
Kankakee Times

Monday, May 20, 2024

St. Anne Community Consolidated School District 256 Board met January 10.

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St. Anne Community Consolidated School District 256 Board met January 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Mr. Beaupre called the regular meeting to order at 4:59 p.m. (RC)

Beaupre Y; Schoon N; Pomaranski Y; O'Brien Y (5:03); Leveque Y; Lopez Y; Langellier N

Board Members present: Justin O'Brien, Cris Langellier, Vanessa Lopez,

David Pomaranski, Jed Beaupre, Lydia Leveque

Board Members absent:

Rick Schan RS

Also present:

Superintendent, Charles Stegall

Principal, Scott Strong

Bookkeeper, Lisa Stalnecker

Supt. Secretary, Jill Cowsert

Teachers: None

Engie Representatives

King Financial Representative

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comments: None

Building Opportunity Assessment Review: Ms. Sharon Uslan and Craig Cambell from Engie presented the findings from the Building Opportunity Assessment that they have completed. Ms. Uslan explained that their company is a procurement vehicle for school districts to get building projects completed that differs from the low bid approach most districts are used to. She detailed how the program works highlighting four main areas that benefit the school district by using their company. Those areas are:Risk, Burden on Administration, Maximize Flexibility, and Maximize value. She stated the main reason to use this type of process is the single source accountability. Ms. Uslan presented a slide show of projects that need to be completed on our aging building in order of importance. The projects included, security, communications, bleechers, roofing, windows, HVAC and windows. She also discussed projects that she considered optional at this time including replacing old pipes, lighting, Stem Career, replacing aging pavements, etc.

Mr. Tim King from King Financial addressed the board on how the district could pay for these projects. He stated the district currently has a debt limit of $2,565,529. The district could apply for Health, Life, Safety bonds but that would take some time and the district would not be able to start right away. In order to get started right away the district could issue Debt Certificates which would just require a board vote and there would not be a levy attached to the repayment. Once the board started the projects they would have to issue a funding bond or a back-door referendum to make the payments. Mr. King provided several options for the repayment. Should the district borrow 1.5 million dollars at our current annual levy amount of $220,836 the bond would be paid back in 12 years. The highest amount of $2,565,529 would be paid back in 19 years.

Ms. Uslan explained to the board that there is nothing that needs to be done tonight. She went over a timeline on how the process works. The board would think over the idea in the next few regular meeting they would vote to release the RFP. After reviewing the candidates, they would announce the selection of the provider on March 14th and then April 11th the board would vote to approve the provider. By April 12th the district would have to provide 15% of the cost of the project to the provider in order to start the work.

Mr. Stegall asked the board to contact him over the next few weeks with any questions. He would do his best to answer them and if he couldn't he would get the answers from either Sharon Uslan or Tim King.

Motion: To adjourn. (6:15 p.m.) (AI)

By: Pomaranksi

Second: Leveque

Vote: 5 ayes, 0 nays.
