Village Of Loda Village Board met June 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The Village of Loda Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on June 13,2018 at the Village Hall. Present were: President Carol Areseneau, Treasurer: Myles Reck Trustees: Ronda Breeden, Cathy Tittle, Jon Boone, Richard Manzke, Joyce Gharst, Patricia Allen and Village attorney Dale Strough. Meeting called to order at 7pm, all spoke the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minute: Joyce motion for meeting minutes approved and waive reading on minutes, Jon 2nd. all aye
Joyce motion to approve and waive reading of executive session minutes, Jon 2nd. All ayes, motion carried
Tom Overmyer with Water tower update: grant 500,000 for construction, currently in pre-award and now few other steps before agreement for Mayor to sign. Will need to have original income surveys, Doug has them. There is a Grant administrator workshop July 19, someone from Village should attend. Will have an environmental review within next 90 days. Will cover most of construction cost, doesn’t cover engineering or grant administration. Will have a separate project for demo of old tower. Will build new tower and have on line before demo old tower, if changes will let you know. Village can move forward on demo house that is on property. Don’t worry about tree removal that will be in contract. Carol verified low interest loan for rest of projects. Tom verified in paperwork did state will be using cash reserves. Suggested USDA has a low interest program and can contact them. Carol verified to look at that and see what have to offer. Carol verified with board and agreed to look into it.
Pat make motion to look into low interest loans for possible cover cost. Joyce second. All in favor, motion carried. Dale verified made some changes on the appropriation for 100,000 thru May 2019, Tom agreed.
Carol also verified with Tom for road repair on Jefferson street, noticed with bill from township with they ordered and repaired that street and for us to pay bill.
Tom verified parts of Jefferson really bad and need work besides just seal coat but the base has a lot of failures and street needs to be grated like was done on cemetery road. If we seal coat wont fix the problem. Cathy verified not throwing money away, Tom verified not throwing money away but water and heavy trucks will continue to damage. Tom verified capability to grate would be helpful also. Carol verified Mulberry to franklin not as bad but chestnut to mulberry pretty bad. Grate it now and put gravel and then put seal coat next year. Tom verified what we have done in past worked well. Carol will check with Russ on how much to charge.
ERH: work report. Pat question on replacing meters with pits. JR verified did 3 and listed on work report. Murdocks, will be repairing again, service line due to heavy trucks parking. Want to change direction the water line comes from Washington up so not in traffic or option to install barrier around it. JR verified not Murdocks fault just where heavy trucks park. Carol verified with board. Ronda wants to know cost, JR verified leave at location would be no cost but barrier. Tap main line from Washington and would have to check for cost. Trustees say to repair where it is now and to add barrier, 3- 3inch galvanized post filed with concrete and stops them from parking there. Carol verified at Webers same issue and put barriers there also.
Recylers: requested for water to be put out there. Verified board had previous questions and that is why it was tabled. If only using to pressure wash outside trucks then why 2inch line? Recyclers verified not washed out but they will pay for the expense. Verified that is a big service, but they will use to spray lot with water when dusty and also filling water trucks instead of buying water from Champaign. Inquired for future building. Verified this fall, permit good for one year but can have renewed for one year without additional cost. Intent to build a shop and office, directly across from Linda house. Will get the building permit. Recyclers also verified will give bid on removing the house for water tower when Village ready.
Jon motion move forward to install recyclers 2 inch water main, Ronda second roll call, motion carried
JR verified the items and Julie been called in and can get materials are waiting and where they can pick them up.
Pavilion: Roy meet with Brandon and Brandon asked if satisfied? Roy verified did a good job with what is completed. Carol looked at and pleased with bracing so no more center posts. Electric has been removed due to safety reasons. Need new box on pole and Carol will get estimates. Board verified electric will be needed
Letters sent out and copies are in orange binder for Board to see.
Myles verified Frontier has been called for phone issues
Mowing- easements and letters were sent. Jack Roberts asked if by law that home owners have to mow it. Dale said has never had that question come up. Dale suggest that utility easements and by street then property owner is ultimate responsibility. Jack was told by a police officer that if doesn’t want to mow then don’t mow. Jack Roberts said take me to court. Carol asked why and he said fined for something he shouldn’t have been fined. Carol verified it is a county road and easement. Conrad said he is willing to mow it. Carol verified we are not going to pay it. Carol said will figure out and what board wants to do and move on.
LTTP- water for mud volleyball with Coffey, paperwork all done and will be mowing areas.
Jon motion to provide water for mud volley ball, Cathy second. All ayes, motion carried.
Solicitors- Looking at ordinance: no fee currently and correction on violations not forwarded to Iroq Co Attorney but will be our Village Attorney. Regarding the Application suggest adding lines for vehicle on application.
Ronda motion to ordinance 2014-07 $100 fee commercial and correction on violations. Dale will type ordinance.
Treasurer: dump truck, purchased new in 1981 by Village (37 yrs) looking at selling options are between $900-$3000 only thing that may make it more is plow. It will need work done before it can be used, was advised should be kept for extra plow but was also advised that doesn’t do good job. Myles verified needs to have work done. Ronda tabled till next month.
Lawyer: clarify on solicitation, not granting year-round permits for commercials, annual permits available for non-commercial only. Commercial 90 days and $100 for 90 days.
Passing Ordinances- Prevailing wage 2018-06 Ronda motion to approve ordinance, Jon second roll call all ayes, motion carried
Appropriation ordinance 2018-07 public inspection for last month, no comment from public, changes with some tree service, mosquito abatement, mowing, water engineering and water tower construction cost. Adjustments for insurance. Ronda verified demolition for house or if in construction, Dale verified in water construction and did have other demolition on buildings.
Ronda motion to approve Appropriation ordinance 2018-07 Cathy second roll call, all ayes motion carried.
3 pending matters for delapated houses and will make report during closed session
Trustees: nothing for old info
Loda fireman cash bash 8/25 3:00p-11:30p We have insurance, check and application.
Jon motion to give liquor license second Ronda roll call all ayes, motion carried
Building permit for Myles to add a 94x80 inch second floor balcony with outside exit door and wheel chair ramp Jon motion for approve building permit, Pat second all in favor, aye, motion carried
Treasure: ask Stan for audit, used for many years. Ronda motion for Stan Fellar do audit, Pat second, roll call, motion carried
CD maturing in July- Ronda motion to roll CD over with Federated Bank, Pat second motion, roll call,
Gauge Snyder asking for ½ off, Ronda motion to approve ½ off for Gauge Snyder Jon second motion, roll call all ayes, motion carried
Website is set up with building permits information and Regina ask for adding calendar view
Joyce- complaints on Coe property, verified has been mowed. Maple street property verified in litigation. Sarah Bauchman house and complaint on garbage and garbage spreading. Additional concern with mowing for house next door to Joyce. Jack Roberts said gravel in ditch and they don’t want to mow. Jack Roberts is mowing their property and not mowing due to gravel and don’t want to damage blades on mower.
Ronda- complaint weber draining ditch from smell when rinse out trailers, EPA?
Bills- Ronda motion to approve bills, Jon second roll call, all aye
Ronda verified during LTTP she will set up and sell/inspect for temporary permits for $5.00. Darlene also has 25 staff permits
Roy for Good ole day parade, Schreiners donation in past $250.00. Cathy motion to donate $250 to Schreiners and will present at the parade. Jon second the motion. Roll call all ayes. Motion carried. Roy will pick up check
Ronda motion for $200 for fireworks for Loda good old days, Cathy second, roll call all aye, motion carried
Linda Bogard. States regarding mowing that in paper sound like wanted single person not for business. Carol didn’t talk to newspaper and never heard from anyone else regarding. We had been looking for 2 months and application was not filed out properly or here to introduce himself. Linda states for a few more dollars could have had a local person doing mowing.
Public voiced concerns with not going with community and give back to what we have. “We should be working together as a team and support small business’. Feel like not coming to meeting and how town handles or people are addressed.” Brianna Cunningham
Executive session: Jon motion executive session and pending litigation for Properties 8:15. Cathy second.
Motion to out of executive Ronda, second Cathy 8:40p
Gene JR Breeden- Washington & Poplar tree on corner blocking road, SW corner. Jon verified city or property and it is a city tree to trim. Gene also verified no new golf inspections.
Jack/Paula- solicitors for do not knock. Verified it is part of ordinance. Paula, Garage sales had 9 families and Bayles lake had 20 homes participating. Paula taking any info and told had good sales. Paula said will see to meet again for next year. Paula also Brianna is correct that someone on board is publicly talking about then we have big problem. If we give her benefit of doubt then this is really not a good thing. Not accusing that sounded that someone on board is telling residence about something from outside of board meeting. Public stated comments made to board member and things said in public about one of the applicants personally. Paula verified it defeats the confidence of executive session. Carol verified executive session is for person privacy. Discussion with public on the mowing and executive session.
Concerns with the cost that is being spent for mowing. Richard Coffey wants to see what we paid him this month, Carol verified he can look at the paid bills. Carol verified moving on.
Joyce wanted to Thank Gene JR and Jack and Paula for their public help with Loda Clean up and also doing golf cart permits.
Pat motion to adjourn, Cathy second.