Kankakee County Planning, Zoning and Agriculture Committee met July 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present
Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Ms. Polk, Mr. Payton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swanson and Mr. Sirois
Members Absent
Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Tholen, Ms. Peters, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Fairfield and Mr. Dunnill
In Attendance
Board Members
Mr. Sirois
Department Heads
Delbert Skimerhorn, Ben Wilson and Geoff Olsen
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the Committee Vice-Chairman, Mr. Fetherling, at 9:13 a.m.
Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Minutes: May 22, 2019
Mr. Smith made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
4. Building
Building Report: May 2019 and June 2019
Building Report: May 2019 and June 2019
Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed and discussed the May and June 2019 report with the committee.
Mr. Swanson made a motion to combine and approve the reports, and Mr. Payton seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Stormwater /MS4 Program Discussion
Mr. Skimerhorn asked the committee if there are any stormwater issues that they would like to discuss or make him aware of.
5. Zoning
• ZBA Case#19-04; request for a Rezoning from R1-Single Family Residential District & C2-General Commercial District to A1-Agriculture District on a parcel generally situated in Section 17 of Momence Township. The petitions are Van Drunen Land Holdings LLC, Series Vincennes, property owner and Kyle J. Veld, applicant.
Mr. Skimerhorn presented the committee with maps and additional information. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the case and voted to approve the request with a vote of 5-0. There were no objectors present.
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were: Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Ms. Polk, Mr. Payton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swanson and Mr. Sirois
• ZBA Case#19-07; request for a Variances to Sections 121-286 (Access to Road) & 121-99.e (Lot Width) in the A1-Agricultural District on a parcel generally situated in Section 33 of Rockville Township. The petitioners are David Africano, property owner and Nicholas Africano, Applicant.
Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed the request with the committee. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the case on July 8th, 2019 and voted 5-0 to recommend approval, there were no objectors.
Mr. Payton made a motion to approve, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were: Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Ms. Polk, Mr. Payton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swanson and Mr. Sirois
• ZBA Case#19-08; request for a Rezoning from A1-Agricutlure District to RE-Rural Estate District on a parcel generally situated in Section 24 of Salina Township. The petitioners are Irma Jean Berghouse Estate, property owner and Jill Berghouse Grant, applicant.
Mr. Skimerhorn presented the request to the committee. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard the case on July 15th, 2019 and recommended approval with a 6-0 vote. There were no objectors present.
Mr. Swanson advised the committee that this case involves his sister-in-law and asked if he needed to abstain from voting.
Mr. Fetherling asked if he will profit from the zoning change.
Mr. Swanson stated that he would not and that he wasn’t even aware of the case. The committee agreed that Mr. Swanson is able to vote on the issue.
Mr. Sirois made a motion to approve, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were: Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Ms. Polk, Mr. Payton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swanson and Mr. Sirois
6. Transportation
• Transportation Grant Agreement between IDOT and Kankakee County FY2020
Mr. Olson reviewed and discussed the agreement with the committee. Mr. Olson advised the committee that everyone has a copy of the agreement in front of them.
Mr. Sirois asked if the state was waiving the 20%.
Mr. Olson clarified the portions of Federal and State grant information.
Mr. Sirois made a motion to approve, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye were: Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Ms. Polk, Mr. Payton, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swanson and Mr. Sirois
7. Old Business
8. New Business
Mr. Skimerhorn read the openings to the committee.
Two Openings on Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission
One Opening on Kankakee County Historic Preservation Commission (Architect)
Mr. Washington asked if there were any particular areas that were not being served right now. Mr. Washington stated that he would like to see good coverage to represent the all areas.
Mr. Fetherling asked if County Board members were able to apply.
Mr. Skimerhorn advised they are limited to 2 county board members for Regional Planning Commission.
9. Adjournment
Mr. Payton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 a.m., and Mr. Sirois seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.