Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka
Watseka City Mayor John Allhands | City of Watseka
City of Watseka City Council met Nov. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Allhands at 6:30pm. Present were Aldermen Marcier, Cahoe, Barragree, Anderson, Miller, Muench, & Alderwoman DeLahr. Absent Alderwoman Rohlfs
A Motion was made by Barragree, seconded by Miller to Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes from October 22nd & November 12th. Motion passed 7-0.
Public Comment -Pat Warren from the Watseka Community Renewal was in attendance to provide an update. New Santa house has been delivered. Randy Muller will be doing the electrical work and Helen Gerber will decorate it, it will be ready by the parade on Friday night. She also shared they filed for their 501c3 on November 14th they are waiting for approval. Pat shared that right now they are operating under the Community Foundation of Kankakee River Valley. They have 2 groups that are willing to help them with their efforts. Pat warren & John Donohue attended an event through the (CFKRV) and met several donors, the donors would like the to wait until they have their 501c3 before getting donations. Pat shared that the group joined the Chamber of commerce. They are the current business of the month; they are working on three grant applications, and they have a website that will be live soon. Pat also said they have a fundraiser set for January 11th at the Roff house. She shared that the Carlisle Group came to the opera house and the plans are doable for a performance venue with raked seating 500-600 people. She also addressed that the leaking roof needs a protective cover as soon as possible, once that is done, they plan to clean out the building and start bringing life back to it.
Ordinances, Resolutions, Agreements & Proclamations
• Ordinance #2727- An Ordinance of the City of Watseka, Iroquois County, State of Illinois, Establishing An “Adopt-A-Street” Program
• Ordinance #2728- Levying Taxes for General Corporate and Other Purposes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024, and Ending April 30, 2025, for the City of Watseka
• Ordinance #2729- Levying Taxes for Library Purposes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024, and Ending April 30, 2025, For the Watseka Public Library, Iroquois County Illinois
• Resolution 2024-4- Expressing the City of Watseka’s Intent to Consider Designating an Area Identified as the “Downton Study Area” As A Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area
Consent Agenda
• Ordinance #2727- An Ordinance of the City of Watseka, Iroquois County, State of Illinois, Establishing An “Adopt-A-Street” Program
• Ordinance #2728- Levying Taxes for General Corporate and Other Purposes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024, and Ending April 30, 2025, for the City of Watseka
• Ordinance #2729- Levying Taxes for Library Purposes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2024, and Ending April 30, 2025, For the Watseka Public Library, Iroquois County Illinois
• Resolution 2024-4- Expressing the City of Watseka’s Intent to Consider Designating an Area Identified as the “Downton Study Area” As A Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area
A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Marcier to set the Consent Agenda. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Muench, seconded by Barragree to accept the Consent Agenda. Motion passed 7-0.
Standing Committee Reports
Finance, Legal and Audit
Alderman Marcier explained why the amount was so high this month. A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Miller Claims in the amount of $1,338,290.90. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Barragree Accept and place on the file the October Treasurers report. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Miller TIF 3 reimbursement to heritage Woods $51,303.19, this is the last payment. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Cahoe Employee Christmas Gift Cards from Berkot’s from $75 each to $100.00 each. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Cahoe Transfer $36,303 from TIF 3 into water and sewer. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Barragree transfer $36,303 from TIF 4 into water and sewer. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Barragree Transfer $36,303 from capital Equipment 1-10- 1045 into Water 30-50-9000. Motion passed 7-0.
Public Works/Water Wastewater
A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Anderson Purchase a Variable Frequency Drive Well 9 & 10 $21200 each for a total cost of $42,400. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Cahoe, seconded by Barragree Laborers On call stipend of $35 per pay period. Motion passed 7-0.
Public Safety
A Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Barragree Promote Sgt Mark Harris to Lieutenant effective December 1,2024. Motion passed 7-0.
A Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by DeLahr Promote Patrol Officer Derek Smith to Sergeant effective December 1, 2024. Motion passed 7-0.
The officers will be sworn in on Tuesday, December 3rd with their families.
A Motion was made by Muench, seconded by Anderson Purchase a drone from UVT for $18,007.98 and a Generator payable from Local Cure Grant. Motion passed 7-0.
Code Enforcement
A Motion was made by Miller, seconded by Marcier Façade Grant to TNS Developments for $2,860. Motion passed 7-0. This is the old Travel Discoveries location.
A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Muench 1213 & 1215 Sugar Creek Court-Clean up Property and Start the demolition process. Motion passed 7-0.
A motion was made by Miller, seconded by Marcier Reimburse the Community Renewal Group $2919 for a new Santa house pay from Promotion line item. Motion passed 7-0.
Cluck Bucket at 800 W Walnut Class A1 Mixed Liquor License and Gaming License-no action was taken.
Miscellaneous Business
Discussion of 3 empty lots downtown and the process to sell them discussion was had this will go back to committee this will require an ordinance and a contract.
Mayor Allhands shared the dates changes due to the holiday. Meetings for December: December 3rd - Public Safety & Code Enforcement, December 10th - Finance, Legal & Audit and Public Works -Water Wastewater December 17th - Full Council
Nita Dubble was present and asked about going into an executive session regarding the hiring of the new police chief after some discussion this will be put on hold until new administration takes over.
Alderwoman DeLahr asked about some type of event going on at the opera house Friday night, who authorized this. Mayor Allhands shared that Eric Brandt and himself were aware of it and did not see it being an issue. Alderwoman DeLahr then asked if the building needs repairs and is in bad shape why we would the city allow the public into that building, she does not feel this is a good idea or safe, she feels that the city should avoid any possible liability. If the opera house group would like to purchase the building, then fine but not while the city owns it. Alderman Anderson agreed with Alderwoman DeLahr this is allowing liability to the city not a good idea.
Keith from Robinson and Loren Public Works Director gave a quick update on current projects.
Mayor Allhands shared Police Pension Board the obligation bond is not to the city’s advantage right now, they will continue to work on it.
A Motion was made by Marcier, seconded by Cahoe to adjourn at 7:11pm. Motion passed 7-0.