Kankakee County Policy Committee met February 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Policy Committee Members Present:
Dave Tyson City of Kankakee
Vice- Chairman Steve Liehr County of Kankakee
Joel Greer Village of Bradley
Mayor Linda Fowler Village of Aroma Park
Nick Allen River Valley METRO
Ryan Lindenmier Illinois Department of Transportation
Tom Caldwell Illinois Department of Transportation
John Donovan Federal Highway Administration
Others Present:
Tom Magolan, and Roger Blakley, IDOT; Mark Rogers, Kankakee County Hwy. Dept.; Jon-Paul Kohler and JD Stevenson, FHWA; Geoff Olson, and Delbert Skimerhorn, Kankakee County.
Call to Order:
Mr. Tyson, presiding as chairman for Mayor Epstein, opened the meeting at 3:20 pm.
Public Comment:
Mr. Tyson asked for approval of the minutes for the previous meeting. Mr. Allen motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Mayor Fowler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Tyson asked for any changes to the agenda as proposed, and if none, a motion to approve it as presented. Mr. Allen motioned to approve the agenda as presented. Mayor Fowler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FY 2017 TIP Amendment:
Mr. Olson said there was one amendment to the fiscal year 2017 Transportation Improvement Program. The amendment was requested by Illinois Department of Transportation for milling and resurfacing of U.S. 45/52 from West Industrial Drive to 0.1 mile north of Peerbotle Avenue, HIL-017-002. The total project cost is $1,000,000 with $800,000 from national highway priority program funds and $200,000 in IDOT funds. Mr. Tyson asked if there was a recommendation from the Technical Advisory Committee. Mr. Rogers responded that the Technical Advisory Committee recommended the amendment for approval. Mayor Fowler made a motion accept the amendment. Mr. Allen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FY 2017 UWP Amendment:
There were no amendments to the FY 2017 Unified Work program.
Draft FY 2018 UWP:
Mr. Olson said the Fiscal Year 2018 Unified Work Program has been drafted and gave explanation of each section. He explained some of the differences compared to the current work program. He said the Executive Director position is programmed for the entire year, unlike last year when the position was vacant. Mr. Olson explained that Executive Director Skimerhorn will continue to function as the GIS coordinator, previously listed in the work program. He said another difference is with the indirect cost rate, which is currently drafted at 15.403% may be changed to the de minimus rate of 10% due to the additional documentation required under the Grant Accounting and Transparency Act. Mr. Allen motioned to accept the Draft Fiscal Year 2018 Unified Work Program. Mayor Fowler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FHWA Review of KATS MPO:
Mr. Olson explained that the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) was performing an on-site review of the MPO Program. He introduced Mr. Jon-Paul Kohler and Mr. JD Stevenson from FHWA who were performing the review with Mr. Donovan. Mr. Donovan reminded everyone that population areas of 50,000 or greater are required to have an MPO established. Areas with large MPOs of 200,000 or greater are required to have a joint review with FHWA and Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The review process for smaller MPOs is optional, but FHWA does them as a benefit to them and the MPO to understand current program status and provide guidance or a coordinated effort to solve any issues. He explained that each aspect of the MPO is discussed, such as the creation and content of the unified work program and transportation improvement program, as well as the long range transportation plan. The organization and structure and upcoming required performance measures of the MPO are also discussed.
Airport Improvements:
There was no update on the airport improvement project, but Mr. Olson said there was a meeting in a couple days that may provide an update for the next meeting.
METRO Update:
Mr. Allen said there hasn’t been any updates since the previous meeting.
IDOT District 3 Update:
Mr. Lindenmier referred everyone to the attached memo with project updates. Please see the last page for current updates. Mr. Lindenmier added that the 6000N Road bridge over I-57 could likely be removed within the next two weeks. Mr. Olson asked for clarification of the two projects on U.S. 45/52 near I-57 in Kankakee. Mr. Lindenmier explained that the U.S. 45/52 over I-57 was specifically for the bridge structure and the newly added project to the TIP is for the approaches to the bridge.
IDOT Urban Planning Update:
Mr. Caldwell said there were no updates.
FHWA Update:
Mr. Donovan said there haven’t been any updates since the last meeting. The webinars on the two new performance measures (bridge and pavement condition and system performance) are still being postponed but should be rescheduled in the near future.
Safety Committee Update:
Mr. Tyson said the Safety Committee has been looking at crash data. Previously the committee suggested some low cost improvements along IL-102 at 3000W Road and 5000W Road. He said as far as he knew, the improvements seemed to be helping.
Brookmont Boulevard Update:
Mr. Blakely commented that the Brookmont Blvd project is approaching ten years since the preliminary engineering was done and the funds may be rescinded due expiration. A request for extension would needed, or land acquisition needs to be done. Mr. Tyson said they city is planning on land acquisition in the near future and is still looking into TIGER and Fast Lane grants.
Riverfront Trail Update:
Mr. Tyson said construction has halted and there was difficulty with the middle pier footing. The alternate pier construction has been approved. The changes in funding are in the process of being approved.
Industrial Drive Update:
Mr. Greer said there were not updates.
New Business:
There was no new business.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The next MPO Technical Advisory Committee and Policy Committee meetings will be on May 10, 2017 starting at 3:00 pm.
Mr. Allen motioned for adjournment and Mayor Fowler seconded. Motion Carried. Mr. Tyson adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.