dayna was on point with her raising the issues. Maybe you and him can have a talk about parking. If we have something that people still want, we should be able to share it. It would give you credibility to reconsider and have a dialogue. There is parking in the vicinity. Commissioner Spriggs said if they would park on Charles, there is room for buses and its low traffic. Commissioner Tucker said do a walk through and designate parking for them. Commissioner Hollis said one of his cross-country alums did his eagle scout project at the Civic.

Consent Agenda:

Consent agenda for Monday, June 25, 2018 consists of board, committee minutes, executive session minutes (not for public viewing) bills payable, and financial statements. Commissioner Hollis amended the agenda and added Executive Session minutes for May 14, 2018. This will be for action. A motion to receive the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Mullady, seconded by Commissioner Skelly. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, M. Mullady and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion to approve consent agenda was made by Commissioner Spriggs, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Discussion: Commissioner Hollis said to amend the date on Executive Session Minutes, from May 28th to May 29th. Commissioner Tucker asked if approval is contingent on the amendment. Yes. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, M. Mullady and A. Hollis: M. Mullady abstained from item C, A. Hollis abstained from item F. With 5 ayes for A, B D, E, 0 nays, motion carried. With 3 ayes for C and F, 0 nay, and 2 abstain, motion carried.

Old Business:

Ordinance #1.80-Disposal of Personal Property owned by KVPD

A motion to approve Ordinance 1.80, Disposal of Personal Property, was made by Commissioner Skelly, seconded by Commissioner Spriggs. Discussion: Director Heitz said these are the 4 vehicles we discussed. They are out by the maintenance shop for viewing. Did do the surplus of equipment sale. Going to do it as a bid style. Can open the bids on July 23rd meeting. Due into office by noon that day. Commissioner Skelly asked when this will be advertised? Next week. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, M. Mullady and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

New Business:

Ordinance #1.81-Issuance of General Obligation Park Bonds

A motion to approve Ordinance 1.81 Issuance of General Obligation Park Bonds was made by Commissioner Skelly, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Discussion: Director Heitz said this is the ordinance to authorize the sale of the bond for Splash Valley. There is an investor that has already called Dave at Speer for our financials. Has our audits already. Things are going to be a little quicker than I anticipated. May even sell the bond in August/September. That would be wonderful because we could start with architects earlier. Next portion would be the public hearing, posted in the paper by the next meeting. This is something the community really wants. If you know of any negative comments have them call her. Commissioner Spriggs asked about the timeline. Obtain the funds in 2018, construction in 2019, and open in 2020. Commissioner Tucker asked for clarification on the timeline. Everything will be brought to meetings to make sure they are what the board wants. Commissioner Spriggs asked if we know about pricing and staffing costs for after it’s opened. Director Heitz said that’s a ways off. Commissioner Spriggs said we have to make sure we have the plans watched closely. Don’t want to be part of another issue like it was previously. Commissioner Hollis said this board wants to be part of this and learn and get it right. Won’t let it be done wrong. This bond that we are getting, are we giving the local banks a chance? Yes. Commissioner Skelly would like you to go to a bank and meeting with them instead of sending an email. You can explain the finances. It would be nice to have a local bank and there are some that might like to be part of it. Commissioner Hollis said they might be more receptive because of what we are asking for the money for. Commissioner Mullady asked if there is anyone local that can do the work? Commissioner Skelly said we did hire Dayna because of her aquatic experience. Would volunteer to help with those contacts. Commissioner Tucker said from previous presentations, did we pay them? We did for that particular project. Hate that we spend money for things that don’t materialize. What he did, isn’t going to help us? Like that you are grinding and the enthusiasm and effort, can help with our efforts to restore our credibility in the community. Director Heitz said there is some architects out of Peoria that I really like. Not sure we can use them thought because of the first company working with previous staff and Dayna. The other builder is down to earth. Commissioner Spriggs said if you have any trepidation, don’t do it. Director Heitz said we want plain and no bells and whistles. Commissioner Tucker said you are out there and feeling confident about Splash Valley. We are here to back you, but if it doesn’t sound good to you, maybe more ears and a team effort. We don’t want to get taken and we want to be on top of it. No margin for error. Invite them to a meeting. Commissioner Spriggs said we know what doesn’t work. We won’t make that mistake again as a group. Commissioner Tucker would like it to be on the agenda frequently. Commissioner Spriggs asked how much it is going to cost? We will have 2 million. That needs to get us through the building. The filter system hasn’t been run in years. In the spring we will start things up and see where we are. Commissioner Skelly said if we approve a bond tonight, how soon? Next meeting would be public hearing. Director Heitz said we were asked if this is only for Splash Valley and also to make sure it was going to be the park district running splash valley and not a management company. Commissioner Spriggs said the current splash valley has so many bushes etc. We don’t need to have maintenance out there all summer. Commissioner Mullady said we will have to downsize. It was missing the Olympic size pool to help get teens in. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, M. Mullady and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

MPI Agreement:

Director Heitz has worked with John on this. Met with Gerry and staff and gone back and forth.

Contracts are usually 3 years long. One thing he keeps stating is bringing in a state championship. If he can bring that here, we would discount his fees. It’s back and forth if he is going to get it or not. Commissioner Skelly asked what we changed? When he reserves a field, he has to tell us a week in advance. Right now he has exclusivity he doesn’t tell us and we can’t rent the other fields out. We can’t rent them even if we find out he isn’t using all the fields. He comes in during the wintertime and reserves all the fields for all the weekends. He doesn’t pay until after the event. Commissioner Skelly said everyone else pays up front, but he pays after. Yes but he pays for extra things. Can we charge him up front and catch incidentals after? Commissioner Tucker said just like others that have been working with us numerous years, it appears to be a flow to what he is doing. Has he ever not paid? No. Maybe in 3 years we would revisit it. If he doesn’t cancel fields or release them, he will have to pay them. Increase the prices. Commissioner Hollis asked about item H, does someone have a clicker. No. Changing it to a numbering system and he needs to turn it in for accountability. There is controversy over metal spikes. Gerry told us everywhere allows metal spikes but in the NSA book it says they aren’t allowed. Before we mentioned we were struggling with the concession ladies. It was already in his agreement that no outside food is allowed. Did add no grills allowed. This agreement would be 2019-2021. How much do we make? We are making changes to fix it. We won’t have to replace things each year. Commissioner Mullady asked how many hours Dayna has spent working on this? Commissioner Tucker said we closed the Rec Center we have to look at some balance. Our rationale was that we don’t make money. Commissioner Spriggs said we know you inherited this and he’s been making money for awhile. Commissioner Skelly said how do we make it worth our time? Director Heitz said we could not discount for bringing state. Commissioner Skelly said they are only going to give us one week notice? Someone else will rent it in just a week? Commissioner Hollis said if he doesn’t have anyone out there, we need to figure out a way to rent those fields. Commissioner Skelly said when someone else rents the fields, there should be a deposit or something to hold it. Why do we allow it for him? Commissioner Hollis said if you aren’t going to use the fields, you need to give us notice. He knows in advance which tournaments are going to go or not. But if he has the field reserved, he can make something happen this last minute. They know 3-4 years out what they are doing. Commissioner Skelly said if we don’t have something going on, we are better off than if we are running tournaments. Commissioner Hollis said he needs to be charged 2-3 weeks in advance either way. Go with a flat diamond rate. 30 days in advance pay half. If you cancel within 30 days we keep the 20%. Then it follows policy. This issue is being tabled.

Prevailing Wage Ordinance #1.82:

Director Heitz said this is due every June. Standard prevailing wage ordinance. It will go in the newspaper as well. Have to send it to Illinois Department of Labor. A motion to approve the prevailing wage ordinance was made by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Spriggs. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voted aye: D. Skelly, D. Tucker, B. Spriggs, M. Mullady and A. Hollis. With 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Staff Reports:

Executive Director

Director Heitz: Liability claim of Carroll vs KVPD has been dismissed. Cannot be brought back up again.

For the racing boat docks did get approval from the other entities to go ahead and place an ad to sell as is, same terms.

Received another notice for solar farm that would be adjacent from River Road.

House of Sports: meeting with them tomorrow to sign agreement.

Pork and Blues Rib Fest: Darrell Williams said he had 900-1300 attend. He will be at next board meeting to present what he $ raised for the bandshell. He used most of the donations to pay his expenses.

Have not heard from Mike at the Union.

Miller Memorial was over the weekend. They were extremely appreciative.

Would like to possibly apply for OSLAD grants for Splash Valley and playground improvements.

Commissioner Spriggs asked if you were going to work with the mayor for Splash Valley? Yes, whoever you deem appropriate. Would like to have some fundraising for Splash Valley.

Did receive a donation for Cobb Park tree donation. They have $1100 left in their total. Did receive another $100 donation and used them for flowers in the park. Snider’s donated 2 trees to River Road. There will be a plaque for when the trees get a little bit bigger.

Soft launch for the KCCVB for the bikes on Friday.

Pioneer Park building lunch program has been successful and the numbers remain steady.

Edgar Townsend: July 14th we are going to have a BBQ. Wanted to give the board a special thanks. Thank you all.

Commissioner Skelly asked about the Pork and Blues? It’s not what we need to fix the roof. There will be enough to do something.

The ticket booths said they wanted to drill a hole for the AC.

They will do the work. For the 4th of July event, we will block off the trail, keeping the boat launch open but will block off Ice Valley.

Unity Fest: On August 18th they want to host the Unity Fest again. 2 days instead of 3. They used picnic tables, garbage cans. We donated the park and pavilion last year. Commissioner Hollis said they had talked about doing the hair braiding for the girls going back to school.

Committee Reports:

KCCVB Report

Dayna Heitz: bike soft launch on Friday.

Historical Society Report

Commissioner Skelly: nothing new.


Commissioner Tucker: Invitation they received to the Ice Valley re-grand opening.

Commissioners Forum:

Commissioner Skelly got a call today from someone that has the league at Alpiner Park. They have talked to Greg and Rick to find out about one light that’s over the playground that hasn’t been fixed.

Commissioner Hollis went out to Heil Park one night and there was no one out there. Maybe the encounter with the neighbors they decided it wasn’t worth it.

Commissioner Tucker said he got an invitation to the RJ Bailey community center. The building is July 8. We will do ours another date.

Commissioner Hollis said we need to get ready for Dayna’s evaluation. Need to send everyone a copy of the evaluation forms so that can be discussed at Executive at Committee meeting. Give everyone a copy of the contract. Need to know by the end of July. Talk about at Committee and vote at Board we will be good. Some Commissioners can’t make the meeting on July 9th so we will move it to 12th.

Adjourn Meeting

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:08 pm by Commissioner Spriggs, seconded by Commissioner Mullady. Upon voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Official Reports:

1. Committee Meeting Minutes (May 14, 2018)

2. Board Meeting Minutes (May 29, 2018)

3. Bills Payable

4. Financial Statements

5. Ordinance 1.80-Disposal of Personal Property

6. Ordinance 1.81-Issuance of General Obligation Bonds

7. MPI Agreement

8. Prevailing Wage Ordinance



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