
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Gilman City Council met Jan. 23

City of Gilman City Council met Jan. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the city council was called to order by Mayor Theesfeld. Council responding to roll call were: Elliott aye, Fancher aye, Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye and Bachman aye. Clerk Kraft and Treasurer Morris were also present.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Fancher

to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on December 12, 2022. All aye.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Kraft

to approve the transfer of $16,000.00 from the general fund to the road & bridge fund and also transfer of $11,500.00 from the general fund to the sanitary sewer fund. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld advised that the need for the transfer of $11,500.00 was to pay the Gasvoda bill for the upgrading of pump controls at the sewer station. It was approved at a previous meeting.

Moved by Kraft Seconded by Elliott

to set the monthly meetings for 2023 on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. All aye.

Mayor Theesfeld advised the council of the following items:

The need for more Christmas decorations for the downtown area. Clerk will get a quote on getting thirteen more decorations for the new light poles.

The new garbage and recycling bins came in and the concern is garbage will end up going into the recycling bins. Addison will spread them out and make all bins for garbage.

The new benches for N. Central Street came in will not be fastened down due to future snow removal. Mayor Theesfeld asked council members for their opinions on putting a cable around the benches to prevent theft. They will be stored without cables for now.

Dennis Behrend from Haley Bros. looked at the W. Second street culvert and said it is rotted out and needs to be replaced. There is another culvert that is needing to be extended and Haley Brothers will complete the projects.

An email from the energy supplier Homefield Energy suggested the need to put something in the local paper to make sure residents are signed up for Homefield Energy Aggregation Program to secure the better rate. Ameren's basic rate is over twice that of the Homefield Energy rate.

Inducement Resolution was explained that if Incobrasa decides to be annexed in, they would be eligible from here on out to start using their cost eligible expenses to go towards TIF. Infrastructures such as new rails and site preparation are an eligible expense under a new TIF. Incobrasa is willing to be annexed and therefore would qualify them to use the city utilities and to help with expenses. Pete Iosue from Teska Associates, Inc. has been working with Frank Simutis on pre annexation information and an agreement and to add additional properties to create a new TIF District. TIF funds would then help the city with projects within the boundaries of the new TIF. It would be contiguous and include property to the 500 road.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Bachman

to approve and adopt Inducement Resolution No. 22-23-R7. All aye.

Frank Simutis and Pete Iosue, the Teska associate, thought it would be a good gesture for the city to give TIF money to the schools. A suggested donation of $50,000 to the Iroquois West School District for capital improvements such as the new air conditioner units that were installed.

Fred Honaker from B & H Recycling has offered the city a recycling program. He would set up in a parking lot furnished by the city and recycle items for residents for a fee per item. The city would be responsible for advertising. The event could be set up monthly, quarterly or once a year. If not approved residents could still bring items to the recycling event he hosts in Paxton.

Alderman Bachman had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Elliott had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Eimen had nothing to discuss.

Alderman McGehee had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Kraft had asked that Addison fill in potholes on Gray Drive.

Mayor Theesfeld advised that two applications for the city maintenance job have come in. Interviews will be conducted and a final council vote in February will be needed.

Alderman Fancher asked that a yield or stop sign be put up at the end of W. Second St. A new ordinance will be created and brought before the council at the February meeting.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Elliott

to approve the bills as they were presented. All aye.

Moved by McGehee Seconded by Bachman

to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:41 p.m. All aye.
