
Kankakee Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Kankakee City Council met July 16.

Webp meetingroom05

City of Kankakee City Council met July 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: I would like to call the meeting to order. We will start with a prayer by Pastor Scott Paisley and go on to the pledge of allegiance by the City Council.

Public Comments

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We have Chris Bohlen, Doug Morris, Dr. Genevra Walters, Dayna Heitz, and Scott Snavey.

Chris Bohlen: Commenting on the Property located on the 400 block of South Indiana. Thankful to see that the rubbish is being hauled off. Asking not to wait another four months to get the other housed torn down. There has been no response or communication to the public when asked about this property.

Doug Morris: Commenting on Item 12G the Riverfront Plan. This is one of the most impressive city plans. We have a combination of a clean river, airport, downtown among other features that beat our competitors. The question is not can we afford to so this? The question is Can we afford, not to do this?

Dr. Genevra Walters: Here to solicit a partnership between the City of Kankakee and School District 111 to write a Federal Grant that directly benefits our students but ultimately benefits our communitywe found out on July 11th and the deadline is July 30th. It’s $500,000.00 with a 20 percent match by the School District. This is a short window of time but the Kankakee School District will provide 95 percent of the work. There is no guarantee. We will need a consensus quickly. The grant cannot come from the School District is must come from the City.

Mcgrath: We will move forward and the Council will give a consensus under New Business.

Dayna Heitz: KVPD Director commenting as a resident on the Riverfront plan. Kankakee is trying to revitalize and reenergize. The plan may be modified as time goes on please share your ideas. There is so much to offer and this Riverfront plan is something to start with.

Scott Snavey: County resident in support of the Riverfront plan. We need the Riverfront plan approved tonight. It will attract people far and wide and create lots of development for the City and the County to move forward.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Thank you. Roll Call of City Council.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall Malone Marshall, Kennedy Absent: Swanson (13) Present (1) Absent

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Department Heads.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Dumas, Schuldt, Kubal, McGrath, Schiel, Piggush, Bertrand, Schmitz, Koehler. Thank you.

Minutes – Monday, July 2nd, 2018

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve the minutes of Monday, July 2nd, 2018.

Ald Osenga: So move.

Ald Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motioned by Alderman Osenga and Seconded by Alderman

Crawford. Any corrections or additions? All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed? Minutes Are Approved. We Have No Petitions.


Item 8A: Mayor Wells-Armstrong and Deb Baron Presented information on Kankakee United Team in Partnership with Cities Unitied to Address Gun Violence and Implement a City-Wide Public Safety Plan.

Items 8B: Quarterly Presentation and handout by Vincent Williams, Lobbyist

Items 8C, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8I: No objections in combining these items. Correction to 8C the time on July 27th should state 4:00PM – 1:00 a.m. Pulled 8D due to the request to close Kennedy Drive. No map to review.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve Items 8C, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8H and 8I.

Ald Tetter: So move.

Ald Faford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motioned by Alderman Tetter and Seconded by Alderman Faford. Any discussion? All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed same sign? Motion carries.

Standing Committee Reports

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Economic Development and Committee Assignments

Item 9A: Alderman Tetter: Economic Development highlights include: Met on June 28th and discussed the following: CDA, 312 Exit, Downtown TIF, Power Point Presentation, Vacant Properties and Land program.

Item 9B: Committee Assignments

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to bring Committee Assignments out of table.

Ald Brown: So move.

Ald Tall: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motioned by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman Tall. Any discussion? All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed same sign? Motion carries.

Motion to accept Committee Assignment Version 7.1

Ald Baron: So move to accept Version 7.1.

Ald Brown: By Partisan Corporation, I Second that motion.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motioned by Alderman Baron and Seconded by Alderman Brown. Any discussion? All in favor?

CounciL: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed same sign? Motion carries.

Report Of Officers:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve Item 10A Ald Faford: I move that we approve the report of officers, place the money in the in the proper accounts and pay the bills in the amount of $467,868.27.

Ald Tall: I will second the motion.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman Faford and Seconded by Alderman Tall. Any discussion? Roll Call Please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron (abstain from check#73612 & 2822), Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien (abstain from check#73612), Gall (abstain from check#2822), Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motion carries. No Unfinished Business.

New Business:

Item 12A: Recommendation to accept the proposal from Fast Signs of $12,154.77 to Install Signage at Festival Square.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to accept the proposal.

Ald Gall: So move

Ald Kennedy: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Gall and Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford,

Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries.

Item 12B: Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Entitled Handicapped Parking of the Municipal Code of the City Of Kankakee Handicapped Parking Signs established at 342 West Stone Avenue (1ST & 2nd Reading).

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to suspend the rule.

Ald Tall: So move

Ald Lewis: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tall and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford,

Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?

Ald Tall: So move

Ald Lewis: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tall and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Roll Call. 

Clerk Dumas: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford,

Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motion carries.

Item 12C: Ordinance Declaring Certain Property Surplus of the City of Kankakee-Kankakee Fire Department and Authorizing the Sale thereof (1ST & 2nd Reading).

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Motion to declare Fire Department Items Surplus.

Ald Brown: So move.

Ald Osenga: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman

Osenga. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?

Ald Brown: So move.

Ald Osenga: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman Osenga. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion Carries.

Item 12D: Ordinance Declaring Certain Property Surplus of the City of Kankakee-Environmental Services Public Works and Authorizing the sale thereof (1ST & 2nd Reading).

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to suspend the rules.

Ald Brown: So move.

Ald Faford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderman Faford. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?

Ald Brown: So move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Brown and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries.

Item 12E: Engineering Agreement & Resolution Duane Boulevard Improvements Section 18-00281-00-PV, PEI Job No. 18086.0301

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve.

Ald Curtis: So move.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Curtis and Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Malone Marshall, Kennedy Abstain: Baron, Gall, (11) Ayes (0) Nays (2) Abstentions

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries.

Item 12F: Ordinance Adopting the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year

Beginning May 1, 2018 and Ending April 30, 2019 (1ST & 2nd Reading).

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve.

Ald Tetter: So move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford,

Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?

Ald Tetter: So move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Discussion: Budgeted but it is not sound.we must do better. It is hard to agree on a budget when you’re hoping to get money. This is a one-time additional expense and we still need Legal, HR and Economic Development. The budget is balanced on the back of TIF money that was found in the amount of $400,000.00 accumulated over a 13 year period. EAV is growing and we are more efficient with vendors and contracts.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Roll Call

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, Gall, Malone Marshall Nays: O’Brien, Kennedy (11) Ayes (2) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries.

Item 12G: Recommendation to Approve Riverfront Development

Master Draft (1ST & 2nd Reading). Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve.

Ald Faford: So move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Faford and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Faford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy Nays: Tall, Crawford, Osenga (all said No) Absent: Swanson (10) Ayes (3) Nays (1) Absent

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries.

Mcgrath: We need consensus to go into intergovernmental agreement with Kankakee School District 111 regarding the grant that Dr. Walters is soliciting.

Ald Curtis: I make that motion for consensus.

Ald Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Curtis and Seconded by Alderman Crawford. All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed same sign? Motion carries.

Motions And Resolutions

Item 13A: Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the LEAD Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program and

Attesting to the Availability of Matching Funds.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve.

Ald Tetter: So move.

Ald O' Briaen: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter and Seconded by Alderman O’Brien. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford,

Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy (13) Ayes (0) Nays

Item13B: Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Land and Water Conservation Fund’s (LWCF) Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program and Attesting To The Availability of Matching Funds.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to approve.

Ald Tetter: So move.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Tetter and Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Lewis, Faford, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall,

Nays: Curtis, Baron, Tall, Crawford, Osenga, Kennedy (all said No) (7) Ayes (6) Nays

Executive Session:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:We do have a need for Executive Session for the purpose of authorizing The Execution of Economic Development Agreement between The City of Kankakee and Avalon Petroleum Company. May I have a motion to go into Executive Session?

Ald Kennedy: So move.

Ald Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy and Seconded by Alderman Crawford. All in favor? 

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed same sign? We are in Executive Session. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall Malone Marshall, Kennedy Absent: Swanson (13) Present (1) Absent Return To Open Session (9:25 p.m.)

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion to return to Open Session

Ald Kennedy: So move.

Ald Osenga: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy. Seconded by Alderman Osenga. All in favor? 

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed? We are back in Open Session. Roll Call Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall Malone Marshall, Kennedy Absent: Swanson (13) Present (1) Absent

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We do have one action item and that is authorizing the Resolution approval of the Execution of Economic Development Agreement between The City of Kankakee and Avalon Petroleum Company. Motion to approve.

Ald Baron: So move.

Ald Faford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Baron and Seconded by Alderman Faford. Any discussion? Roll Call

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford,Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Gall, Malone Marshall, Kennedy

(13) Ayes (0) Nays

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Update: The city will pick up the Rubbish at 431 South Indiana and is presently getting an estimate on next door. Trying to group demos together for better rates.

Aldermen Comments

Aldermen & Alderwomen: Garbage cans were destroyed with fireworks over the 4th of July celebration. A standard needs to be set to hold people accountable. Suggesting an ordinance be created on the use of fireworks. Identified projects for Opportunity Zone; constant contact with FEMA received extension to May 20th, 2019.


Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to adjourn?

Ald Kennedy: So move.

ALd Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy. Seconded by

Alderman Crawford. All in favor aye?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:Opposed same sign. We are adjourned.




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