Village of Bourbonnais Board of Trustees met November 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Village President Paul Schore. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Gianna Crowley from Mrs. Bowen's 3rd Grade class at LeVasseur School.
1. Roll Call: Village Clerk Brian Simeur called the roll with the following Trustees present: Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Trustee Rick Fischer, Trustee Randy King, Trustee Jeff Keast, Trustee Jack Littrell and Trustee Angie Serafini. Also in attendance were Village Treasurer Ron Riebe, Village Attorney Pat Dunn, and Village Administrator Van Mill.
2. Approval Of Minutes: Motion made by Trustee Fischer and seconded by Trustee King to suspend the reading and approve the Public Hearing and Regular Board Meeting Minutes from October 16, 2017. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
3. Reports From Commissions And Advisory Boards: None
4. Bids And Quotes: None.
5. Correspondence: None.
6. Finance Committee:
Trustee Rick Fischer, Chair
a. Consideration to Approve Accounts Payable November 6, 2017
Motion made by Trustee Fischer and seconded by Trustee Greenlee to approve the bills as presented.
Roll call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
b. Ordinance No. 17-2080 (An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article V, Division 2, Section 2-77 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois Regarding Competitive Bidding). First Reading
Following the first reading, Village Attorney Dunn gave a brief explanation of the ordinance.
7. Administration Commitee: None.
Trustee Angie Serafini, Chair
8. Community & Economic Development:
Trustee Jeff Keast, Chair
a. Ordinance No. 17-2077 (An Ordinance of the Village Board of the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, Adopting a Business District Plan Relating to an Area Within the Village; Making Findings of Fact with Respect to such Area; Designating and Establishing a Business District for such Area Pursuant to the Business District Development and Redevelopment Law; Authorizing the Imposition and Collection of Taxes within such Business District; Providing for Further Authority; Establishing an Effective Date and Other Related Matters). Second Reading
Motion was made by Trustee Keast and seconded by Trustee Littrell to read said ordinance by title only. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
Village Administrator Van Mill gave an overview of the ordinance. A motion was made by Trustee Keast and seconded by Trustee Littrell to adopt said ordinance.
Roll Call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
b. Ordinance No. 17-2078 (An Ordinance Establishing A Business District Tax Allocation Fund For The Area). Second Reading
Motion was made by Trustee Keast and seconded by Trustee Littrell to read said ordinance by title only. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
A motion was made by Trustee Keast and seconded by Trustee King to adopt said ordinance.
Roll call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
c. Resolution No. 17-1286 (A Resolution of Support for a New Bike Trail).
Motion was made by Trustee Keast and seconded by Trustee Fischer to read said resolution by title only. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
Prior to the vote, Village Engineer Dave Tyson gave a brief explanation of the resolution on the ITEP Grant. A motion was made by Trustee Keast and seconded by Trustee Fischer to adopt said resolution.
Roll call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
The Board also authorized Mayor Paul Schore to sign a letter of assurance.
Trustee Keast reported on the following from the October 26, 2017 Community and Economic Development meeting:
•The Committee was given a presentation by Mercy Housing for a proposed development in the Village.
•Business registration in the Village was discussed.
9. Police Committee:
Trustee Bruce Greenlee, Chair
Trustee Greenlee noted that Friday is Veteran's Day and many of our officers were veterans. The Village thanks them for their service.
10. Public Works Committee:
Trustee Randy King, Chair
Trustee King reported on the following:
•7000 Road N has been regraded for winter.
•Curb and sidewalk work will be completed by Thanksgiving.
•13 acre pond work will not be done this year due to the wet weather.
•Riverfront Park restoration work Continues.
•The drive at Keno Park has been redone.
•New furnaces will be installed soon at the Municipal Center.
•Brush and yard waste will be picked up throughout the end of November.
a. Resolution No. 17-1287 (A Resolution Requesting a Highway Permit From the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Village to Construct Storm Sewer Along Illinois Route 50 Located at Blain's Farm and Fleet).
Motion was made by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Fischer to read said resolution by title only. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
Prior to the vote Village Engineer Dave Tyson gave an overview of the resolution. A motion was made by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Littrell to adopt said resolution.
Roll call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
11. Utility Committee:
Trustee Jack Littrell, Jr., Chair
d. Resolution No. 17-1288 (A Resolution to Accept a Grant of Easement From Homestar Bank Et Financial Services Trust #1611).
A motion was made by Trustee Littrell and seconded by Trustee Keast to read said resolution by title only. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
Prior to the vote Village Engineer Dave Tyson gave an overview of the resolution. A motion was made by Trustee Littrell and seconded by Trustee Keast to adopt said resolution.
Roll call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Trustee Littrell reported on the following:
•Street lights that are burned out are being replaced as needed.
•The sewer interceptor project is progressing along Brown Blvd at the present time.
•Restoration work for the gas line installation along Route 102 will begin soon.
•Aqua has contracted a company to paint the water tower that is located near Public Works.
•There was a water main break along Main St. NW by Clancy's Funeral Home. A boil order for the residents in that specific area was issued (not all residents).
12. Committee Meetings Set:
•Finance - Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 4:00 pm.
All meetings will be held in the Municipal Center Board Room.
13. Village Administrator’s Report:
Michael Van Mill, Village Administrator
Village Administrator Van Mill reported that we received good response and support for our recent Open Houses. CGI videos are in process and will continue to be developed through the Spring. We are happy to see that local businesses are also participating.
Village Administrator Van Mill is also conducting 6 month evaluations with Dept Heads to review projects, goals, objectives and professional development. We are also in the process of review and revision of our Employee Handbook. We have welcomed two new employees in the last couple of weeks and training is progressing well.
14. Village At Torney's Report:
Patrick Dunn, Attorney
a. Resolution No. 17-1289 (A Resolution Authorizing the Release of Certain Minutes from Meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bourbonnais).
A motion was made by Trustee Fischer and seconded by Trustee King to read said resolution by title only. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0.
A motion was made by Trustee Fischer and seconded by Trustee Keast to adopt said resolution.
Roll call vote: Trustee Greenlee - Aye Trustee Keast - Aye
Trustee Fischer - Aye Trustee Littrell – Aye
Trustee King - Aye Trustee Serafini - Aye
Motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
15. Village President's Report:
Paul Schore, Village President
Mayor Schore reported that he attended a French Canadian dinner hosted by the Bourbonnais Grove Historical Society last Friday night, which was held as a fundraiser for the restoration/erection of the old school house that is currently in storage. He said that the school would be great for school children to visit.
16. Old Business: None.
17. New Business: None.
18. Public Comments:
Jerry Alexander disagrees with the 1% sales tax that is being added to the Business District. He also stated that he had an agreement when he annexed his property into the Village that he would get any special deals that other properties would get.
Assistant Administrator Wimberly reminded the Board that there is a Community and Economic Development meeting on Thursday at 4:00pm.
19. Adjournment:
A motion was made by Trustee King and seconded by Trustee Keast to adjourn the regular board meeting. Motion passed on a voice vote of 6-0, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04 p.m.