
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Illinois State House District 79 candidate: 'PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, affects an estimated 9 million Americans'

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Jackie Haas | RepHaas.com

Jackie Haas | RepHaas.com

Illinois State House District 79 candidate Jackie Haas stated, "PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, affects an estimated 9 million Americans who have been exposed to life-threatening and traumatic events." Haas, who faces Democrat William Morgan in the general election, added, "This month you can learn more about this condition and advocate for those who have been diagnosed and affected by PTSD."

"PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, affects an estimated 9 million Americans who have been exposed to life-threatening and traumatic events," said Haas, according to Facebook. "This month you can learn more about this condition and advocate for those who have been diagnosed and affected by PTSD."

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is caused by a traumatic event, but the symptoms may not show up immediately. According to the Mayo Clinic, they could start within a month of the incident or appear years later. The symptoms can vary for each person suffering from PTSD and can change over time. The Mayo Clinic notes that people may experience nightmares or flashbacks; individuals with PTSD may avoid places, activities, and people that remind them of the event. They may have memory problems or feel emotionally numb. They may be easily frightened, engage in self-destructive behavior, or have trouble sleeping.

Screenshot of Rep. Jackie Hass' June 1 Facebook post. | Rep. Jackie Haas' Facebook post

The Department of Veterans Affairs indicates that signs of PTSD in children may differ from those in adults. For example, children under six years old may become upset if trusted adults and family members are not close by; children aged seven to eleven may have nightmares or exhibit irritability and aggression. They might act out their trauma during play. Symptoms for preteens and teenagers are closer to those of adults and may include withdrawal, recklessness, running away, depression, or anxiety.

There are evidence-based treatments for PTSD that help veterans and others suffering from the condition. These treatments include cognitive processing therapy (CPT), prolonged exposure therapy (PE), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), according to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Cognitive processing therapy encourages patients to work toward changing their thoughts. Prolonged exposure therapy aims to make memories of traumatic events less fear-evoking by having patients talk through their trauma with therapists. In eye movement desensitization and reprocessing treatment, therapy helps change how patients react to memories of trauma.

Other treatments include present-centered therapy, theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), Prazosin medication, and individual placement and support.

Rep. Jackie Haas was elected to represent Illinois’ 79th House District in December 2020. She is CEO of the Helen Wheeler Center for Community Health; she was a social worker at Riverside Medical Center and holds a Bachelor of Social Work from Valparaiso University as well as a Master of Social Work from the University of Illinois-Chicago.



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