
Kankakee Times

Friday, May 17, 2024

Village of Herscher Board of Trustees met Feb. 21

Village of Herscher Board of Trustees met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Village President Shannon Sweeney called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The following Trustees present were: John Branz, Jacob Wagner (Zoom), Mike Bruner, Andy Cotter and Skip Grigas. Bob Voss absent. Also, Village Deputy Clerk Vannessa Weaver, Public Works Employee Keith Witheft, and Attorney Chris Bohlen.

John Branz moved to approve the Regular minutes of February 6, 2023; Mike Bruner seconded. Skip Grigas abstained as he was absent from that meeting. Motion carried. 5-0-1


John Branz talked about the street sweeper being stored at the old Hendrix building’s and that no one on the board knew this and we don’t know if they will be charging us.

John Branz mentioned that he spoke with Bob Voss about the striping downtown Main Street and how there has been problems with people parking in the lines for the Handicap spots. He said the striping needs to be added to the budget for next fiscal year.


John Branz presented the Accounts Payable Report totaling $25,213.89 to the Board for payment. John Branz moved to accept the accounts payable as presented. Skip Grigas seconded. Roll call taken Mike Bruner-aye, Andy Cotter-aye, Skip Grigas-aye, John Branz-aye, Jacob Wagner-aye, and Bob Voss absent. All in favor; Motion Carried.

Payroll presented totaled $14,675.81. John Branz moved to accept payroll as presented, Skip Grigas seconded. Roll call taken Jacob Wagner-aye, Mike Bruner-aye, Andy Cotter-aye, Bob Voss-absent, Skip Grigas-aye, and John Branz-aye. All in favor; motion carried.

John Branz added:

- The Regular Sales Tax from November is in at $35,062.49

- The 1% Non-Home Rule Sales Tax is in from November at $12,019.64

- The Telecom Tax is in from November in the amount of $1,333.90

- The Local Share of Income Tax collected in January is in at $22,382.58

- The Local Share of the State Use Tax is in from November in the amount of $5,762.85

- The Local Share of Cannabis Use Tax collected in January is in at $192.44

- The Local Share of Video Gaming Tax collected in January is in at $2,557.76 - The above amounts total $79,311.66

- Continuing to work on Budgets for FY 23-24

-The Illinois Funds Daily Rate today is 4.528%


Andy Cotter moved Rescind Awarded Bid for Dog Park fence, after speaking with the current Bid winner. They wanted at least half the money upfront and it was stated in the bid that money would be paid in full at the completion of the fence. Skip Grigas seconded. Roll call taken Mike Bruner aye, Andy Cotter- aye, John Branz- aye, Jacob Wagner- aye, Skip Grigas- aye, Bob Voss- absent. All in favor; motion carried.

Andy Cotter moved to accept bid for Dog Park fence from the A Plus Home Improvements by Tousignant Inc for $41,100. Skip Grigas seconded. Roll call taken Mike Bruner- aye, Andy Cotter aye, John Branz- aye, Jacob Wagner- aye, Skip Grigas- aye, Bob Voss- absent. All in favor; motion carried.

Andy Cotter spoke about how the bleachers need to be replaced at Village Park. He got quotes from Tim Feller for replacing all the boards, new wood, sanding, and painting, with just doing touch ups to the framing. This came in at $19,600. For replacing all boards, new wood, sanding, and printing, plus having Mitchell’s redo all the framing it came in at $20,600. For all new aluminum bleachers, it would be $49,900. This will be added to the agenda for next meeting.


Mike Bruner let the board know that Tim Feller is out putting up walls around new generator at the water wells.

Mike Bruner stated that he would like to get another robotic inspection done on the water tower before hiring someone to do the maintenance on the tower.

Mike Bruner had Keith Witheft talk about what was going on with the old tractor. As of right now it is just sitting at the burn pile as it is not in full working condition. Mike Bruner stated we need to surplus the tractor so we can sell it.


Jacob Wagner let the board know that we have purchased a new printer for the office at the Village Hall.


Skip Grigas moved to approve a table sponsor for the Back the Blue Gala in the amount of $600.00. John Branz seconded. Roll call taken Mike Bruner- aye, Andy Cotter- aye, John Branz- aye, Jacob Wagner- aye, Skip Grigas- aye, Bob Voss- absent. All in favor; motion carried.


President Shannon Sweeney stated that the Herscher Music Boosters had spoken to him about increasing the donation amount by $50 to be a sponsor for the Swing and Sing. Skip Grigas seconded. Roll call taken Mike Bruner- aye, Andy Cotter- aye, John Branz- aye, Jacob Wagner- aye, Skip Grigas- aye, Bob Voss- absent. All in favor; motion carried.

President Shannon Sweeney gave an update on the grants for downtown. The Athletic Club will be resubmitting in the next couple of days and we are still waiting to hear back from Leiser’s.


President Shannon Sweeney informed the board that Comcast had emailed him about the Agreement renewal. They would like to see something back before the end of the Agreement expire next year.


Jacob Wagner stated that he is still looking for a new Plumbing Inspector and if anyone knows of someone to reach out to them about the open position.


John Branz made a motion to enter Executive Session (7:57pm) to discuss Probable Litigation. Mike Bruner seconded. Roll call taken Jacob Wagner-aye, Mike Bruner-aye, Andy Cotter-aye, John Branz aye, Bob Voss-absent, and Skip Grigas-aye. All in favor; motion carried.

Mike Bruner motioned to exit executive session at 8:06p.m. Skip Grigas seconded. All in favor motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by John Branz. Seconded by Andy Cotter. All in favor. Motion carried.
