City of Watseka Code Enforcement Committee met Sept. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
PRESENT: Aldermen Garfield, Miller, Cahoe, Marcier, Alderwoman Musk, Mayor Allhands
ABSENT: Alderman Barragree and Rushbrook
GUEST: Code Enforcement Officer Bill Stanley
Alderman Miller opened the meeting at 7:02 pm. There was no public comment. Code Enforcement Officer Bill Stanley reported on the following properties:
IDNR Flood Mitigation: nothing to report
904 N Chicago St: Attorney Cainkar is still working on this
Ordinance Citations: 10 citations and 4 warnings
502 E Ash St: Ongoing elevation
Photovoltaic Systems (Solar): a zoning hearing is needed before council meeting so this will be held in October
207 W Maple St: bid opening to be held October 7th
Façade Grants: 329 W Walnut (Nichols) to make building ADA complaint $5000.00 Alderman Garfield makes a motion to recommend to the council to pay Justin Nichols a $5,000 façade grant and Alderman Marcier seconded. Roll call carried 6-0. 106 W Walnut St.: McKenzie Walwer is also asking for a $3500 façade grant for her building at 106 W Walnut to put up an awning, fresh paint and signage, Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the Council to pay McKenzie Walwer a façade grant for $3500 and Alderman Garfield seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.
Petition for Variance: 100 N Laird Lane gravel parking lot variance meeting to be held September 26th at 5:00 pm
Bill Stanley report:
Crime Free Rental: compliance is down to 17 hold outs, several still need to attend a seminar that will be held in October, inspections are continuing, most places are up to code only minor problems.
Collections: $1136.50
252 N 2nd St (empty lot): foreclosure proceedings have begun, Bill stated there are 6 people involved so it is going to take some time to finish.
Mayor Allhands stated he attended an ETSB meeting and it looks like the dispatch fees could increase significantly.
Alderman Miller makes a motion to adjourn at 7:15 and Alderman Garfield seconded. Roll call carried 6-0.