Kankakee County Board met Monday, Dec. 5.
The Kankakee County Board establishes budgets for county funds, levies taxes, and adopts ordinances and rules pertaining to the management and business of the county departments. The board includes one member from each of the county’s 28 districts, each serving a four-year term. The board meets at 9 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the fourth-floor Board Room at the Administration Building, 189 E. Court St.
Here are the minutes as provided by Kankakee County:
Kankakee County Board Meeting December 5, 2016 (First Session)
The meeting of the Kankakee County Board, Kankakee, Illinois, held on December 5, 2016, was called to order at 9:00 a.m., by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Bossert. Mr. Skutt, County Board Member, delivered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following members were present:
Mr. Tripp, Mr. Washington, Jr., Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. James, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Hess, Mr. Enz, Mr. Tholen, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Mulcahy, Mr. Skutt, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Liehr, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Einfeldt, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Payton, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Bossert
Members Absent – Mr. Olthoff, Mrs. Polk, Mr. Reid
Public Commentary – None
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the October 11, 2016, October 31, 2016 and November 9, 2016 county board meeting were submitted to the county board for approval. The reading of the minutes was waived. Mr. James made a motion to accept the minutes from the county board meeting, with a second by Mr. Mulcahy. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Presentation of Plaques
Mr. Bossert presented plaques to the outgoing board members, Mr. Enz of District #13 and Mr. James of District #5. Mr. Clark presented Mr. Bossert with his plaque.
Mr. Bossert presented Certificates of Elections, oath and bond for newly elected board members Mrs. Parker, Mr. Ritter and Ms. Dunbar; and re-elected board members Mr. Hess, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mrs. Webber, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Washington, Jr., Mrs. Polk (not present), Mr. Johnson, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Olthoff and Mr. McConnell.
The Honorable Michael J. Kick, Chief Judge of the 21st Judicial District, swore in newly elected and re-elected county board members.
Mr. LaGesse made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 a.m. Mr. Mulcahy seconded the motion. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Clark Kankakee County Clerk