Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met November 6.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
6:00PM Meeting called to Order/ Pledge
Roll call was taken, all members present except Pres. Roth
*Motion to approve Ms. Veldhuizen Village Pro-tem for this meeting
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 5-0
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 10/16/17 meeting
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 5-0
No Public Comments:
Motion to approve bills for payment: Payroll <10/21/17 $14,944.69, General Fund <10/25/17 $1,102.16, General Fund <11/03/17 $30,359.74, Sewer Fund $18,348.79, MFT $3,187.51,
Festival Fund $163.05, TIF $2,825.00
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 4-0-1 (Weidl abstaining)
Departmental Reports:
-Clerk Dillman: no report
-Eng. Piggush: Reported that the East side sewer project is complete, and is working well. The project came in $35,000 under budget. He also spoke of the proposed walking/bike path along Rt1/17 to be brought up later in the meeting.
-Streets & Alleys, Veldhuizen: reported the culvert project on 9000N. Rd. has been completed. Brush pickup in town will be ending soon. Some cold patching will be done soon.
-Finance, Dickson: Budget for Octoberfest was presented to Board Members, with balances in the report.
-Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: Thanked John Henson for his assistance with the Sewer Plant. Mr. Bobera reported that required calibrations have been done at the Plant, with a couple upgraded, and are getting ready for winter weather.
-Building & Grounds, Morse: Gave a Halloween update, that appx 300 people showed up at the Community Center Halloween night. A Fest Committee update was given. Reported a pole broke in the Legion Park, that needs to be replaced, as well as 4 others looking bad. Mr. Henson is getting pricing to get this completed, including burying the wires connecting them. West side door at the Community Building needs replacing.
-Ordinance & Insurance, Weidl:
*Motion to approve Resolution R-11-17-1 of support and commitment of local funds, amending the proposal to use General and MFT funds (walking/bike path along Rt1/17 Hamilton Dr. to Hilgert Dr.)
Motion: Weidl 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 5-0
Minion Update: 31 registered Minions, several others not registered. Ms. Weidl thanked Zack Wakelin for donating the straw used in some of the Minions. Contest winners were:
Most Creative, the Rooney Family
Most Original: Ruby and Chuck Hale
Best Business: Traxx Sports Bar
Honorable Mention: Zion Lutheran Church
Go Getter: Grant Park Co-op
-Law Enforcement, Coats: Reported 168 Police calls for the month of October
Pro-tem Pres. Veldhuizen: Made an appointment of Joelle Schneider to the Library Board
Voice vote approved 5-0
December 18, 2017 Board Meeting will not be held
No Executive Session Held
Meeting adjourned 6:22PM