
Kankakee Times

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Village Of Onarga Village Board met October 9


Village Of Onarga Village Board met Oct. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to order at 7:00 p.m.

Cultra called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

2. Roll Call

Shane Cultra, Village President; Fred Walraven, Trustee; Andy McCann, Trustee; Angie Martinez, Trustee; Matt Clark, Trustee; Holly Zirkle, Trustee; Claudia Ramirez, Trustee; Stephanie VonDrehle, Village Clerk; Tim Hamilton, Village Supervisor, Stephanie Wilson, Park Coordinator, absent; Doug Brenner, Police Chief; Rita Fink; Wendy Davis, Times Republic; Gilman Star.

3. Review and approval of Regular Village Board Meeting of Monday September 10, 2018.

Walraven motioned to accept the regular meeting minutes of Monday September 10, 2018 as presented. Zirkle seconded the motion. The motion carried.

4. Appointment of Village Treasurer and Re-Assignment of Committees

This was tabled until the end of the meeting.

5. Review and approval of treasurer’s report

Fink went over the reports she presented to the board.

McCann motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried. 6. Review and approval of bills to be paid

Clark motioned to approve the bills to be paid in the amount of $64,302.53. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.

7. Public comment

There was no one at the meeting for public comment.

8. Review of correspondence to the board

Clerk informed the board Linda Harris called asking for the board to make a donation to the Home & Garden Club. The Village has not donated in years and the club is running out of funds. Cultra asked what amount she was asking for and asked the Clerk to speak with her and find out how much of a donation she needs.

9. Review and Possible Action on Ordinances

Ordinance #2018-07-Ordinance Approving and Authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement by and Between the

Village of Onarga and Lyle & Melinda Behrends and Other Actions in Connection Therewith was tabled until the next meeting.

Clark motioned to approve Ordinance #2018-07-Ordinance Approving and Authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement by and Between the Village of Onarga and Lyle & Melinda Behrends and Other Actions in Connection Therewith as presented. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried. A roll call vote was conducted with all Aye votes. Clark informed the board it was approved that the Village will pay to demolish both building, give/deed the land to Behrends, provide water/sewer tap and hook-up, and an allowance for construction of the front wall of the business. The Village in turn will get a 30% return of taxes for 7 years.

Ordinance #2018-08-Levy and Assessments of Taxes for Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2018 and Ending April 30, 2019. This was tabled until the next meeting.

10. Standing Committee reports

10.1 Infrastructure (Holly Zirkle, Andy McCann, and Claudia Ramirez)

10.1.1 McCann is going to speak with Steve Rapp on scratching up the surface and planting grass on Seminary.

10.1.2 There was nothing new at this time for East Seminary Drainage.

10.1.3 The board discussed what they wanted to have completed for the Evergreen Street Repair.

They are going to invite Neil Piggush to the next meeting and finally make a decision.

Hamilton asked the board about a resident who has 2 meters one for the home and one strictly for water grass. He wanted to verify the meter for watering grass would not be charged the debt service fee. Clark verified the resident should not be charged debt servicing fee for this meter and any fees that have been paid should be refunded.

10.2 Safety, Security & Enforcement (Fred Walraven, Matt Clark, and Angie Martinez)

Walraven motioned to approve the Safety, Security, & Enforcement Committee meeting minutes of September 18th as presented. McCann seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Walraven motioned to approve purchasing cameras for the park to not exceed the amount of $100. Clark seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Walraven motioned to approve the purchasing of new tires for the police squad car in the amount of $669.20 from C&C Tires. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Zirkle inquired as to what time the bar in Onarga was supposed to be closed. Brenner stated the bar is to close at 1:00am and everyone should be out by 1:30am. Zirkle stated she thought this needed to monitor more closely as she has been by there at 3:00am and people are still there.

Clark brought up about the truck routes in Onarga and that this needs to be discussed and rectified. He has spoken with Tungate and he is working on this.

10.3 Parks and Recreation (Andy McCann, Holly Zirkle, and Angie Martinez).

10.4 Finance (Claudia Ramirez, Matt Clark, and Fred Walraven)

Ramirez motioned to approve the Finance Committee meeting minutes of October 3, 2018. Clark seconded the motion. The motion carried.

10.4.1 The financial audit has been rescheduled and will need to be completed in November.

Clark motioned to approve increasing the levy and assessments of taxes for fiscal year beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019 to 4% and to have the ordinance produced. Walraven seconded the motion. The motion carried.

10.5 Local and Intergovernmental Communications (Angie Martinez, Andy McCann, and Holly Zirkle)

10.5.1 There was nothing new for the Onarga Digital Sign. Martinez will contact Jeff Meyer on this. 10.6 Building Standards (Matt Clark, Fred Walraven, and Claudia Ramirez)

Clark informed the board there have been 36 permits applied for to date.

10.7 TIF Committee (Matt Clark, Angie Martinez, and Andy McCann)

10.7.1 Clark stated the ordinance was passed for the demolition of 131 N. Chestnut.

10.8 Litigation Committee (Matt Clark, Shane Cultra, Andy McCann, Angie Martinez, and Mike Tilstra)

Clark informed the board a hearing was conducted in front of Judge Kinzer. Atlas & Hanover tried to have the case dismissed due to statute of limitations. Kinzer ruled in the Villages favor.

11. Old business

McCann motioned to approve the hiring of Chris Jaworski at $10.00 per hour until the end of April without benefits. Martinez seconded the motion. The motion carried.

12. New business

There was a discussion on having the Village Christmas Party, and if staff would participate. The department heads will find out from their staff and let the clerk know if they would participate. The clerk will contact Shagbark for available dates and let everyone know.

Effective immediately Ramirez resigned from her trustee position on the Village Board. Cultra accepted Ramirez’s resignation.

Cultra appointed Claudia Ramirez as Village Treasurer.

Clark motioned to the appointment of Claudia Ramirez as the Village Treasurer, effective immediately at a rate of $25.00 per hour. McCann seconded the motion. The motion carried.

13. Executive session (if needed) for any lawful purpose including but not limited to: Appointment, employment, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; Salary schedules for one or more employees; Selection of person to fill a public office or discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office; Purchase or lease of real property or setting of a price for sale or lease of village property; Litigation, pending or probable.

14. Possible action on any executive session item

15. Adjournment

Martinez moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm. Ramirez seconded the motion. The motion carried.




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