
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bourbonnais Library Board met March 20.

Bourbonnais Library Board met March 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President David Stejkowski called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bourbonnais Public Library District at 7 p.m. on March 20, 2017.

Trustees present: David Stejkowski, Sandra Beaupre, Mary Kay Blankestyn, Debo- rah Hendrick, Natalie Netherton, Judith Smead and Ellen Stringer. Also present: Library Director Kelly McCully.

President’s Report: Stejkowski noted that a quorum was present. He reminded the Board at the Consolidated General Election will be held April 4. He thanked Trustee Natalie Netherton for her service on the Board as this will be her last meeting.

Secretary’s Report: The Board reviewed the minutes from the regular Board meeting held on February 27, 2017. Smead made a motion to approve the Board meeting minutes as presented. Netherton seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.

Correspondence and Communications, and Public Comment (action items only): An email was received from William Pyle, a member of the Library District's first Board of Trustees who commented that he was very gratified to see the growth of the Library since its inception in the early 1980s. He said the Board should “keep up the good work.”

Financial Report: Stringer reviewed the transactions, made a motion to pay the bills and asked if there were any questions. Blankestyn seconded the motion and Stejkowski, Beaupre, Blankestyn, Hendrick, Netherton, Smead and Stringer voted yes. The balance sheet will be submitted to the auditor.

Director’s Report: Deadlines: April 4, Consolidated Election. April 30, Statement of Economic Interest due.

Marketing: An article about coming events ran in The Country Market on Feb. 28. The Library sent out four email blasts in February. There are currently 597 people on the Library’s email list and the Library has 655 likes on Facebook.

Programs: Essential Oils 101 will be held Tuesday, March 28 at 6 p.m. The Friends of the Library will present Wildflower Painting with Kathi Eastman at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29.

Vacation: Director McCully will be on vacation April 6-9.

Committee Reports: 

Personnel: None. 

Finance: None. 

Building and Grounds: A date needs to be set for a walk-through of the building. McCully will get dates from Bill Johnson for possible times. 

Policy Committee: None. 

Long Range Planning: None.

Unfinished Business: Community Garden Project: McCully reviewed the information on the Community Garden and handed out flyers which contained all information about the garden and how to sign up and when the garden will open. The Library staff reserved three bales. McCully will meet with BESD 53 on March 22 about the intergovernmental agreement. Stejkowski suggested an evergreen provision be included. The agreement would renew automatically every year unless either partner cancels before a certain date. The Board discussed other provisions for the agreement.

KALA Banquet: The KALA Banquet will be held Friday, April 7 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Kankakee Public Library. Trustees should RSVP to McCully by March 27 if they are going to attend.

New Business: None.

Public Comment: Trustee Netherton said she will not be at the April meeting and thanked everyone for helping her work with the Library Board during her term.

Adjournment: Smead made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m. Stringer seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of all ayes.
