
Kankakee Times

Monday, May 20, 2024

Kankakee County Planning, Zoning and Agriculture Committee met April 20.

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Kankakee County Planning, Zoning and Agriculture Committee met April 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Members Present:

Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Tripp, Mr. Washington, Ms. Polk, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Peters, Mr. Payton, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Ritter, and Ms. Dunbar

Members Absent:

Mr. Einfeldt, Mr. Tholen, and Mr. Byrne

In Attendance

• Board Members

Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Liehr

• Department Heads

Erich Blair, Kevin Duval, and Delbert Skimerhorn

• Media

1. Call to Order/Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by the Committee Chairman, Mr. Olthoff, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.

2. Public Comment

3. Approval of Minutes: March 23, 2017

A motion was made by Mr. Washington to approve the minutes, and Mr. Ritter seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

4. Building – Delbert Skimerhorn

• Building Report – March 2017

Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed and discussed the building report with the committee.

Ms. Peters made a motion to approve the building report, and Mr. Tripp seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

5. Zoning – Delbert Skimerhorn

• ZBA Case#16-07; request for a Text Amendment to County Code Section 121-3 & 121-99 (to allow “Solar Farms” as a special use in the A1-Agriculture District). The petitioner is Kankakee County.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that, over the last year, they have had a lot of inquiries in his office about the possibility of constructing solar farms in our county. When they looked at the ordinance, they realized that it is not a permitted use in any district in our county. They decided that they should change that and wrote an amendment to the ordinance that will allow solar farms to be a special use permit in the A1-Agricultural District. He showed the committee a PowerPoint presentation on solar farms, along with a review of the amendment they prepared. They have set up requirements that the applicants must meet and provide during the application process. He went over these requirements with the committee.

Mr. Wheeler asked if the regulations around airports supersede these regulations, like if the airport has glare regulations for landings.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated absolutely, the FAA regulations, or any on-site regulations of an airport, would supersede our regulations. Also, another note about glare, solar farms are designed to absorb light, not reflect it, so it really isn’t even an issue.

Mr. Skimerhorn further discussed this case and answered questions from the committee. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard this case on April 17, 2017, and recommended approval 5-0. Mr. Mulcahy made a motion to concur with the Zoning Board of Appeals’ findings as deliberated, and Ms. Dunbar seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

• ZBA Case#16-09; request for a Rezoning from A1-Agricultural District to I1-Light Industrial and a Variance to Section 121-285.a.5 (to allow barbed wire/electric fence) on a parcel generally situated in Section 25 of Otto Township. The petitioner is Paul Bunyon, property owner and applicant.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that this case was continued to the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on May 15, 2017.

• ZBA Case#17-01; request for a Special Use Permit to Section 121-99.c.22 (Campground) in the A1-Agricultural District and Variances to Section 121-281.c (Accessory Structure Location) and Section 121.286.c.1 (Number of Driveways) on a parcel generally situated in Section 01 of Pembroke Township. The petitioners are Alejandro Gomez, Jr. and Alberto Sebastian, property owners and applicants.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that this is a request for a special use permit for a campground on a 10 acre tract in Pembroke Township, and also a request for a variance for two driveways in a 330 foot interval, and accessory structure in the front yard. He showed the committee a PowerPoint presentation which gave the history of this parcel, and then reviewed with the committee what the property owners are requesting. The Zoning Board of Appeals heard this case on April 17, 2017, and recommended approval 5-0, with some conditions. He discussed those conditions with the committee.

Mr. Payton asked if Mr. Skimerhorn had received a letter from the township supervisors stating their position.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that he had not received a letter nor had he spoken with the township supervisors. The Mayor of Hopkins Park came by his office a few days ago and it was discussed. Mr. Skimerhorn told him that they could send a letter if they’d like, if he objects to it, or he could show up at the public hearing. The Mayor was not sure what his feelings were at that time as to whether he was for it or against it.

Mr. Payton asked if it was possible that this issue could be delayed and put on next month’s agenda.

Mr. Skimerhorn asked if he means the PZA agenda or send it back to the Zoning Board.

Mr. Payton stated that it could be brought back here.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that it depends on the reason. If Mr. Payton doesn’t feel it has been thoroughly investigated, or there are more facts to be considered, it needs to go back to the Zoning Board because that’s where those need to be deliberated. If he just needs more time to think about it, then it could be voted on to be continued and brought back to the next PZA. He needs to keep in mind that if he takes time to consider it and then has more questions, facts, or information, it would have to go back to the Zoning Board for that to be considered. This would be entirely up to the committee and why they want to delay it.

Mr. Payton made a motion to send this case back to the Zoning Board of Appeals requesting that a well be put in and a time limit be placed on that, and Mr. Washington seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that this case will be at the Zoning Board of Appeals on May 15, 2017, at 6:00 p.m., in this boardroom.

Mr. Olthoff stated that there will also be public comment allowed at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.

6. Planning – Michelle Sadler

• Kankakee County Historic Preservation Plan – Presentation/Approval

Ms. Sadler discussed the Kankakee County Historic Preservation Plan with the committee. The committee was provided with a brief synopsis of part of the Plan as the Plan itself is a voluminous document. They received a grant to do this Plan in 2015, and it was completed in September of 2016. It was approved by the State in late January/early February. It is now being brought to this committee for approval. She showed the committee a PowerPoint presentation highlighting key points of the Plan.

Mr. Washington made a motion to approve the Plan, and Ms. Peters seconded it.


Mr. Wheeler asked if this is a full grant or a local match.

Ms. Sadler stated that it is a local match, but that local match will be in-kind services from the commission members, herself, and steering committees, if they have any.

Mr. Olthoff asked if a permit is required for demolition.

Ms. Sadler stated yes, there is, however, if it’s in a jurisdiction they don’t have an intergovernmental agreement with, they have a hard time stopping it.

Mr. Wheeler stated that, if that is something the commission desires, they could send a representative to the Mayors’ meeting, and that would be a good opportunity to present the idea of an intergovernmental agreement with everyone, where they at least utilized the commission for the service they could provide.

Mr. Hildebrand asked if there has been conversation before with the mayors to be members. For example, Bourbonnais Township -- is there a reason why they wouldn’t be a member of that already as far as an intergovernmental agreement.

Ms. Sadler stated that it wouldn’t be the townships; it would be the villages or cities. They do have one for the entire city of Kankakee. They have approached Bourbonnais; however, they will only do it on a case by case basis. That’s how they got the Letourneau home because it’s in the village, but they would only do case by case. They’re going to approach them again to see if they could do a village-wide, but it’s ultimately up to them. If the village or city does not approve it, because the step is that it goes to their council meeting for approval, and then to the County Board, they can still deny them. In that event, there wouldn’t be much the commission could do with it being in their jurisdiction.

Mr. Skimerhorn stated that he recently asked Ms. Sadler to start looking at a process for their inspectors to include historic preservation in their review process.

Original motion carried with a voice vote.

7. Old Business

• Reappointment of Elizabeth Scanlon to the Zoning Board of Appeals

• Reappointment of Patricia Wagner to the Historic Preservation Commission

• Appointment of Marc Wakat to the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission

• Reappointment of Mel Blanchette to the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission

Mr. Olthoff stated that the above names were recommendations only for appointment and reappointment, so there is no need for a vote.

8. New Business

• PZA Meeting Dates

Mr. Wheeler stated that he was approached by Mr. Olthoff about possibly changing some meeting dates. The way things line up, it would be a good idea for both the PZA/ZBA operations and the Highway Department to move the meeting dates around a little bit for both of those committees. It was brought up yesterday at Highways & Buildings about moving them to the day after Criminal Justice, and they were fine with that. This committee meeting would be moved to the day after Community Services to allow the ZBA to line up a little better in that process.

• County Board Appointments to KCRPC

Mr. Wheeler stated that he went to his first Regional Planning Commission meeting, and the issue came up that there are now three County Board members on a commission that is only allowed to have two. In order to have Mr. Washington and Mr. Payton remain on that commission, he will have to appoint them officially from the county at the next Executive Committee Meeting.

9. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 a.m. was made by Ms. Peters, and seconded by Mr. Washington. Motion carried.
