Kankakee County Highways and Buildings Committee met Nov. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The meeting of the Kankakee County Highways & Buildings Committee was called to order by County Board Chairman, Mr. Wheeler at 9:00am. The following members were present:
Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Hess, Ms. Webber, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Long, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Hudson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand, Mr. Gowler, Mr. Rayman, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Sirois
Members Absent – Mr. Tholen, Mr. Carrico, Ms., Bryan, Mr. Collins
Quorum – Present
Department Heads Present – Mark Rogers, Anita Speckman, Wes Andrews, Terri Goudie
Media Present – None
Public Commentary – None
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the October 14, 2021 meetings were submitted to the Committee for approval. Mr. Long made a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote.
Bidding & Letting – None
County Engineer Pay Estimates
The County Engineers pay estimates were submitted and read to the Committee for approval by Mr. Rogers, County Engineer.
Mr. Long made a motion to approve the pay estimates. Ms. Webber seconded the motion. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 12 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were: Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Hess, Ms. Webber, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Long, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Hudson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Alexander-Hildebrand, Mr. Gowler, Mr. Rayman, Mr. Wheeler
• Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code 22-00000-00-GM Mr. Rogers reviewed the resolution with the committee. A resolution must be submitted to IDOT in order to use MFT funds.
Mr. Hunter made a motion to approve, Mr. Alexander seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Wheeler gave an update on the Stateline Bridge and the issues with the bridge. Discussions were held.
Mr. Rogers gave an update on the Route 50 corridor and bridge repairs. Discussions were held.
• Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Payment of the County Engineers Salary Mr. Rogers advised that he is still waiting on the letter to arrive from the state and this should be removed for the agenda. It will be brought to Finance or to the full board if received.
Facility Dude Report
Mr. Andrews, Maintenance Director, stated there were 121 work orders for the month. There were no discussions.
Financial Report
Mr. Andrews, Maintenance Director, reviewed the report with the committee and highlighted areas of the report.
Discussions were held.
Building Report
Mr. Andrews, Maintenance Director, reviewed and discussed the Building Report with the committee.
Mr. Andrews provided an update on the elevator repair. There are materials that are required for the repair and unavailable at this time.
Mr. Andrews updated the committee on the Courthouse grant and progress with that project. Mr. Andrews reviewed each county building with the committee. Discussions were held.
Old Business
New Business
Other Business
Mr. Hess made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:29 a.m. Mr. Long seconded the motion. Motion carried by a voice vote.