Kankakee Area Career Center Board of Education met April 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The regular meeting of the Kankakee Area Career Center Executive Committee, Kankakee County, State of Illinois was called to order on April 13, 2017 at 8:34 a.m.
Public Comment:
Consent Agenda:
1-3) A motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Evans at 8:35 a.m. to approve the consent agenda including approval of minutes from the March Regular Meeting of the combined KARVES Administrative Board of Control/KACC Executive Committee, accounts payable, and financial reports. Motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote. Mr. Fay informed the members he received 3 payments from the State which were 6 months behind.
Director’s Report:
4) Mr. Fay reported on:
a. ISBEC Insurance Renewals: Health insurance rates for the upcoming plan year increased 14%. Faculty and staff have a monthly stipend toward insurances, so there is no additional cost to the Career Center. New plans begin May 1st.
b. SkillsUSA: There is room on the bus which has been chartered to take KACC faculty/staff to SkillsUSA competition on April 28th. Anyone interested from our member schools can contact Mr. Fay to attend.
c. KACC Student Recognition Award Night: This annual event will be held at KCC on May 4th. There are myriad awards and scholarships to be distributed.
Discussion/Action Items:
5) Approval of FY2018 Staff Salaries: Mr. Fay requested a salary increase for those support staff who are salaried, mirroring the increase in the current faculty CBA, and a general increase of 3% for hourly employees. A motion was made by Ms. Harrod, seconded by Ms. Evans at 8:38 a.m. to approve the KACC salaried support staff the same as the faculty CBA amount at the beginning of their next employment year, and for hourly support staff who return in August in the amount of 3%. Motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote.
6) Health, Vision, Dental Insurance Update: Discussed under Director’s Report. Dental, Vision and Life insurance rates remained the same.
7) Accept Resignation of Bosa K. Goodale: Dr. Palan requested a motion, with regret to accept the letter of resignation from Bosa K. Goodale, Assistant Director/Principal. A motion was made by Dr. Wakeley, seconded by Ms. Harrod at 8:40 a.m. to accept the resignation of Ms. Goodale, with regret, to be effective June 30, 2017. Motion carried by roll-call vote, with Dr. Wakeley being the lone “no” vote.
8) Nomination of Executive Officer slate for FY2018: Nominations were open for a slate of Executive Officers for 2018. No new nominees were mentioned. If anyone is interested in serving on this leadership committee, please contact Mr. Fay. The vote will be taken at the June, 2018 meeting.
9) Appointment of KARVES’ Administrative Board of Control Members: Mr. Fay requested anyone wanting to appoint different members to the KARVES Administrative Board of Control to please submit board member’s name and contact information to Ms. Argyelan.
Informational Items:
10) Principal’s Report: Ms. Goodale addressed the following topics:
a. Enrollment Update: Ms. Goodale distributed an updated report of preliminary enrollments for next year because of some significant changes. Ms. Goodale also reported BBCHS and Kankakee HS will attend 2nd and 3rd slot only. Typically, according to Ms. Goodale, actual enrollment will be approximately 100 students less than the report shows.
b. Student Interest Survey: As of today, one school has had their freshman and sophomore students take the student interest survey. Ms. Goodale reminded everyone this survey was designed to assess student interest in a variety of curriculum areas. Ms. Goodale will contact schools to remind them to please have students go online to take this short survey.
c. Professional Evaluator Recertification: Ms. Goodale informed the members she attended a recertification program March 27th and 28th. Dr. Palan questioned whose program she attended, to which Ms. Goodale stated it was sponsored by the R.O.E., featuring Justine Wills.
d. Grant Amendments: Ms. Goodale has been working on CTEI and Perkins Grant Amendments.
e. Attendance: Attendance for March was 98%.
f. Discipline: Another good month at KACC when it comes to discipline – minimal issues.
11) Special Populations Report: Mr. Kelley spoke about the following topics:
a. WorkKeys: Locating Information Test was administered to 200 students on a voluntary basis. Mr. Kelley is awaiting the results of which students will receive a Career Readiness Certification.
b. Career Awareness Day, April 4 & 5th: Mr. Kelley stated this annual event was “fantastic” again this year. Business volunteers were wonderful: great interaction and information for the 1,400 eighth-graders who attended.
c. Beecher Career Fair: Mr. Kelley participated as one of the 20 individuals from the surrounding business and educational communities.
d. SkillsUSA: Mr. Kelley, along with four KACC instructors, will travel to Illinois State SkillsUSA competition April 27 through 29.
e. College and Career Fair: To date, 12 vendors have been confirmed for this May 5th event here at KACC. Mr. Kelley stated he is waiting to hear from 5 more vendors.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Dr. Decman, seconded by Mr. Miller at 8:53 a.m. to adjourn the regular meeting of the KACC Executive Board. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.