Village of Grant Park Board met April 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
6:00PM Meeting called to order/ Pledge
Roll Call was taken, all members present
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 3/19/18 meeting
Motion: Morgan 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
Public Comments:
Joe Fetcho asked questions regarding the memorial to Neil Aldridge. He has plans to include it in the Memorial Day Dedication should it be ready. Ms. Veldhuizen, who is working with the group, feels it should be ready.
Lori Reichers: asked to speak regarding the Farmers Market, but had no questions
Deb Morgan: asked to speak to the Board, representing the Grant Park Foundation, needing clarification on recent requests coming from the Board. One was for liability insurance, which she has given a copy of their policy. She asked if the Board had heard the offer given to the Village from the Foundation presented at the January Building & Grounds meeting. Ms. Morse responded that there has not been another meeting. She also stated that the lawyers, and Insurance carriers asked that all additions to the parks need to have permission from the Board first, before installed for coverage reasons. Ms. Morgan followed up with a statement of concerns as of late, and asked if it is of the Boards wishes that she continue, or discontinue her efforts. The topic of work waivers was brought up for holding classes, or group outings held at the Parks. Ms. Morgan stated upcoming projects of a butterfly bench to come in soon, a tee-pee, pirate ship mast, and water table are next on the list, in hopes to be completed early this summer. Pres. Roth responded that a meeting needs to be held to work out the problems; he will speak to the atty. Tuesday morning, and asked that they meet Tuesday afternoon at 1:30PM.
*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: Payroll <3/24/18 $14,209.50, Payroll <3/29/18 $6,175, General Fund <3/30/18 $22,273.02, Sewer Fund $507.36, Festival Fund $119.94, T.I.F. $250.00
Motion: Dickson 2nd Morse Motion carried 6-0
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman: spoke of proposed plans received for 2 solar farms N.E. of town. Pres Roth spoke of a hearing to be held April 18th at the Village Hall 6:30PM
Streets & Alleys, Veldhuizen, Village brush pick-up has resumed. Neil Aldridge Memorial is moving forward.
Finance, Dickson: no report, Budgets are finished
Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: Reported that he is a part of the Kankakee County Natural Hazards Mitigation committee, concerning weather hazards, such as tornados and flooding. Asked that residents partake in the online survey. Midland Bank will host a “Business after hours” on April 25th.
Building & Grounds, Morse:
*Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance O-4-18-1 disposing of surplus property (beverage/beer cooler) Model #DD68-1 Serial #6713825
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
*Motion to approve Ordinance O-4-18-1 disposing of surplus property (beverage/beer cooler) Model #DD68-1 Serial #6713825
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 6-0
Ms. Morse appx. 80+ children participated at the Easter Egg Hunt
Picnic tables have been restained, and returned to the Park
Ordinance & Insurance, Weidl: no report
Law Enforcement, Coats: 385 Police calls last quarter, and gave a breakdown
Chief Frey: reported other area problems as of late are under control.
Pres. Roth:
*Motion to approve Resolution R-4-18-1 accepting 2018 MFT street maintenance program ($16,000)
Running from 5/01/18 – 4/30/19
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Veldhuizen Motion Carried 6-0
Pres. Roth read a prepared statement proclaiming April as “Child Abuse Prevention Month”
No Executive Session held
6:47PM Meeting Adjourned