Momence Mayor Mick Porter announced Monday that the city will charge residents a one-time fee of $4.69 to make up for an error in implementing the city's new garbage collection rate.
The rate was supposed to change from $14.78/month to $15.45/month last June as part of a contract with Allied Waste. The change was never made, and the mistake wasn't noticed until recently. The $4.69 charge will appear on February water and sewer bills and will fully correct the difference.
In the wake of Momence being consolidated into two voting precincts, Porter also announced polling location information for the state's primary elections on March 15: Momence Precinct 1 will vote at the Earl Schoeffner Memorial Building at 102 E. Second St., and Momence Precinct 2 will vote at the Momence Police Department at 123 W. River St.
Anyone with questions about where they should vote or other election questions should call Bruce Clark at 815-937-2990.