Kankakee County Highways and Buildings Committee met November 16.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Members Present
Mr. McConnell, Mr. Tripp, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Peters, Ms. Parker, and Mr. Kinzinger
Members Absent
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Olthoff, Ms. Polk, Mr. Hildebrand, Mr. Einfeldt, and Mr. Ritter
In Attendance
• Board Members
Mr. Liehr
• Department Heads
Mark Rogers and Brian Gadbois
1. Call to Order
• Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by the Committee Chairman, Mr. McConnell, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum
2. Public Comment
Ms. Peters made a motion to amend the agenda to allow Mr. Gadbois to discuss his reports first, and Mr. Tripp seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
3. Approval of Minutes: October 12, 2017
Ms. Parker made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
4. Buildings - Brian Gadbois
• Facility Dude Report
• Financial Report
• Building Report
Mr. Gadbois reviewed and discussed the above reports with the committee.
Mr. Gadbois stated that he has received an estimate for the renovations in Room 209 of the Courthouse. The estimate is for $3,873 and it is his understanding that the cost for the renovations will come out of the Circuit Clerk’s budget. Plans to renovate are currently awaiting approval from the Attorney General’s (AG) office.
Mr. Gadbois stated that all signage outside the Courthouse is in ADA compliance. ADA signage for within the Courthouse has been ordered and will be placed upon delivery and the AG’s approval.
Mr. Gadbois reported that, statewide, counties and municipalities have been asked to coordinate an Illinois Bicentennial Flag Raising Ceremony at their primary municipal building on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. Podiums, speakers, and other needed equipment will be provided.
Mr. Gadbois reminded the committee he is leaving his job in July. He feels he needs more than a one month transition to train his replacement.
Mr. McConnell agreed and stated that Mr. Gadbois’ replacement should be by his side now and even six months of Mr. Gadbois training his replacement is not adequate time.
Ms. Peters asked Mr. Gadbois if there was anyone currently working in his department he felt he could train.
Mr. Gadbois said yes, there is; however, the person he has in mind is his best worker and he did not want to take him out of the field to train him for the interim. Should this employee be chosen as his permanent replacement, he would be more than happy to work with him.
Ms. Evans asked if Mr. Gadbois’ job has been posted.
Mr. Gadbois stated no, and Mr. Wheeler and Sheriff Downey should decide the timeline for posting the job. In addition, he stated that he has not had clerical help for over two years and feels that, in the best attempt to train his replacement, he would also need, at minimum, a part-time clerk.
Mr. McConnell stated he would speak with Mr. Wheeler and Sheriff Downey and bring staffing issues for Maintenance back for discussion at the next meeting.
5. Highways - Mark Rogers
• Bidding and Letting – None
• County Engineer’s Pay Estimates
Mr. Rogers reviewed and discussed the pay estimates with the committee.
Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the pay estimates, and Mr. Tripp seconded it. Motion carried with a roll call vote of 11 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr. LaGesse, Mr. Tripp, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Peters, Ms. Parker, Mr. Kinzinger, and Mr. Liehr.
• Resolutions
a) Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Payment of the County Engineer’s Salary
Mr. Vickery made a motion to approve the resolution, and Mr. LaGesse seconded it. Motion
carried with a roll call vote of 10 ayes and 0 nays. Voting aye were Mr. McConnell, Mr.
LaGesse, Mr. Tripp, Mr. Vickery, Mr. Mulcahy, Ms. Webber, Ms. Evans, Ms. Peters, Mr.
Kinzinger, and Mr. Liehr.
6. ADA – Pam Fogarty
• Report of ADA Progress
Ms. Fogarty presented the committee with a list of issues which are in non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The list contains seventeen issues to be addressed which the AG has deemed high priority and must be done by certain dates. She also informed the committee of a second list of non-compliant issues which has 134 items of lower priority. While those issues are a lower priority, they will still need to be brought into compliance.
Ms. Fogarty stated that plans for building a new accessible ramp and renovation of a jury courtroom are in process and both are due to be complete by September 2018. The ADA parking issues were due to be completed by May 2018; however, they were finished by mid-October 2017. Signage within the Courthouse is also pending, and due in November 2017. The signs have been ordered and will be placed upon receiving them. Due in December 2017 are the Courthouse Exit Plan, brochure, auxiliary services, writing surfaces, and restroom accommodations. All items due in December 2017 are complete and have been sent to the AG’s office for approval. A transition plan is to be drafted. The plan will address the 134 non-compliant items of lesser importance. Within the plan, those items will be prioritized.
Ms. Fogarty stated that she forwarded the specifications for renovations of room 209 of the Courthouse to the AG for approval. The specifications are for an accessible work area and accessible entrance. The room is to be used for the County’s eFileIL program.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Other Business
• 2018 Highway Equipment Purchases – Mark Rogers
Mr. Rogers asked for approval to purchase new major equipment, which he reports is in the Highway Department’s budget. He would like to purchase a tandem dump truck with plows and a spreader for
$198,595, a line laser striper for $10,914, and a wheel loader for approximately $170,000. Mr. Tripp made a motion to approve purchasing the above equipment, and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
9. Adjournment
Mr. LaGesse made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 a.m., and Ms. Parker seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.