Members of the Bourbonnais Library board of trustees met Monday, June 20.
The Bourbonnais Library board oversees operations at the library. The board meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the library, 250 W. John Casey Road.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Bourbonnais Library board of trustees:
President David Stejkowski called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bourbonnais Public Library District at 7 p.m. on June 20, 2016.
Trustees present: Sandra Beaupre, Mary Kay Blankestyn, Judith Smead, David Stejkowski and Ellen Stringer. Trustee Natalie Netherton was absent.
Also present: Library Director Kelly McCully, Library legal counsel Claire Chap- linski and John Smith, member of the public.
Presentation of Business Online Banking by HomeStar Bank: Amy O’Sullivan, manager of the Bourbonnais branch of HomeStar Bank and Danielle Walters, HomeStar vice president, presented Business Online Banking to the board. They emphasized the exibility and safety of the Online Banking. Parameters are easy to change. Costs were also discussed. Initial log-in with training can take place as soon as a week after the contract is signed.
President’s Report: Stejkowski noted that a quorum was present.
Secretary’s Report: None. The board reviewed the minutes from the regular board meeting held on May 16, 2016, as well as the minutes from the June 9 Finance Committee meeting and the May 26 Personnel Committee meeting. Beaupre made a motion to approve all the minutes as presented. Smead seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes. Netherton was absent.
Correspondence and Communications, and Public Comment (action items only): A thank you note was received from Patricia Paul’s family.
Financial Report: Treasurer Stringer reviewed the transactions and asked for any questions. McCully reported that the library would come in a little under budget for the scal year ending June 30. Stejkowski made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Beaupre seconded the motion and Beaupre, Blankestyn, Smead, Stejkowski and Stringer voted yes. Netherton was absent. The board reviewed the balance sheet. The balance sheet will be presented to the auditor.
Director’s Report:
Deadlines: June 30, Last day to adopt Prevailing Wage Ordinance and last day for the six month review of Closed Sessions
July 1: Schedule of regular board meetings set and released to public
July 9: Last day to adopt and publish resolution to levy additional.02 percent tax August 28: Last day to make the tentative budget and appropriation ordinance available for public inspection and publish notice for hearing thereon
Marketing: An article promoting library events in June ran May 31 in The Coun- try Market. The library sent out six email blasts in May. There are currently 540 people on the library’s email list and the library has 486 likes on Facebook.
Recruitment: Debbie Emling was hired as the Teen Services Supervisor. Emling has extensive experience working with tweens/teens as a substitute teacher, coach, youth group leader and with the Kankakee Valley Theatre Association.
Programming: The Youth Service's and Teen Summer Reading Program will run from Monday, June 6 through Thursday, July 14. The Youth Summer Reading Program kicked o with the Art of In ation program on Tuesday, June 7, which was an excellent opportunity to introduce all of the new faces in library program- ming to the public.
Committee Reports:
Personnel: Personnel Committee met May 26.
Finance: Finance Committee met June 9 and will need to meet again in July. Building and Grounds: None.
Policy Committee: None.
Long Range Planning: None.
Un nished Business: None.
New Business:
Board vacancy: A new trustee needs to be appointed to ll the vacancy caused by Patricia Paul’s death. The appointee will serve until the election in 2017 when he/she will run for a two-year term, followed by running for a six-year term in 2019.
HomeStar Business Online Banking: McCully pointed out that this will also allow direct deposit for library employees. Stringer made a motion to approve Home- Star Business Online Banking subject to nal approval by McCully and library counsel Chaplinski. Blankestyn seconded the motion and Beaupre, Blankestyn, Smead, Stejkowski and Stringer voted yes. Netherton was absent.
Approve non-participation in the non-resident program: Beaupre made a motion to approve non-participation in the non-resident program. Smead seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes. Netherton was absent.
Adopt prevailing wage ordinance: Beaupre made a motion to adopt the prevail- ing wage ordinance, Ordinance #16-01, as presented. Smead seconded the motion and Beaupre, Blankestyn, Smead, Stejkowski and Stringer voted yes. Netherton was absent.
Adopt.02 percent tax ordinance: Beaupre made a motion to adopt the.02 percent tax ordinance. Smead seconded the motion and Beaupre, Blankestyn, Smead, Stejkowski and Stringer voted yes. Netherton was absent.
Approve meeting dates ordinance FY16-17: Stringer made a motion to approve meeting dates for FY16-17, Ordinance #16-02, as presented. Beaupre seconded the motion and Beaupre, Blankestyn, Smead, Stejkowski and Stringer voted yes. Netherton was absent.
Approve recommendations from Personnel Committee: Stringer made a motion to approve the Personnel Committee’s report and the wage scale as presented. Smead seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes. Netherton was absent.
Approve recommendations from Finance Committee: Beaupre made a motion to approve the recommendations of the Finance Committee on the Cost Control Worksheet as presented. Stejkowski seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes. Netherton was absent.
Review of Closed Session Minutes: There were no minutes to review.
Public Comment: Trustee Smead will not attend the July 18 meeting. She will be on a cruise.
Adjournment: Smead made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Beaupre seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes. Netherton was absent.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Kay Blankestyn, Board Secretary