
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Gilman City Council met Aug. 12

Webp 6

City of Gilman welcome sign | City of Gilman

City of Gilman welcome sign | City of Gilman

City of Gilman City Council met Aug. 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the city council was called to order by Mayor Theesfeld.  The council responding to roll call were Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye. Clerk Kraft and Treasurer Boudreau were also present.

 Moved by McGehee          Seconded by Bachman

to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on July 8, 2024, and Special meeting held July 15, 2024.  All ayes.

 Mayor Theesfeld opened the two sealed bids the city received regarding the 60’ Parcel 24-07-101-008, south of the Iroquois Farmers State Bank, that was advertised for sale. Life Church bid of $5,000 and Heritage FS, Inc. bid of $20,000 were opened. 

 Moved by Kraft                Seconded by McGehee

to approve the sale of property to Heritage FS with the high bid of $20,000 for Parcel 24-07-101-008. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye, and Fancher aye.

 Moved by Kraft                Seconded by Bachman

to approve Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement dated August 12, 2024. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.

 Moved by Eimen              Seconded by McGehee

to approve Ordinance No. 24-25-07 Amending Title 2, Administration and Personnel. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft abstain, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.

 Moved by Kraft                Seconded by McGehee

to approve Ordinance No. 24-25-08 To Set a Date for and to Approve a Public Notice of a Public Hearing on the Proposed City of Gilman TIF III Redevelopment Plan and Program. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.

 Moved by McGehee          Seconded by Fancher

to approve Pay Estimate No. 9 of $471,150.10 to R&R, Inc for 5th Street Sewer Interceptor Replacement Project. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.

 Mayor Theesfeld updated council on the N Main and Third St. project stating the gas main which was located on top of the old water mains needs to be bored under before the culvert can be put in place. The curbing machine is here to start on Third St then move to Main St. after the sidewalks are done.  The water lines will be moved 14-15 feet below the ditch and the old lines cut and capped and be out of service.

Moved by McGehee            Seconded by Kraft

to approve Pay Estimate No. 2 of $117,922.02 and Pay Estimate No. 3 of $51,293.20 to Iroquois Paving Corporation for 3rd & Main Street Roadway Improvements Project. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.

Mayor Theesfeld discussed giving a bonus to the summer help which had been done in the past and suggested a $100 bonus.

Moved by McGehee            Seconded by Elliott

to approve a bonus of $100 be given to each of the summer help. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.

Alderman Eimen had nothing to discuss.  

Alderman McGehee had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Kraft had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Bachman had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Fancher had nothing to discuss.

Alderman Elliot spoke about the Gilman Star closing stating it was a tough decision for he and his family.  He appreciated the city’s support over the many years using the Gilman Star to publish documents and using them for various printing jobs. He suggested using the local papers in Clifton and Cissna for future publications.

Moved by McGehee           Seconded by Bachman

to approve the bills as they were presented dated August 12, 2024. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye, and Fancher aye.

 Mayor Theesfeld addressed the council regarding a building at 250 N. Central that is for sale by bid only. He stated it would be a good place for a street maintenance shed for the city and would need to be cleaned up. Bids on the property will be accepted until August 30, 2024, at which time the owners will review the bids and give each person a chance to submit a final bid based off the highest bid.  Nothing was decided on submitting a bid on that property.

 Moved by McGehee           Seconded by Eliott

to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:43 p.m. Eimen aye, McGehee aye, Kraft aye, Bachman aye, Elliott aye and Fancher aye.
