
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Donovan Cusd 3 School District Board met September 27.

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Donovan Cusd 3 School District Board met September 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

President Schultz called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken with six (6) members present. Mr. Westrick then introduced the Donovan Elementary Students of the Month. We had three families in attendance. Liam Statler, his mom Robin Statler, and his little brother were there to represent first grade. Bailey Henneike, her parents Ryan and Jessica Henneike, and little brother Tate were there to represent second grade. Evelynn Lopez, her mom Marisa Lopez, and little bother were there to represent fourth grade. The Board congratulated them on their achievements.

Next, the Board started with New Business item “A” Presentation of, and action on, proposed Senior Class Trip. Mr. Scot Laudenbach, senior class sponsor, Bryce Perzee, Jessi Page, Tabitha Lareau, and Katie Boudreau were in attendance for the presentation. After the presentation and some discussion, Mr. Schultz asked for a motion to accept the trip as presented. Dr. Miller made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Carlson to accept the senior class trip as presented. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – Yes (4) No (Schmidt, Schultz).

Item “B” was the presentation by Ms. Switzer re State Library Grant and approval. After the presentation, Mr. Schultz called for a motion. Dr. Miller made a motion, seconded by Mr. Wisniewski to approve the State Library Grant. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6).

The Board moved to Board Packet Information. Item “A” was the approval of agenda. Mr. Munson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Wisniewski to approve the agenda. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). Next was the approval of the Consent Agenda items including: 1) Regular Meeting Minutes of August 23, 2017 and 2) Accounts Payable. Mr. Wisniewski made a motion, seconded by Dr. Miller to approve the Consent Agenda items. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). The Board considered student activity fund account reports, there was no comment. Item “D” was FOIA Request. No discussion was needed.

Visitors/ Written Correspondence/Public Participation:

There were nineteen visitors present; Wendy Davis, representing the Times Republic but did not wish to speak to the Board; Andrea Switzer, District Librarian; Angela Moos, JH/HS Athletic Director; Scot Laudenbach, Senior Class Co-Sponsor; Bryce Perzee, Jessi Page, Katie Boudreau, and Tabitha Lareau, Senior Class Representatives; Jessica Hennieke, Ryan Hennike, Bailey Hennieke, Tate Henneike, Robin Statler, Liam Statler, Marisa Lopez, Evelynn Lopez, Student of the Month Recipients and Families; and Kim Onnen, DEA Representative. There was no written correspondence or other correspondence to come before the Board.

Donovan Education Association Report:

Ms. Kim Onnen was here to represent the DEA. She started her report by stating that JH Math department is using Springboard and that they have gained online access. She also stated that they can work directly in their workbooks. Next, she stated that Ms. Nicholson won a Scholastic Reading Contest, where she won $500 to increase her classroom library as well as 500 extra bonus points. She then stated that Mrs. Siedentop and Mrs. Askew coordinated the Galileo Testing for each building. Next, she talked a little about the Fish Fry that the Athletic Boosters were putting on. Then, she talked a little about an activity that the fifth grade put on, called Dot Day on September 5th. The fifth grade made an art project with each class and then sang the Dot Day song as a group at the end of the day. Finally, she spoke about the pie sales that the Elementary and Junior High are doing this year from Oct. 4th through the 18th. Mr. Schultz thanked her for her report.

Administrative Reports:

Superintendent Report: Mr. Westrick started his report by giving a quick General State Aid report. Next, he stated the JH/HS has started a committee to expand the curriculum. He wanted to thank the teachers for their involvement and would like to open the invitation for two board members to volunteer on the committee to help. He then stated that he has been talking with staff members about gathering a committee to report when there is heavy fog, i.e if fog delays are necessary. Finally, he stated that anyone that is interested in attending the cornbelt meeting to please let him know so he can get the registration completed. Mr. Schultz thanked him for his report.

Principal Report:

Mrs. Pitkin started her report by giving enrollment number for both the Elementary and Junior-Senior High Schools. The Elementary School has a total of 118 students and the Junior-Senior High School has a total of 179 students. Next, she gave an ACT report to the Board. Next, she informed the Board that there will be a field trip to Chicago for the Chicago River Tour and that the transportation has been covered by the Athletic Boosters. She then stated that the new fridge in Ms. Page’s classroom was donated by Bade Appliance and wanted to thank them for their donation. Next, she wanted to acknowledge the strength the students and community have for the school. Lastly, she stated that the first round of informal evaluations have been completed and the first round of formal evaluation have been scheduled. Mr. Schultz thanked her for her report.

Special Education Report:

Mr. Westrick summarized his Special Education report. Mr. Schultz thanked him for his report.

Athletic Director:

Mrs. Moos started her report by giving the Board the completed seasons of sports and the in season sports. Mr. Westrick then wanted to publically thank Mrs. Moos for all of her hard work so far this year. Lastly, she gave a few date reminders; High School Boys’ Basketball will have Pride Night on November 10th with Pack the Place on December 1st. Mr. Schultz thanked her for her report.

Committee Reports:

• Buildings & Grounds: There will be a meeting on September 29, 2017 at 9am at the Elementary School.

Old Business:

In old business, item “A” was the Second Reading of Policies listed in Appendix A and motion for approval. Mr. Wisniewski made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Carlson to approve the second reading of policies listed in Appendix A. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6).

New Business:

Item “C” was Approve FY 2018 School Budget. Mr. Wisniewski made a motion, seconded by Mr. Munson to approve the FY 2018 School Budget. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6).

Item “D” was discussion regarding changing law firms. The Board discussed and there was no motion made.

Item “E” was approve donations from the Donovan Athletic Booster Club. Dr. Miller made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Carlson to approve the donation of $900 for uniforms and the transportation for the field trip. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6).

The Board considered the need to enter Executive Session. Mr. Schultz made a motion, seconded by Mr. Munson, to enter executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance of specific employees of the District. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). The Board entered executive session at 7:24 p.m. Regular session resumed at 8:10 p.m.

Mr. Schultz requested a motion to approve the executive session minutes. Mrs. Carlson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schmidt, to approve the executive session minutes as presented. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6).

Item “H” was Personnel. Dr. Miller made a motion, seconded by Mr. Munson to accept the resignation of Ms. Karen McDonald as HS Business teacher and Yearbook Sponsor retroactive to Friday, September 15, 2017. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). Mr. Munson made a motion, seconded by Dr. Miller to appoint Mr. William Milan as long-term sub for HS Business classes subject to Board Policy 5:220 retroactive to Monday, September 18, 2017. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). Mrs. Carlson made a motion, seconded by Dr. Miller to appoint Ms. Molly Knapper as Sophomore Class Sponsor and National Honor Society Co- Sponsor. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). Mr. Wisniewski made a motion, seconded by Dr. Miller to appoint Mrs. Michele O’Brien and Ms. Jennifer Page as HS Girls’ Basketball Co-Coaches. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). Mr. Wisniewski made a motion, seconded by Mr. Munson to approve the resignation of Mike Garrett as Elementary evening Custodian effective June 1, 2018. The motion was approved on a roll call vote – All Yes (6). There were no other personnel actions to be made.

Item “I” was approve exiting from the River Valley Conference for Boys Basketball effective with the 2018-19 season. After discussion, there was no motion to be made.

After asking for any other matter to come before the Board, President Schultz requested a motion to adjourn. Mr. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Dr. Miller to adjourn at 8:31 p.m. The motion carried - all in favor – Yes (6).
