Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met November 20.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
6:00PM Meeting Called to Order/ Pledge
Roll call was taken, all members present except Ms. Dickson, and Ms. Weidl
*Motion to approve minutes of the previous 11/06/17 meeting
Motion: Morse 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 4-0
No Public Comments:
*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: General Fund <11/17/17 $8,139.96, Sewer Fund $216.38, Festival Fund $1,250.00, T.I.F Fund $13,000, Payroll < 11/04/17 $14,942.00, Stipend $1,275.00
Motion: Veldhuizen 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 4-0
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman: no report
Streets & Alleys, Veldhuizen: brush pick-up has ended for the year, except for storms, leaf pick –up ongoing, and a reminder to keep rubbish out of leaf piles.
Finance, Dickson: (absent) First reading held on 2018 tax levy Ordinance
Sewer/Garbage, Morgan: Sewer plant doing fine with recent rains
Buildings & Grounds, Morse: Feb. 24, 2018 “Cabin Fever Reliever” at the Community Center
*Motion to approve $400 for Matt Yeager to play at the Cabin Fever Reliever
Motion: Morse 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 4-0
Ordinance & Insurance, Weidl: (Absent)
*Motion to waive first reading Ordinance O-11-17-1 readopting building regulations
Motion: Morse 2nd: Veldhuizen Motion Carried 4-0
*Motion to approve Ordinance O-11-17-1 readopting building regulations (from O-10-16-1)
Motion: Morse 2nd: Veldhuizen Motion Carried 4-0
Law Enforcement, Coats: no report
Pres. Roth: 12/18/17 Board Meeting will be cancelled, Tuesday Jan 2nd will be first Board Meeting in 2018. Monday, 12/04/17 at noon, there will be a Bicentennial Flag raising celebrating the 200 years of the State of Illinois. (At the flag pole by Village Hall)
6:14PM Meeting adjourned
No executive session held