Village of Grant Park Board of Trustees met June 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
6:30PM Meeting Called to Order/ Pledge
Roll Call was taken, all members present except Ms. Weidl
*Motion to approve minutes from previous 6/03/19 meeting
Motion: Morgan 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 5-0-0
No Public Comments:
*Motion to approve Bills for Payment: <6/14/19 General Fund $10,785.90, <6/01/19 Payroll $15,952.13, <6/11/19 Stipend $1,275.00
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 5-0-0
*Motion to amend previous bills for payment to include the following: Festival Fund $25.00, Sewer Fund $13,179.71, T.I.F. Fund $9,470.00
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 5-0-0
Departmental Reports:
Clerk Dillman: no report
Streets & Alleys, Veldhuizen: no report
Finance, Dickson: no report
Treasurer Graves: reported Festival and MFT accounts have been completely reconciled. General and Sewer funds are a very minor amount off, but balance with the Bank, still working on these.
Sewer & Garbage, Morgan: no report
Building & Grounds, Morse: announced theme for Oktoberfest to be “HOME OF THE DRAGONS”
*Motion to approve the GPYC movie in the Park Friday’s 7/21/19, and 8/16/19 showing Little Rascals and Sing.
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 5-0-0
*Motion to approve Bingo fundraiser to be held at the Grant Park Community Park 11/09/19 6-9PM
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 5-0-0
*Motion to approve Liquor License for Oktoberfest in the amount of $25
Motion: Morse 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 5-0-0
Ordinance & Insurance, Weidl: absent
*Motion to waive first reading Ordinance O-6-19-1 amending existing boundaries to expand Enterprise Zone
Motion: Veldhuizen 2nd: Dickson Motion Carried 5-0-0
*Motion to approve Ordinance O-6-19-1 amending existing boundaries to expand Enterprise Zone
Motion: Veldhuizen 2nd: Morgan Motion Carried 5-0-0
Law Enforcement, Coats: no report
Pres. Roth: read a note from the GP Historical Society thanking them for participation in their event
*Motion to approve Resolution R-6-19-1 Authorizing the execution of an amended Intergovernmental Agreement to add new Territory to the Kankakee County Enterprise Zone
Motion: Dickson 2nd: Morse Motion Carried 6-0-0 (Pres. Roth voting yes)
No Executive Session Held
7:05PM Meeting Adjourned