
Kankakee Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners met April 23.

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Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners met April 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The April 23, 2018 Board of Commissioners Meeting was called to order by President Delabre at 5:30 pm with the following people present:

Commissioners Present: Kim Bennett, Clark Gregoire, Brian Hebert, Anthony Settle and Wayne Delabre.

Appointees Present: Brian Scott, Hollice Clark and Dan Borschnack

Staff Present: Paula Rogers, Mike Crews, Todd Poole, Sarah Winkel, Holly Mathias and Bill Elder

Visitors Present: Mr. William Hengl

Todd Poole recognized Bill Elder and Holly Mathias with the Above and Beyond award for their dedication to the park district. Poole described both of them as hard workers who goes the extra mile to make sure each facility they oversee is cleaned and ready for each business day.

Staff Reports:

Executive Director: - Hollice Clark submitted his monthly Executive Director Report (filed with the April 23, 2018 Board Packet). Clark thanked the board for attending the Grand Opening of Willowhaven Park & Nature Center. He pointed out that the day was a success with watching the crowds and kids smiles on their faces. The dog park sold 187 passes.

Also, Clark reminded the board on the Volunteer Recognition on Saturday May 5th. Plan on coming early and support the Durham Perry Open House.

Finally, today the district received and email from the Village of Bradley. It seemed that their Amended State Route 50 Redevelopment Plan that was approved on May 14, 2017, that the Village was to designate 15% of the increased property tax revenue generated with development as surplus revenue. They have forwarded the surplus revenue for tax years 2008 to 2014 to the County Treasurer to determine the proportional distribution for each taxing district.

Finance & Personnel – Paula Rogers submitted her monthly Financial Report through the Committee of the Whole meeting of April 18, 2018 (a copy is filed with the Committee of the Whole minutes, included in the April 23, 2018 board packet) and discussed the following:

- Balance Sheet and Income Statement by Fund YTD 05/01/17 - 03/31/18

- Income Statement by Department YTD 05/01/17 - 03/31/18

- Income Statement by Special Event YTD 05/01/17 - 03/31/18

-Finance and Personnel Report

Exploration Station - Sarah Winkel submitted an update based on a monthly report from Brittaney Beck, for the Exploration Station which is included in the April 23, 2018 Board Packet. She also reported that the Summer Brochure made it in the mailbox last week. Winkel expressed her gratitude of the support she received during her maternity leave.

Recreation - Sarah Winkel submitted a monthly Recreation Department Report. This report has been filed with the April 23, 2018 Board Packet.

Diamond Point - Mike Crews submitted his monthly Diamond Point Park Report. This report has been filed with the April 23, 2018 Board Packet. He reported safety training for new and yearly employees was conducted. The new concession stand trailer was set up and is ready to be utilized. Two weeks of tournaments have been canceled due to weather.

Parks & Grounds - Todd Poole submitted a monthly Parks and Grounds Report. This report has been filed with the April 23, 2018 Board Packet. He reported that seasonal hiring is complete. Training was also completed on the Wacker Generator by the company's representative for the staff. Poole also stated that the amenities at Willowhaven Park & Nature Center are installed and ready.

Ad Hoc Committee Reports:

Special Recreation: April 17, 2018 minutes were submitted and have been filed with the May 21, 2018 Board Packet.

Living History: no minutes were submitted.

Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Settle to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Bennett. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - abstained, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. Motion carried.

- Approval of minutes for Regular Board Meeting- March 26, 2018

-Approval of minutes for Committee of the Whole- April 18, 2018

- Approval of bills

Unfinished Business: n/a

New Business:

Authorization for the Executive Director Hollice Clark to order equipment per list attached. Discussion was held, then a motion was made by Gregoire and seconded by Bennett. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made that the Executive Director Hollice Clark would seek a lease through Peoples Bank for the purchase of the equipment that was just approved for the district. Motion was made by Settle, seconded by Gregoire. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert – Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. All in favor. Motion carried.

Wayne Delabre made a motion to appoint Executive Director Hollice Clark as President Pro-Tem for the purpose of holding an Election of Board Officers. Bennett second. Roll call: Bennett -Aye,

Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. All in favor. Motion carried.

A nomination was made to name Wayne Delabre as President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners by Gregoire and seconded by Settle. A request for any other nominations was made three (3) times.

With no other nominations offered. Gregoire made a motion to close nominations for President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners. Settle seconded. Roll call: Bennett - Aye, Gregoire-Aye, Hebert - Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Gregoire to elect Delabre as President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners Settle seconded. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. All in favor. Motion carried.

A nomination was made to name Gregoire as Vice President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners by Settle and Delabre, a request for any other nominations was made.

A nomination was made to name Bennett as Vice President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners by Hebert and Bennett, a request for any other nominations was made three (3) times.

With no other nominations offered, Gregoire made a motion to close nominations for Vice President of the Bourbonnais. Settle seconded. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Settle to elect Gregoire as Vice President of the Bourbonnais Township Park District Board of Commissioners. Delabre seconded. Roll call: Bennett - No, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - No, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. Motion carried.

President Delabre made the following appointments: Brian Scott, Board Attorney, Dan Borschnack, Board Treasurer, Hollice Clark, Secretary and Sarah Winkel, Assistant Secretary.

President Delabre made the following appointments: Commissioners Committee Assignments for FY 2018-19. According to the Board of Commissioners Policy, Wayne Delabre made the following appointments: River Valley Special Recreation Association: Bennett and Settle.

President Delabre appointed a special committee with Hebert and Gregoire to discuss the Executive Directors Contract and bring back recommendations to the board by August.

President Delabre requested a motion to go into closed session to discuss the following topics as permitted by State Statute: Items pertaining to 5 ILCS 120/2 (1) (Personnel): The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, performance or personal status of employees. Items pertaining to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) (Real Estate): The acquisition or lease of real property or the selling or rental price of real estate.

Bennett seconded. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire-Aye, Hebert -Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. Motion carried.

In: 6:10 p.m

Motion to reconvene out of Closed Session made by Gregoire. Seconded by Bennett. Roll call: Bennett -Aye, Gregoire -Aye, Hebert - Aye, Settle-Aye; Delabre-Aye. Motion carried.

Out: 6:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn made by Gregoire, seconded by Bennett. All in favor, Motion carried.
