Iroquois County Community Unit School District 9 Board met June 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Present: James Bruns, President, called the meeting to order at 5:56 p.m. In attendance were Bob Burd, Crystal Blair, Brittany Cluver, Rusty Maulding and Gina Greene.
Also present were: James Bunting, Guy Gradert, Robert Zummallen, Claire Henneike, Carolyn Short, Dawn Garner, Heather Gerth, Jessica Heldt, Donna Hiltz, and Connie Breeling.
Absent: Kirk McTaggart.
Carla Waters entered the meeting at 5:57 p.m.
Phil Wilkey entered the meeting at 5:59 p.m.
Guests And Public Comments: None.
Unea Report: No report.
Consent Agenda: Mr. Bruns stated that items A through F are routine items. Mr. Bruns reported item G is an annual task to set the board meeting schedule, September meeting is on a Thursday, due to the budget hearing, Bob Burd will be the IASB delegate in November, Mr. Bruns asked board members to consider who wanted to act as delegate the following year, Mr. Wilkey, presented the AG report, he gave an overview of the program, which started 12 years ago and is currently ranked 70th in the state out of over 300 organizations, Nettie Davis Library received a book donation from Scholastic books.
It was moved by Brittany Cluver and second by Gina Greene to approve: open and closed session minutes from the regular Board of Education meeting held on May 21, 2018; the open and closed session minutes from the special board of education meeting held on June 6, 2018; the payment of Unit #9 bills; the monthly imprest expenditures; the Treasurer’s Report; the destruction of the closed session recordings from the regular Board of Education meeting held on December 19, 2016; an activity account for the class of 2022; the schedule of regular Board of Education meetings as presented; Bob Burd as the Iroquois County CUSD #9 delegate at the annual convention; WCHS AG report; donation of library books for Nettie Davis from Scholastic valued at $1,500.00. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Communication: Mr. Bunting stated the board received a thank you note from the family of Judith Schall.
Special Education Report: Mr. Bunting reported ISEA is planning to purchase a building in Gilman over a ten year period. Building passed the architect’s inspection. The current plan is to move to the new location in July, 2019.
Board Committee Reports:
Policy: First reading of policy changes, minor changes to language and footnotes.
Personnel: To be discussed in executive session.
Old Business:
Consideration and possible approval of the amended fiscal year 2018 Budget. It was moved by Rusty Maulding and second by Gina Greene to approve the fiscal year 2018 amended budget as presented. Roll Call. 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
New Business:
Discussion of Iroquois County CUSD #9 Board of Education Policy additions/revisions: 2:105; 2:170; 2:170-AP; 3:40-E; 4:20; 4:60- AP2;4:80; 4:80-AP1; 4:80-AP2; 4:140; 5:20-AP; 5:330; 6:10; 6:30; 6:60; 6:60-E; 6:120; 6:130; 6:135; 6:135-AP; 6:220; 6:220-E1; 6:220-E2; 6:240; 6:240-AP; 6:250; 7:15-E; 7:20-AP; 7:50; 7:180-AP1; 7:180-AP1, E1; 7:180-AP1, E2; 7:180-AP1, E3; 7:180-AP1, E4; 7:180-AP1, E5; 7:180-AP1, E6; 7:180-AP1, E7; 7:185-E; 7:190-AP1; 7:280-E1 (DELETE); 7:280-E2; 7:280-E3; 7:300-E2; 7:310-AP; 7:315-AP; 7:330; 7:330-E; 7:340; 7:340-AP1; 7:340-AP1, E1; 8:25 (First Reading)
Consideration of proposed Elementary, GRS, and WCHS handbook changes (first reading). Mrs. Greene stated there are a few changes in the Elementary handbooks that she has discussed with Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Gerth. Mrs. Short suggested changes to graduation requirements. Current graduation requirement is 26 credits, Mrs. Short is asking credit hours be reduced to 24. Many students, especially freshmen, struggle to meet the higher requirement. Students who have social and emotional issues become discouraged. Also, difficult for band and choir members who receive 1⁄4 credit per semester.
Consideration and possible approval of a resolution for a feasibility study with Crescent-Iroquois CUSD #249. Mr. Bunting stated this matter was approved at a previous board meeting, however; the State of Illinois requires an approved and executed resolution in order to receive any type of reimbursement for the feasibility study. It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Brittany Cluver to approve a resolution for a feasibility study contract with Crescent-Iroquois CUSD #249. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Consideration and possible approval of capital improvement projects. Mr. Zummallen gave a presentation of capital improvement projects. Mr. Zummallen reported he has met twice with the building and grounds committee. At WCHS he is suggesting secure vestibules, main office renovation, upgrades to fire alarm system and possibly cameras networked with the server. At GRS the fire alarm system is required to be updated by 2020 pursuant to Health Life Safety. Lengthy discussion regarding paying for these improvements. Costs would be divided between the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 budget. Mr. Zummallen stated Health Life Safety can be amended by the architect. It was moved by Rusty Maulding and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the FY19 capital improvement projects as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Mr. Zummallen exited the meeting at 6:43 p.m.
Consideration and possible approval of a prevailing wage resolution. Mr. Bunting stated this is an annual task. It was moved by Brittany Cluver and second by Gina Greene to approve a prevailing wage resolution as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Approve a notice of appointment of school treasurer. Mr. Bunting stated this is also an annual task. It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Crystal Blair to approve a notice of school treasurer as presented. The Iroquois County CUSD #9 School treasurer will remain Pamela Verkler. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Consideration and possible approval of Property/Casualty/Liability insurance renewals. It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Rusting Maulding to approve an insurance renewal proposal from Bushue Human Resources as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of resignation of an elementary playground supervisor. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of resignation of a WCHS math teacher. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of resignation of a choir teacher. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of resignation of an elementary teacher. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of retirement of a food van driver. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of a letter of retirement of a library clerk. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of the employment of an RtI aide. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of the employment of a bus driver. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible employment of a high school math teacher. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of the employment of an elementary teacher. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of the employment of an elementary teacher. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of the employment of director student services at Wanda Kendall School. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of the employment of a choir director at GRS and WCHS. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of certified salary and non- certified salaries for FY19. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of updates to the GRS extra duty list. Discussion for executive session.
Consideration and possible approval of updates to the WCHS extra duty list. Discussion for executive session.
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Bunting reported the State owes the district $88,569.00, most of this amount is transportation. Mr. Bunting expects to end the year in the black. He thanked administrators and staff for working hard to keep costs down throughout the school year.
Administrators’ Reports:
Mrs. Garner stated RtI numbers for the end of the school year have decreased. There is an increase in students on the watch list, most are in 3rd grade, placing them on the watch list insures they are caught early in 4th grade and given any extra help needed. Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Custer looked at attendance numbers over the last 15 years. She stated average attendance was 94%. Mrs. Garner attributes this to hard work by staff in calling parents and encouraging attendance.
Mrs. Gerth stated the last day of summer school is Friday. She reported 26 students have attended. Students have enjoyed learning and extra
activities. Several students were scheduled to attend half a day only, but asked if they could attend all day, which was allowed. Average attendance for the school year is 96.4%.
Mrs. Short reported most Chromebooks were returned by students, a few were not returned. Staff made efforts to collect missing Chromebooks. Mr. Schall is currently cleaning said Chromebooks, getting them ready for next school year. Average attendance for the school year was 94.3%. Many students have been attending summer camps at WCHS. Mrs. Short stated the D&F report is included in her board report. Given the flood in February and students struggling with outside issues, the numbers are good.
Executive Session: It was moved by Brittany Cluver and second by Bob Burd, to enter executive session at 6:59 p.m. to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of individual employees, collective negotiations, and impending litigation. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was the consensus of the Board to return to open session at 7:54 p.m.
It was moved by Brittany Cluver and second by Gina Greene to approve the resignation of Cindi Chadwick as playground supervisor at Nettie Davis School. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Rusty Maulding to approve the resignation of Sean Curtin as high school math teacher. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve the resignation of Alyssa Norden as junior high and high school choir teacher. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve the letter of resignation of Nicola Germann as elementary teacher. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the retirement of Chuck Potts as food van driver. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the retirement of Jan Laurent as library clerk. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gina Greene and second by Crystal Blair to approve the employment of Brittnee Grayling as RtI aide at Nettie Davis pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gina Greene and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the employment of Audra Nigro as bus driver pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Rusty Maulding to approve the employment of Donna Hiltz as WCHS math teacher pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Gina Greene to approve the employment of Jaimee Hess as Wanda Kendall teacher pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the employment of Tonya Smith as Wanda Kendall teacher pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the employment of Jessica Heldt as director of student services at Wanda Kendall School pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Bob Burd and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the employment of Michael Conley as WCHS and GRS choir director pending required background checks and proper paperwork completion. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Brittany Cluver and second by Gina Greene to approve the certified and non-certified salaries for fiscal year 2019 as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Rusty Maulding and second by Brittany Cluver to approve the updates to the GRS extra duty list as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gina Greene and second by Rusty Maulding to approve the updates to the WCHS extra duty list as presented. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.
President’s Prerogative: Mr. Bruns had no additional comments.
Adjournment: It was moved by Brittany Cluver and second by Gina Greene to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m. Roll call. Aye: 6. Nay: 0. Motion carried.