Kankakee County Finance Committee met November 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present
Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms.
Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, and Mr. Ritter
Members Absent
In Attendance
•Board Members
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Liehr and Mr. Olthoff
Department Heads
Steve McCarty, Lori Gadbois, Bob Gessner, Sheriff Mike Downey, Mark Rogers, Erich Blair, Tom
Latham, Bruce Clark, Delbert Skimerhorn, Sandi Cianci and Nick Africano
1. Call to Order
• Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the Committee Chairman, Mr. LaGesse, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. 2018 Health Insurance Renewal
• Medical Mike Lynch and David Underkoffler from Benefit Consultants reviewed and discussed the renewals with the committee.
Mr. Stauffenberg made a motion to approve the Medical and HSA renewal for 2018, and Ms. Dunbar seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 17 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, Mr. LaGesse, and Mr. Wheeler.
• HSA Mr. Lynch and Mr. Underkoffler reviewed and discussed the Health Savings Account renewals with the committee.
Mr. Stauffenberg made a motion to approve the Medical and Health Savings Account renewals for 2018, and Mr. Vickery seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 17 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, Mr. LaGesse and Mr. Wheeler.
• Vision
Mr. Lynch and Mr. Underkoffler reviewed and discussed the Vision renewals with the committee. Mr. Skutt made a motion to approve the Vision renewal for 2018, and Mr. Payton seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 17 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, Mr. LaGesse and Mr. Wheeler.
• Life
Mr. Lynch and Mr. Underkoffler reviewed and discussed the Flexible Spending Account renewals with the committee.
Mr. Skutt made a motion to approve the Life Insurance renewal for 2018, and Mr. Vickery seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 17 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Liehr.
Mike Lynch and David Underkoffler reviewed and discussed the renewals with the committee. Mr. Washington made a motion to approve the FSA renewal for 2018, and Mr. Stauffenberg seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 17 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, Mr. LaGesse and Mr. Wheeler.
4. Approval of FY18 Tentative Budget
Mr. McCarty reviewed and discussed the sales tax update with the committee, and stated that due to an unexpected increase, it will positively impact revenue.
Mr. Wheeler stated that banks will not do business with us until we have a zero fund balance. We all know it is a bad situation. He stated that the bond rating is based on all factors, including the audit. He stated that we always have to pay for our own prisoners, and they are at a historic level of 283 now. The Highway Department must be able to operate. We need to get our bond rating up by FY19 in order to get lenders, and, if not, layoffs across all departments will happen.
Mr. Wheeler reviewed and discussed the FY18 budget with the committee.
Mr. Skutt asked about the decrease in the Central Services line item.
Mr. McCarty stated that the Central Services line item covers maintenance contracts, the audit, and the postage machine. It went down because specialty papers will no longer be in Central Services.
Mr. Skutt asked how we could hold on to the budget moving forward to make sure we are in decent shape.
Mr. Wheeler stated that there will be ongoing monitoring of real time data, like tracking overtime on a paycheck to paycheck basis. There will be no more vehicle orders, and no new hires. We will start to take control and hold people accountable.
Mr. Skutt asked what interaction the department heads have had in regards to their budget.
Mr. Wheeler stated that they met yesterday, and they are on the road to getting ready for FY19 together.
Sheriff Downey reviewed and discussed updates in his department as regards to costs. He stated that with the increase of local population, from a December 2016 average of 203 to an October 2017 average of 269, this affects their bottom line. They have a State’s Attorney that is doing what he said he would do, locking up the bad guys who need to be locked up. Although this was anticipated, they underestimated the volume. The bonds are higher, and more people are unable to bond out because of serious offenses. They will continue to work together on the budget to move it in the right direction.
Mr. Wheeler stated that, to clarify, we do not come up with department budgets, but we agree to them. He views it as a partnership.
Mr. Ritter asked Sheriff Downey how many more correctional officers he would need to hire to reduce overtime.
Sheriff Downey stated that it would be 8-10.
Mr. Mulcahy asked what the capacity for ICE detainees is.
Sheriff Downey stated that the capacity is 200, and last month they were at 140. He doesn’t see it decreasing.
Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve and adopt the FY18 budget, and Mr. Skutt seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 17 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Washington, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger Mr. Payton, Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, Mr. LaGesse and Mr. Wheeler.
5. Adjournment
Mr. Mulcahy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 a.m., and Ms. Dunbar seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.