Kankakee County Technical Advisory Committee met January 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Technical Advisory Committee Members Present:
Mark Rogers County of Kankakee
Rick Clevenger Village of Aroma Park
Cortney Koning River Valley METRO
Ryan Lindenmier Illinois Department of Transportation
Steve McBurney Village of Bourbonnais
John Donovan Federal Highway Administration
Others Present:
Tom Magolan, and Roger Blakley, IDOT; Mayor Paul Schore, Bourbonnais; Mayor Nina Epstein, Kankakee; Mayor Timothy Nugent, Manteno; Chairman Andrew Wheeler, Geoff Olson, and Delbert Skimerhorn, Kankakee County; Carol Franke.
Call to Order:
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
Chairman Rogers asked for any changes or corrections to the minutes from the October 26, 2016 meeting and, if none, a motion to approve them. Mr. Koning motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. McBurney seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Chairman Rogers asked for approval of the proposed agenda. Mr. McBurney motioned approval of the Agenda. Mr. Koning seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FY 2017 TIP Amendment:
Mr. Olson stated that IDOT District 3 has decided to use surface transportation program – rural funds for the Illinois Route 115 Bridge over Gar Creek. Mr. Olson explained that because STP funds are federal funds and the project is within the MPO planning area, the project must be approved by the Technical Advisory and Policy Committees. He also said the STP-Rural funds do not take away from the federal funds the MPO receives for urban projects. Mr. Lindenmier motioned to approve the amendment. Mr. Koning seconded the amendment. Motion Carried.
FY 2017 UWP Amendment:
Mr. Olson explained that the fiscal year was halfway through and he reviewed the funding amounts in the FY 2017 Unified Work Program by each work element. He said more work has been performed in the Planning Services and Transportation Improvement Program work elements. Additionally, Mr. Skimerhorn has been appointed MPO Director and the UWP has been updated to reflect that change. Mr. Olson stated that all the changes made were revenue neutral, so the overall budget did not change.
New Business:
Bylaws Update-
Mr. Olson said he was reviewing the bylaws and noticed the meeting time for the Policy Committee had a starting time of 3:30 pm. A new draft of the bylaws was included in the meeting materials that updated the meeting time to follow the Technical Advisory Committee, but meeting notifications will state 3:00 pm so meeting attendees are present for the start of the meeting.
2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Amendment:
Mr. Olson said there would be an amendment to the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) in the next few months. He explained there is an interest to upgrade the runway at the airport, which could use federal aviation funds. In order to be eligible to use federal funds for the project, it must be included in the 2040 LRTP. There will be project updates at future meetings.
Old Business:
Travel Time Survey Update-
Mr. Olson directed everyone to a two-sided handout, included in the meeting materials, and explained one side showed the travel time averages for each corridor surveyed. On the other side, he explained the chart showed the changes of system-wide averages for each bi-annual sample since fall 2014. He pointed out that the morning and mid-day averages fluctuated across all the surveys, but the afternoon stayed within a few percent.
Rule-making on MPO Coordination and Planning Area Reform:
Mr. Olson informed everyone that USDOT, FHWA, and FTA finalized the rulemaking on MPO Coordination and Planning Area Reform. He explained that after a future decennial census, the Kankakee Urbanized Area could become merged in with the Chicago Urbanized Area. He said the final rule allows for exceptions, which would be something the MPO could consider if the rule were ever to apply to the Kankakee MPO. Mr. Donovan stated he would give an update to the Policy Committee with his other FHWA updates.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The next MPO Technical Advisory Committee and Policy Committee meetings will be on February 22, 2017 starting at 3:00 pm.
Mr. Koning motioned for adjournment and Mr. McBurney seconded. Motion carried. Chairman Rogers adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m.