Kankakee County Community Services Committee met July 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present
Mr. Sirois, Ms. Webber, Mr. Stauffenberg, Mr. Vickery, Ms. Polk, Mr. Snipes, Ms. Evans, Mr. Payton, Ms. Peters, and Ms. Parker
Members Absent
Mr. Tholen, Mr. Johnson, and Ms. Dunbar
In Attendance
Board Members
Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Liehr
Department Heads
Lori Gadbois, Bruce Clark, and Julie Boudreau
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the Committee Chairman, Mr. Sirois, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
Michael Pammer spoke about animal welfare.
3. Approval of Minutes: April 18, 2017
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ms. Parker, and seconded by Ms. Polk.
Motion carried with a voice vote.
4. Recorder: Lori Gadbois
Monthly Report
Mr. Vickery made a motion to accept the report, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Ms. Gadbois reviewed and discussed the report with the committee.
5. Assessor – Erich Blair
Monthly Report
Mr. Stauffenberg made a motion to approve the report, and Mr. Payton seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Blair was not present.
6. County Clerk – Bruce Clark
Monthly Report
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve the report, and Ms. Polk seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Clark reviewed and discussed the report with the committee.
7. Animal Control – Julie Boudreau
Monthly Reports
Mr. Snipes made a motion to approve the April report, and Ms. Evans seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve the May report, and Ms. Evans seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Ms. Boudreau reviewed and discussed the reports with the committee.
Additional Fees from Bellwether Fee Study
Ms. Boudreau stated that she had previously brought to this committee suggested increases from the Bellwether study and some fees weren’t increased at that time. She now felt it was time to address all of the concerns and the shortcomings with the fee study that was done. The last ones on the list were the impoundment fees to both the general public and the municipalities. The study showed that they were falling about $20.51 under the actual cost to the department so she is recommending increasing the fee by $20 to both the general public for impoundment and the municipalities for picking up from a holding pen during regular business hours. She is not asking for any increases or recommending any increases to the after-hours fee.
Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the increase in impoundment fees, and Ms. Parker seconded it.
Mr. Wheeler asked if the majority of the calls on the impoundments were for dogs running loose and they have to take it in and try to find the owner, or is a combination of cats and dogs.
Ms. Boudreau stated that it’s probably more dogs than cats, but the cat numbers tend to go up higher during the spring and summer. Overall, it’s more dogs than cats that are running at large.
Original motion carried with a voice vote.
8. Old Business
Formation of the Kankakee County Animal Advisory Committee
Mr. Wheeler discussed the formation, composition, and objectives of this committee. An application to the board will be required for the appointment. Those applications should be submitted to him, and can be found on the County website. Applicants must be a resident of Kankakee County.
Ms. Polk made a motion to accept the formation of the Kankakee County Animal Advisory Committee, and was seconded by Ms. Evans.
Ms. Parker stated she hopes that, with this new committee, all of the ordinances will be provided to everyone so that they may be studied and reviewed before going into this. That would be well to their advantage that they all knew what they were and could refer to them in discussion in the committee.
Ms. Boudreau stated that those ordinances are all available online at municode.com.
Mr. Snipes asked how often that committee will be meeting.
Mr. Sirois stated that it will meet every two months.
Original motion carried with a voice vote.
9. New Business
10. Adjournment
A motion was made by Mr. Snipes to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 a.m., and was seconded by Mr. Stauffenberg. Motion carried.