Brandon Barragree, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Watseka
Brandon Barragree, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Watseka
City of Watseka Finance, Legal & Audit Committee met Jan. 21.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
PRESENT: Alderman Marcier, Cahoe, Barragree, Muench, Miller, Anderson, Alderwoman DeLahr and Mayor Allhands via phone
ABSENT: Alderwoman Rohlfs
GUEST: John Whitman with the Watseka Community Renewal Group
Alderman Marcier opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. There was no public comment. Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the council to accept the December treasures report and Alderman Cahoe seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
Alderman Marcier stated the committee has before them a copy of the engagement letter from the city’s accountants Fox Group. Alderman Marcier makes a motion to accept the engagement letter of $51,000 for fiscal year 2025-2026 and Alderman Muench seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
John Whitman with the Watseka Renewal Group spoke next. He gave a prepared speech about the new website the group has launched: He went on to talk about the sold out event that was held at the Roff house. At this event were guests from Landmarks Illinois, Kankakee County Historical Preservation Committee and Frank Lloyd Wright House along with many others. The group is raising private funds and will make a donation to the city to help offset costs. The group is applying for grants, but the grants will be greater if the city continues to have ownership of the building. The group is interested in leasing the building from the city. Mr. Whitman stated if the city would put the building up for sale you have no idea who will purchase it or what they will do with it, as it could become a tax write off for a business that will not take care of it. Mr. Whitman stated the group can’t apply for grants if the city lists the building for sale. Mr. Whitman is asking the committee not to put the building up for sale, fund the stabilization and lease it to the group.
Alderman Anderson stated this building is a liability to the city and the taxpayers. He would like for the group to get a petition together with names of citizens of Watseka that are in favor of restoring the building. If the city replaces the roof that is still taxpayer monies. Alderman Marcier stated he has not heard any negative comments from residents. He would like to offer the group a 99-year lease like the Iroquois County Historical Society has. There was some discussion from Alderwoman DeLahr about the depot not using taxpayers dollars. Alderwoman DeLahr asked about prevailing wage if the city continues to own the property. Alderwoman DeLahr also stated the city spent $35,000 on a wall. Mr. Whitman asks for the city to stabilize the building and then the group will take the building. It was stated public works has been working in the building which is using taxpayers’ money to pay the workers and the cost of dumpsters, when they could be doing city work such as infrastructure, working on equipment, etc.
The discussion then went on to funds that are available to pay for the repairs on the building, such as hotel/motel and alcohol taxes. It was stated these are a tax of choice, not everyone pays into them. These funds are designated for certain projects such as police pension, and downtown improvements. Mayor Allhands stated if the city isn’t going to invest in itself who will? The discussion then went into the police pension bonds that the mayor wanted to do but didn’t have the support at the time.
The discussion then went into the RFP’s, it was stated this is still a work in progress, Alderman Anderson stated before the RFP’s went out the committee should have been given the chance to look at them. It was stated there are 4 contractors interested and could be 6 total. It was stated it shouldn’t be put on the market until the RFP’s are finished. Alderman Miller stated it will cost a lot more to demolish the building then to revitalized it. Alderman Marcier made a motion to enter into a 99-year lease agreement with the renewal group and then later rescinded it.
Alderwoman DeLahr asked why the Lee Excavating bid increased for fill and seed from one time to another. She is asking if the bid was padded from one time to the next. It was finally decided to table this discussion until next week during full council.
Alderman Anderson asked about the 3 properties and the JC Penny building put up for surplus property with an ordinance from Attorney Cainkar. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the Council to transfer $103,000 from the general fund 1-10-8000 into the liability fund 8-10-9000. Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
Alderman Marcier makes a motion to recommend to the Council to transfer $35,000 from the general fund 1-10-8000 into the audit fund 9-10-9000. Alderman Muench seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.
Alderman DeLahr questioned about purchasing committee minutes not being truthful and the door being locked sometimes during the meetings. Alderman DeLahr asked about a planning commission meeting going on at the same time as a purchasing committee
meeting and purchase orders being signed during other committee meetings. She believes the city is violating the open meetings act.
Alderman Marcier makes a motion to adjourn at 7:25 pm and Alderman Barragree seconded. Roll call carried 8-0.