
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Manteno Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met March 20.

Webp meeting240

Manteno Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met March 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Open Session: The meeting was held in the library of the Manteno High School and was called to order by President Stauffenberg at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call: The following members answered to roll call: G. Dodge, E. Hofmeister, M. Jackson, P. Mallaney, M. Schubert and M. Stauffenberg – Six (6).

Absent – L. Murray - One (1).

Also present: Supt. Harrod, R. Schnitzler, R. Haines, D. Conrad, M. Glenn, J. Emerson, A. Furbee, C. Majerski, E. Ruff, T. Steele, C. Creek, J. Finkelstein, T. Weber, J. DePoister, D. Fortin, and Recording Clerk Kaufman – Sixteen - (16).

Visitors: Amanda Frame, Nicole Whitten, Justin Tierney, Middle School State Wrestlers and families, Middle School State 7th Grade team and families, Kankakee Irish Hockey team and families.

Pledge of Allegiance: President Stauffenberg led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Additional Agenda Items: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Dodge to remove New Business Letter E- “Approve Resolution Regarding Dismissal of First, Second and/or Third Year Probationary Teachers from the agenda. Ayes: Schubert, Dodge, Hofmeister,

Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Public Hearings Petitions/ Comments: Middle School Wrestling Coach, Justin Tierney, introduced the Middle School State Wrestlers, Emanual Burks-8th Grade, Wyatt Young-8th Grade, and Nathan Bajic-7th Grade. Coach Tierney spoke about each wrestler and their season success.

Middle School Athletic Director, Kristie Trumble, introduced the 7th Grade State Volleyball Team, Olivia Willis, Tea St. Peter, Makayla Myrick, Reese Eldridge, Ava Pequette, Shannon Meaney, Reese Johnson, Drew Hosselton, Alexa Jensen, Rachel Turner, Kylie Saathoff, Lily Bivona, Head Coach Cheryl Davis, Assistant Coaches, Kate Pasel and Kristie Trumble, HS Assistant Coaches Reese Bachus, Elena Gomez, Addison Mitchell, Brooke Timm and Scorekeeper, Judy Mann. Ms. Trumble spoke about the team and their season success.

Ms. Theresa Anderson spoke on behalf of the Kankakee Irish High School Hockey Team. Ms. Anderson explained the team’s history and participation requirements. She explained that the team belongs to the Illinois High School Hockey League. She asked the Board for consideration in accepting the Kankakee Irish Hockey Team as a Manteno High School recognized sport that would receive a varsity letter/pin and numbers. Ms. Anderson presented each Board member with a packet of information regarding the hockey team after her presentation.

Reports of Committees: Building Committee – Chairman Hofmeister reported that the Building Committee met on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 and discussed the following:

I. Call to Order

II. Budget Review

III. Old Business

A. District

1. Water Fountains

B. High School

1. Track Maintenance

2. HomeStar Bank Field Entrance

C. Middle School

1. Parking Lot resurfacing

2. Grey Desk Storage

D.Elementary School

IV. New Business

A. District

B. High School

1. Weight Room Project

C. Middle School

D.Elementary School

V. Additional Agenda Items

1. Elementary School basketball hoop repair

2. High School Smithco (infield groomer) repair

Finance Committee – Chairman Mallaney reported that the Finance Committee met on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 and discussed the following:

I. Old Business

A. State Revenue Update - FRIS

B. Committee Updates

C. Buildings and Grounds

II. New Business

A. Student Fees

B. NSN Renewal

C. Frontline/Applitrack Renewal

D. Insurance Renewal Information

III. Review Finance Packet

Summary of Cash/Investment/Fund Balances Report

Revenue/Expenditure Summary Report

Revenue/Expenditure Budget Report

Cost Analysis – Education; Cost Analysis – O&M

Food Service Report

O&M Gas & Electric Expenditure Report

Payroll Extras Report

Impress Check Report

Accounts Payable Report


Activity Account Reports

IV. Additional Items

Cost Shift Information

V. Future Items

Insurance Renewal

Simplex Grinnell

Paper Purchasing


Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Committee – Curriculum Director, Cathy Creek reported that the CIA Committee met on Thursday March 8th. Ms. Creek also shared with the Board that the Northwestern University AWE (Accelerated Weekend Experience) Course took place on Saturday, March 10th and Sunday, March 11th for selected 5th – 8th grade students. Twenty-four students attended and participated in two different courses, Programming in 3D and Design Studio: Engineering for Sustainability. Also coming up on the April 27th Institute Day is a three-hour hands on safety training with the Manteno Police Department. The Kankakee County Emergency Response Team will give a presentation on an active shooter emergency response situation. The team will demonstrate what is expected if this type of scenario should ever arise. The team will act out a close to real-life experience, so staff will be aware of what could happen.

Technology Committee – Technology Director, Tom Steele, reported that the Technology Department met on March 14, 2018 and discussed the new District website, Spring break projects and also the Skyward conference that Mr. Steele and Ms. Stephanie Kaack attended in Florida. They also continued the discussion regarding the printer/copier contract and where the copiers will be placed in each school building. They also discussed the Samsung Chromebooks that will hit their end-of-update in June (approximately 350 Chromebooks that are used in 3rd and 4th grade). There are also Chromebooks in the Kindergarten classrooms and those that are used as Middle School classroom spares that need to be replaced. The overall estimated total would be to replace approximately 385 Chromebooks.

Consent Agenda: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Jackson to approve the Consent Agenda as presented:

A. Minutes

• Regular Board Meeting – February 27, 2018

• Executive Session Meeting – February 27, 2018

B. Financial Reports

• Summary of Cash/Investment/Fund Balances

• Revenue/Expenditure Summary Reports

• Revenue/Expenditure Budget Reports

• Cost Analysis – Education, Cost Analysis – O&M

• Food Service Report

• O&M Gas & Electric Expenditure Report

• Payroll Extras Report

• Impress Check Report

• Accounts Payable Report

• ISDLAF Report

• Activity Accounts Reports

• Additional Accounts Payable

C. Resignations

Jennifer Bassett, High School Football Cheer Coach - effective March 1, 2018

Catherine Kowalczyk, Kindergarten Teacher – effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year

Jennifer West, High School Co-Winter Cheer Coach – effective immediately

Kelly Banaszak, Kindergarten Teacher - at the conclusion of the 2017-2018 school year

Nicole Carella, Elementary Special Education Teacher - at the conclusion of the 2017-2018 school year

Claire Palacz, Title 1 Reading Teacher - effective at the conclusion of the 2017-2018 school year

Lindsay Ortman, Social Worker - at the end of her 2017-2018 school year contract.

D. Notice of Intent to Retire 6% Notice


E. FMLA Requests

Sean McNamara - from approximately March 17th for possibly four days

Catherine Kowalczyk - from approximately March 12, 2018 until April 3, 2018 (10 days)

Jonathan Petyko - from approximately April 16, 2018 until April 30, 2018 (10 days)

Amy Hoffmann - from approximately August 21, 2018 until October 15, 2018 (38 days)

Kristin Micks - from approximately the first day of the FY19 school year until October 15, 2018 (38 days)

F. Employments for the 2017-2018 School Year


G. Employments for the 2018-2019 School Year

Don Surprenant, Elementary Custodian - changing from eight hours per day to four hours per day - effective July 1, 2018

Alec Andrewson, Assistant Director of Maintenance - effective July 1, 2018

H. Transfer


I. Employments Pending Successful Completion of Employment Paperwork Melissa Beaudoin, School Psychologist Intern – for the 2018-2019 School Year

J. Declare High School Weight Room Equipment Surplus

Ayes: Schubert, Jackson, Dodge, Hofmeister, , Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays – None (0). Motion carried.

Superintendent’s Report

A. Good News

1. Congratulations to Alyssa Bell, Mariah Sumowski and Jimmy Wise for being inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. This is a new honors program starting up at the Kankakee Area Career Center. Candidates have to be seniors, earned a 3.65 out of 4 at the career center in their course work, demonstrated employability skills along with a few other factors.

2. The MHS Jazz Ensemble attended the 33rd Annual Jazz in the Meadows on Saturday, February 24th. In class 1A, Manteno placed 7th out of 12 groups and received a division II rating. Connor DeBord on tenor sax and Michael St. Aubin on Trombone were named top soloists on the day.

3. Hunte’s Heart Collection - A big thank you to our staff and students for all of the donations. We collected $1,283.60 .

4. Congratulations to Hannah Gain who was nominated to the I-8 All Conference Scholastic Team. Season Toss Up leaders for the team were Hannah Gain with 47, Josh Robbins 31 and Nick Wren 23. The team went to Regional Competition on Monday (3/5).

5. Congrats to Danae Durham who was named Outstanding Performer at Chicagoland Showcase Show Choir competition.

6. Congratulations to Maddie Lacer and Cam Renchen for being named to the Kankakee Daily Journal's 2018 All-Area Honorable Mention Team for Girls’ Basketball.

7. Congrats to the MHS Jazz Band who took Grand Champion at Herscher on Saturday, 3/17/18.

Old Business:

Approve Amended Clover Leaf Farms Agreement: Moved by Mallaney, seconded by Hofmeister to approve an extension of the Clover Leaf Farms amended agreement for the 2018-2019 school year with a one cent price increase. Ayes: Mallaney, Hofmeister, Dodge, Jackson, Schubert, Stauffenberg –Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

New Business:

Approve School Fees For the 2018-2019 School Year: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Dodge to approve the 2018-2019 School Fees. Ayes: Schubert, Dodge, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg - Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve High School Track Resurfacing Project: Moved by Dodge, seconded by Schubert to approve the District to go out to bid for the High School Track Resurfacing project. Ayes: Dodge, Schubert, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve 2018-2019 IHSA Membership: Moved by Hofmeister, seconded by Schubert to approve the 2018-2019 IHSA  Membership. Voice Vote: All Ayes: Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve 2018-2019 IESA Membership: Moved by Dodge, seconded by Schubert to approve the 2018-2019 IESA Membership. Voice Vote: All Ayes: Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve Tenured certified Staff Renewals for 2018-2019: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Hofmeister to approve the recommendation for tenured staff contractual agreement renewals for the 2018-2019 school year. Certified Ayes: Schubert, Hofmeister, Dodge, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg - Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve Probationary Teachers – Tenure: Achieve Moved by Dodge, seconded by Schubert to approve the probationary teacher list to achieve tenure upon their first day as they return to work in the 2018-2019 school year. Ayes: Dodge, Schubert, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg - Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve Non-Tenured Certified Staff Renewals for the 2018-2019 School Year: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Dodge to approve the renewal of full-time first, second, and third year probationary teachers for the 2018-2019 school year. Ayes: Schubert, Dodge, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Ayes: Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve NSN Employer Services, Inc. Renewal for 2018-2019: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Jackson to approve the NSN Employer Services, Inc. Renewal for the 2018-2019 school year in the amount of $2.35 per employee. Ayes: Schubert, Jackson, Dodge, , Hofmeister, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve Frontline/ Applitrack Service . Renewal: Moved by Dodge, seconded by Schubert to approve the Frontline/Applitrack Renewal for service between April 9, 2018 and April 9, 2019 in the amount of $2,081.20. Ayes: Dodge, Schubert, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve District Storage Area Network Replacement: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Dodge to approve a contract with Dell Computer, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $78,000 for a Storage Area Network Replacement. Ayes: Schubert, Dodge, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve Early Graduation Requests: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Hofmeister to approve the early graduation requests at mid-year of the 2018-2019 school year. Voice Vote: All Ayes: Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Approve One-Year Employment Contract (FY19) Coordinator of Behavioral Support, Ronald J. Haines: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Dodge to approve the one-year employment contract (FY19) for Coordinator of Behavioral Support, Ronald J. Haines. Ayes: Schubert, Dodge, Hofmeister, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Anticipated Future Action Items:

1. Extended School Year and Summer School Employments

2. Insurance Renewal Rates

3. Administrative Contracts

Executive Session: Moved by Schubert, seconded by Hofmeister to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel, collective negotiating matters, investment contracts; professional ethics or performance. Ayes: Schubert, Hofmeister, Dodge, Jackson, Mallaney, Stauffenberg – Six (6). Nays: None (0). Motion carried. Open Session ended at 6:59pm.

Board Member Gale Dodge did not attend Executive Session nor return to Open Session

Return to Open Session: Moved by Hofmeister, seconded by Mallaney, to close Executive Session and return to Open Session. Voice Vote: All Ayes: Five (5). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.

Executive Session ended at 8:18pm.

Adjourn Meeting: Moved by Hofmeister, seconded by Mallaney to adjourn the meeting at 8:19pm. Voice Vote: All Ayes: Five (5). Nays: None (0). Motion carried.



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