
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Manteno Public Works Committee met February 28


Village of Manteno Public Works Committee met February 28. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:


Tim Nugent, Village President                    X

Tim Boyce, Chairman                                 X

Todd Crockett , Trustee                              X

Diane Dole, Trustee

Joel Gesky, Trustee                                    X

Samuel Martin, Trustee

Wendell Phillips, Trustee                            X

Chris LaRocque, Village Admin                 X

Geoff Aggen, Tyson Eng.                           X

Al Swinford, Chief of Police                        X

Jim Hanley, Super. of Public Works           X

Ryan Marion, Building Official                    X

Sarah Marion, Event Cord

Al Swinford, Chief of Police                        X

Janice Schulteis, Resource Manager         X

Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk             X

Trustee Boyce called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.

There was a quorum present.

MOTION: A motion by Mayor Nugent, second by Trustee Gesky, to approve the minutes from the January 23, 2018 meeting. Voice vote: Ayes – Boyce, Crockett, Gesky, Phillips, and Nugent. No nays. Dole and Martin absent. Motion approved.

No Public Participation

No Action Items.

Discussion Items:

           Public Works Addition – Mr. Hanley stated that originally he had submitted a proposal for a 32’ x 60’ addition, but had been asked about looking at a larger addition (80’x 60’). Approximate cost would be $355,000 or $75 per square foot. This would double the storage size allowing to centrally locate equipment back to the area.

Mayor Nugent asked if any other areas had been looked at, such as relocating to another area. Mr. Hanley will contact a Real Estate agent about what the site may be worth. Mr. Hanley will also look at other public work’s facilities and what size is appropriate.

      2017-2018 Budget – Mr. Hanley would like to look at some purchases under the current budget.

          o The 1997 bucket truck is in need of replacing. It was suggested that the village look at

             purchasing a lift with a trailer. The current truck is used for tree trimming, repair of lights and

             Christmas decorations. A brand new truck would cost approximately $118,000. This would be

             a smaller truck than what we currently have.

          o Multi-purpose trailer – Mr. Hanley would like to purchase a heavy duty tip trailer that could

             accommodate the Zamboni and large mowers. An approximate cost would be $3,000 - $5,000.

          o Vac-jetter trailer – The Village will still have the need for a small jetter for storm lines. Mr.

              Hanley will research the potential options.

          o Eddie Reed Park equipment – Mr. Hanley would like to update the park equipment in the next

             budget year. The approximate cost would be $70,000 for the equipment and another $20,000

             for mulch.

A motion will be placed on the Village board agenda to allow the Village Administrator to seek bids for a new bucket truck.

      MFT Road Improvement List – In the handout, Mr. Hanley provided the list of roads that need repairs with potential costs from 2017. The Village will have approximately $370,000 in MFT funds to work with. The discussion centered on using the funds for a one block area instead of doing other stretches of roads. The question was asked about whether the village needs to allocate additional general funds monies to allow for more areas to be repaired. Mr. Hanley and Mr. Aggen will drive through the village and prepare an updated list of top ten areas needed to be repaired along with costs.

      2nd Street Update – Hitchcock Design Group has prepared a concept drawing for the next phase. The projected costs for all improvements shown on the plan would be $2,000,000. The design needs to be finetuned. Some of the work could be completed by the public works department which would reduce the cost.

The question was asked about how the village should proceed. The Parks & Recreation Commission reviewed the plan and submitted some other ideas such as adding a drinking fountain and benches. Mr. LaRocque would like to meet with Mr. Hanley and see what items can be done in house. It was suggested that water should be brought to the north end of the area. Once items are listed on what would be contracted-out then the project could be bid out.

A meeting with the installer of the pillow jump equipment will be set up. Mr. Hanley will check on the lead time for park equipment.

      Swale Path Update – ComEd will relocate the lines about five (5) feet to the east. ComEd will also take the lead in coordinating with Comcast and AT & T. ComEd will pay for the easements, but the village will facilitate the drawing of the plats of easements and talking with the homeowners. Mayor Nugent stated that Mr. Aggen needs to remind ComEd that the village wants to start construction this year.

      Main Street Lighting – There have been some issues with the lights not working on the north side of Second Street. There was some damage done to the wires that caused them to short out. Public Works personnel did repairs but there is still a pinch point located on the south side of Second Street. Mr. LaRocque stated ice in the lines is not the issue; the wires have been pinched that has caused a break point.

      Catenary Lights – An engineer has reviewed the poles and drivers for the lights. There have been no issues since he was here.

      Flood Report – The Public Works department put in 60 hours of overtime/double overtime during the flood event earlier this month. There were an additional 18,000,000 gallons of storm water pumped in the last week. This is compared to 42,000,000 gallons of total storm water pumped in 2017. There were several roads that had to be closed due to water: South Walnut, Co Hwy 9 and Sycamore and Amberstone Road. There was also an issue with the sanitary line on West End Drive and Marquette Place. There was a block that was jetted. There was a SSO on South McGuire. There was a storm issue on Jeffery that had to be jetted also. There was a couple of sewer back-ups on West End. Ruder Park did sustain some damage. About half of the plastic barrier around the playground equipment was gone and most of the mulch was moved or gone. There is also a large amount of corn cobs left in the park.

Mayor Nugent stated that the Village may get a call to help with garbage clean-up in the Aroma Park area due to the flooding of the Kankakee River.

      WPCC Update – There is no update on a date for the sale. Ms. Hurley has talked to Aqua concerning our employees who may be offered employment with Aqua. It is still with ICC and the hope is to have the closing sometime this summer.

      Misc.

          o Heritage Park – Mr. Hanley will look into seal coating of path.

          o Heritage Park – Mr. Hanley will look into changing the path lights to be LED.

Motion by Trustee Boyce, second by Mayor Nugent to adjourn meeting at 8:07 a.m. Voice vote: all ayes, no nays.
