Iroquois County Community Unit School District 9 Board met October 17.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Present: James Bruns, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were Bob Burd, Gina Greene, and Kirk McTaggart.
Also present were: James Bunting, Brad Welch, Heather Gerth, Dawn Garner, Carolyn Short, Claire Henneike, Nicola Germann, Julie Dunn, Amy Forbes, RaDonna Hasselbring, Katie Coulter, Shelly Strode, Carla Waters, and Connie Breeling.
Absent: Crystal Blair, Brittany Cluver and Rusty Maulding.
Guests and Public Comments: Mr. Bruns welcomed guests.
Jennifer Taylor and Joy Norder entered the meeting at 6:01 p.m.
Rusty Maulding entered the meeting at 6:12 p.m.
School Counselors, Amy Forbes, RaDonna Hasselbring and Katie Coulter, gave a presentation regarding what each counselor does in the schools. Reviewed student issues, concerns, programs, and goals of the counseling team. Reported there is a need for additional mentors to work with students.
Amy Forbes, RaDonna Hasselbing and Katie Coulter exited the meeting at 6:21 p.m.
UNEA Report: Mrs. Henneike thanked the board for approval of the bargaining committee. UNEA is looking forward to working with the board.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to appoint Mr. Bunting as secretary pro tem during executive session, due to Crystal Blair’s absence. Roll Call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda: Mr. Bruns stated that items A through F were routine items. Mr. Bunting stated item G is a donation of $1,000.00 from WalMart. Julie Dunn wrote a grant for library books and other items for the libraries. It was moved by Kirk McTaggart and second by Bob Burd to approve the open session minutes from the Budget Hearing on September 21, 2017; open and closed session minutes from the regular meeting held on September 21, 2017; the payment of Unit #9 bills; the monthly imprest expenditures; the monthly credit card expenditures; the Treasurer’s Report; the destruction of the closed session recordings from the Board of Education meeting held on April 18, 2016; to accept a donation of $1,000.00 from WalMart. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda
Communication: None.
Special Education Report: Mr. Bunting reported the board approved the FY17 audit, approved the contract for Autism Home Support, and approved the payment of bills.
Board Committee Reports: None.
Old Business:
Discussion of Iroquois County CUSD #9 Board of Education policy additions revisions: 2:20-E; 2:210; 2:220-E3; 2:260; 4:60-E; 4:70; 4:170-AP1, E1; 4:170-AP1, E2; 4:170-AP4; 6:80; 6:120-AP3; 6:120- AP3,E1; 6:180; 6:210; 6:290; 6:310-E; 6:330; 7:80; 7:140-AP; 7:160; 7:275; 7:340-AP1,E2; 7:340-AP2; 7:340-AP2,E1; 8:20-E; 8:70 (Second Reading) It was moved by Gina Greene and second by Rusty Maulding to approve additions/revisions to the Iroquois County CUSD #9 Board of Education Policy Manual as presented. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
New Business:
Consideration and approval of the annual audit. Mr. Bunting stated it was suggested there should be more separation of duties at the Unit Office, this has been suggested in the past. A bond amount needed to be increased for Wanda Kendall, this has been done. Mr. Bunting thanked Fox Group for the many years of excellent service to Unit 9. It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve the FY17 annual audit as presented. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Consideration and possible approval of updates to the WCHS extra duty list. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of updates to GRS extra duty list. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of resignation of a cafeteria worker. No action was taken.
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Bunting reported the district received one FOIA request for information regarding debt held by the district, Superintendent contract, and salary. Information has been submitted. Counselor’s newsletter is available with board documents. Reports for expenditures that are paid electronically are attached to board documents for review. The state still owes the district money from last year, approximately $178,000.00, this amount has been vouchered by the state.
Administrators’ Reports
Mr. Welch reports drills with local fire and police departments have been completed and went well. Girls Basketball is half way through the season, Boys Basketball started on October 16th. The Science Club took 26 8th grade students to Turkey Run. Speech team has 96 members, newspaper staff has 46 members.
Mrs. Garner reported Wanda Kendall had 85% turnout for Open House, 2 classes had 100% turnout. Students are working on decorating classroom doors for fall, treats will be awarded to each class when doors are completed. Colleen Caldwell is coming to Wanda Kendall and Nettie Davis in November and December for an art project. Mrs. Garner thanked the Academic Foundation for providing this program. Amy Forbes and Mrs. Garner are meeting to discuss a mentoring program at the elementary level. A retired police officer is starting a lunch bunch group with 4th grade boys. Representative Tom Bennett visited Wanda Kendall and participated in several classrooms.
Mrs. Gerth reported that several teachers attended the Illinois Reading Conference in Peoria. They will be sharing what they learned with other staff members. On October 11th K-4 teachers participated in an online seminar with a Houghton Mifflin reading coach for the new Journeys reading series. In person training will be held on October 24th at Nettie Davis and October 25th at Wanda Kendall. Bench in memory of Don Becker has been installed in front of Nettie Davis. Bench donated with funds given to the Academic Foundation in memory of Don. Attendance in September was 97.4%.
Mrs. Short stated the Key Club held their annual Food Drive, it was a class competition this year, junior class won. Sixty-Four sophomore students attend the Career Center in Kankakee. Guidance Counselor is helping students complete FAFSA form. Kay Devine, WCHS/GRS Art teacher took students to the Art Institute in Chicago. Robert Strickler, WCHS class of 1956 and Alumni Inspiration award winner, visited the high school. Mr. Strickler wants to give back to the high school by helping to facilitate college campus visits. Mr. Bruns reported Steve Wellborn, a past Alumni Inspiration award winner, has expressed interest in coming to the high school to talk to students.
Executive Session: It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to enter executive session at 6:51 p.m. to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of individual employees, collective negotiations, and impending litigation. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried. It was the consensus of the Board to return to open session at 6:58 p.m.
Personnel: It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Kirk McTaggart to approve the updates to the WCHS extra duty list as presented. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve the updates to the GRS extra duty list as presented. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
President’s Prerogative: Mr. Bruns had no additional comments.
Adjournment: It was moved by Gina Greene and second by Rusty Maulding to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m. Roll call. Aye: 5. Nay: 0. Motion carried.