The Village of Bourbonnais board approved a $1.5 million tax levy at its regular meeting Dec. 7.
At a public reading of the levy prior to the meeting, village officials said the levy is 3.89 percent higher in order to cover village salaries, fuel costs and other expenses.
The village also officially welcomed new Village Administrator Michael Van Mill who stepped down from several economic development leadership positions in the area in order to accept his new role with the Village of Bourbonnais.
With winter setting in, the village also approved a $36,588 snow plowing contract with Kankakee Equipment Inc. The company's bid was one of two received. The other came from Teleward Inc. for $37,694.
The board began the meeting with a "LifeSaver Recognition" of police officers Travis Garcia, Jonathan Boudreau and Dylan Phelps as well as dispatch operator James Hennessey for saving the life of a teenager in August.