
Kankakee Times

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kankakee County Executive Committee met May 23.

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Kankakee County Executive Committee met May 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Members Present;

Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Liehr, Mr. Tripp, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Olthoff, Mr. Hess, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Hildebrand, and Ms. Webber

Members Absent:

Mr. McConnell, Skutt, and Mr. Johnson

In Attendance:

• Board Members


• Department Heads

Kevin Duval, Mark Rogers, John Bevis, Jake Lee, and Michael Roof

• Media


1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Wheeler, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.

2. Public Comment


3. Presentations


4. Approval of Minutes: April 25, 2017

A motion was made by Mr. Hildebrand to approve the minutes, and Mr. Byrne seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.

5. Legislative

Mr. Liehr reviewed and discussed with the committee the UCCI meeting in Springfield that he attended yesterday.

6. Appointments


7. Information Services – Kevin Duval

Mr. Duval discussed a recent virus outbreak, however, the County was not affected by it.

Mr. Duval discussed his department’s involvement with Schools moving out and the State’s Attorney’s office moving in on the sixth floor.

Mr. Duval gave the committee an update on the judicial working committee and the meeting that Chief Judge Kramer recently had.

8. Health Department – John Bevis

Mr. Bevis had nothing to report.

9. Schools – Dr. Gregg Murphy

Dr. Murphy was not present.

10. Veterans Assistance Commission – Michael Roof

• Monthly Reports

A motion was made by Mr. Byrne to approve the reports, and was seconded by Mr. Snipes. Motion carried with a voice vote.

Mr. Roof stated that they’re still waiting for the bus that they were awarded. He was told it would be in the summer or fall.

Mr. Roof stated that they had a benefit on May 12th at the Majestic. They were just partners with the Creedence Revived group who brought in about $5,500, which the band donated to the VAC. It was a very nice gesture on the band’s part. The band was just really looking because they needed to do a promo CD, and needed people there. They didn’t need the money, so since he helped them get people, they donated the money.

Mr. Roof stated they are waiting for three people to be accepted in Veterans Court, and there are two who are possibly graduating, one in July and maybe even two in September. They’re not sure about the third one.

11. Personnel/HR Issues

Ms. Mackin stated that the committee members should have received an email through their county email from Donna Ryan at IPRF concerning the training for sexual harassment and diversity. If they haven’t gone on their county email, they should do so. The video is about 15 minutes, and then there’s a short true or false questionnaire to complete. They can then go in, type in their name, and print out their certificate. She would like a copy of the certificate so that she knows they have completed the training. For those who do not have a computer available, or would rather not go online to do it, she will try and do one group training where they can stay after the County Board meeting in June, and show the video in the boardroom. They would be able to manually complete the quiz afterward.

12. Administrative Issues

Mr. Wheeler announced the following resignation, appointments, and reappointments to the committee.

• Resignation/Appointments/Reappointments:

 Resignation of William Bacon from the Momence-Pembroke Union Drainage District No. 1

 Appointment of Robert Schurman to the Momence-Pembroke Union Drainage District No. 1 (to finish term of William Bacon)

 Appointment of Andrew H. Wheeler to the Kankakee County Convention & Visitors Bureau

 Appointment of Alan Lamore to the Manteno Drainage District No. 9

 Reappointment of Donald W. Shipp to the Manteno Drainage District No. 9

 Reappointment of Douglas Gray to the Kankakee County Farmland Assessment Review Committee

Mr. Tripp made a motion to combine and approve the appointments and reappointments, and Mr. Liehr seconded it. Original motion carried with a voice vote.


One Opening on the Kankakee County Board of Health (dentist)

 One Opening on the Kankakee County Historic Preservation Commission (attorney)

 One Opening on the Cabery Area Fire Protection District

 Five Openings on the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission

Mr. Wheeler announced the above openings to the committee.

13. Other Business

14. Information


15. Old Business/New Business

• Update on Ethics Commission

Mr. Wheeler stated that there is now a page on the website that says who the commission members are. The mission of the Ethics Commission is also up on our website. We do have a draft of proposed – he wants to say bylaws – because those by-laws become the County Code on how we handle reports of unethical behavior or the process that we go through. He’s been working on this with the State’s Attorney’s office because there is a position of Ethics Advisor that still has to be filled. The Ethics Advisor somewhat guides this whole process. He didn’t want it to be himself or the State’s Attorney because what if the complaint came from either of our departments. We needed it to be someone from the outside that was impartial. Currently, as the code is on our books right now, it’s the State’s Attorney. We worked out that language, but the thing is that we don’t necessarily adopt those by-laws. The Ethics Committee has to meet, choose a chairman, and then choose the terms by lot. They adopt the by-laws and present them to us as additions to the County Code. He has reached out to someone who he believes would be a good Ethics Advisor, who would know the law, and he is waiting to hear back from that individual. Mr. Wheeler would make the appointment, but would bring that person back to the Board for consent.

Mr. Snipes stated that he thought a good candidate would be a retired judge if there is one available.

Mr. Wheeler agreed with him.

16. Adjournment

Mr. LaGesse made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:39 a.m., and Mr. Snipes seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
