The St. Anne Community Consolidated School District #256 Board of Education met Aug. 22 to review the tentative budget.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
St. Anne Community Consolidated School District #256
Regular Board of Education Meeting
August 22, 2016
Mr. Beaupre called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. (RC)
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
Cotton Y
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
O’Brien Y
Langellier Y
Board Members present: Jed Beaupre, Rick Schoon, David Pomaranski, Doug Burling, Justin O’Brien, Chris Langellier
Board Members absent: Debby Cotton
Also present: Superintendent, Charles Stegall
Board Secretary, Lisa Stalnecker
Superintendent’s Secretary, Jill Cowsert
Teacher: Kaitlyn Schultz
PTO President-Keith Anderson
Pledge of Allegiance
MOTION: To appoint Doug Burling as Secretary Pro-tem.
By: O’Brien
Second: Pomaranski
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
MOTION: To approve the consent agenda, as presented. (AI)
By: O’Brien
Second: Pomaranski
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
Langellier Y
O’ Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
Public Comments- Mr. Keith Anderson addressed the board regarding a couple projects that the St. Anne PTO would like permission from the board to complete. He explained the projects which would improve the appearance of the school. One project was to install pavers around the cafeteria opening and to widen the sidewalk with pavers. Another project would be to remove the overgrown crabapple trees on the North side of the gym and replace with smaller trees and shrubs. Mr. Anderson stated the most of the project would be done with donations of money, time and labor from himself and Ray Tebo as well as $1000.00 from St. Anne Grade School and $500.00 from the PTO funds. He also discussed the possibility of providing a outdoor lunch area for the staff but wanted to wait on that project to see what interest there was from the staff. The board thanked Mr. Anderson for all his and the PTO’s efforts.
MOTION: To approve the PTO’s project requests, as presented. (RC)
By: O’Brien
Second: Langellier
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
Langellier Y
O’ Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
Board Communications- None
KASEC Committee Reports – Mr. Stegall stated that the attorney that the Herscher School district wanted to use to represent them has informed them that they will need to find different council as it is a conflict of interest. Mr. Stegall stated he has a meeting with the finance committee to get up to date on the arrangements between Kasec and St. Anne Schools.
Administrator’s Reports
Mr. Strong stated that he Teacher’s Institutes went very well. The active shooter training was very well received by the staff and was an eye opener for many. The opening of the school year went very well. The school accepted several donations again this year from kind donors. The addition of the KASEC alternative day program has gone very well. They held a meet-n-greet with the KASEC employees to make them feel welcome.
Mr. Stegall shared with the board some of the events in the past few weeks.
Mr. Stegall presented the board with the FY 16-17 tentative budget. The budget has a deficit of $335,214 in the education fund. The overall cash balances are estimated to decrease from $990,977 down to $655,763 by the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
MOTION: To approve the tentative budget for FY 16-17.
By: Schoon
Second: O’Brien
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
Langellier Y
O’ Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
Mr. Stegall presented the board with the current Press Plus Issue and discussed recommended changes.
MOTION: To approve first reading of the Press Plus Issue #92.
By: Schoon
Second: Langellier
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
Langellier Y
O’ Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
Mr. Stegall informed the board the FY 16-17 calendar has to be amended to move the Parent/Teacher conferences to Oct 21st in order to match up with end of the first quarter.
MOTION: To approve the amended FY 16/17 calendar.
By: Burling
Second: Schoon
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
Langellier Y
O’ Brien Y
Cotton Y
Schoon -
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre -
Burling Y
MOTION: Go into executive session (7:36 p.m.) for the purpose of discussing: (RC)
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity.
Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).
By: O’Brien
Second: Schoon
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays
Langellier Y
O’Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
MOTION: To re-convene in open session (7:45 p.m.) AI
By: Schoon
Second: O’Brien
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays,
MOTION: To approve Lisa DeYoung as assistant softball coach for the 16-17 school year.
By: Schoon
Second: O’Brien
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays,
Langellier Y
O’Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
MOTION: To approve Candace Torres as volunteer assistant softball coach.
By: Schoon
Second: Langellier
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays,
Langellier Y
O’Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
MOTION: To approve the employment of Julie Shreves as Bilingual PE Aide for the FY 16-17 school year.
By: Schoon
Second: Langellier
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays,
Langellier Y
O’Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
MOTION: To approve Stuart Litko as Assistant baseball coach for the FY 16-17 school year.
By: Schoon
Second: Langellier
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays,
Langellier Y
O’Brien Y
Cotton -
Schoon Y
Pomaranski Y
Beaupre Y
Burling Y
MOTION: To adjourn. (7:50) (AI)
By: Langellier
Second: Pomaranski
Vote: 6 ayes, 0 nays,
Date 9/26/2016
Board President
Board Secretary