
Kankakee Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

City of Watseka Council will meet April 23

Webp meeting 02

City of Watseka Council will meet on Tuesday April 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Motion to approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2019

5. Public Comment

6. NyHart Presentation

7. Ordinances, Resolutions, Agreements & Proclamations

 Proclamation-GWRRA Motorist Awareness Program

8. Consent Agenda

 Proclamation-GWRRA Motorist Awareness Program

9. Standing Committee Reports

 Finance, Legal and Audit

- Claims in the amount of $582,376.37

- Accept and Place on file the March Treasurer Report

- DCEO Payout of $19,300

- Fulfill the Contract with ERH and start the process to bring the water and wastewater back in house

- Budget for Fiscal year 2019-2020

 Public Works

- Fairman Ave Lift Station—R&R $393,374.00 paid from TIF 3 & 4

- Hire Precision Mowing for $1,113 per mowing

- Park Expenditures in the amount of $98,814 to pay out of Park Fund

- Agri-Cycle at Yardwaste Facility in the amount of $14,800

- Spear Corporation for repairs at the pool in the amount of $18,567.56

- A Plus Home Improvement for well #10 in the amount of $12,013.07

 Public Safety

- None

 Code Enforcement

- 530 N 2nd bid from Bills Concrete for $3614.00 to demolish residence

10. Miscellaneous Business

 Ratify Public Works Union Contract

 Meeting Structure/Changes

 RFP DNR Grant

11. Reports from Officers

12. Adjourn
