Governor promotes tech transformation in Illinois | Courtesy of Shutterstock
Governor promotes tech transformation in Illinois | Courtesy of Shutterstock
Gov. Bruce Rauner recently announced the release of a request for proposal (RFP) for the Smart Street Lighting for Illinois Municipalities statewide master contract.
The latest step in Illinois' technology transformation will bring LED technology to communities statewide.
"Smart street lighting is another way we are modernizing technology systems in Illinois and improving efficiencies for taxpayers and communities," Rauner said. "With property taxes in Illinois the highest in the nation, any way for our local municipalities to achieve savings should be explored. LED streetlights have been shown to result in savings of up to 50 percent and offers ease of use and flexibility to municipalities."
The master contract allows all local municipalities to take advantage of LED lighting. The energy-efficient LEDs plus the ability to monitor light levels help control energy costs and level the playing field for the largest and smallest Illinois governments.
"Illinois is nationally recognized as the first U.S. state to have a vision and roadmap for becoming a smarter state," Hardik Bhatt, secretary designate and state CIO at the Department of Innovation and Technology, said. "The Smart Street Lighting effort will accelerate our efforts by bringing operational efficiency and offering smart technologies to communities who could otherwise not consider this on their own."