Village of Manteno Committee of the Whole Public Safety Committee met Jan. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members: | |
Timothy Nugent, Mayor | X |
Timothy Boyce, Trustee | X |
Todd Crockett, Trustee 7:07 am | X |
Diane Dole, Trustee | X |
Joel Gesky, Trustee | X |
Sam Martin, Trustee | X |
Wendell Phillips, Trustee | X |
Other attendees: | |
Chris LaRocque, Village Administrator | X |
Jim Hanley, Supt of Public Works | X |
Al Swinford, Chief of Police | X |
Ryan Marion, Building Official | X |
Sarah Marion, Event Coordinator | |
Sheila Martin, Treasurer | X |
Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk | X |
A motion was made by Trustee Phillips, seconded by Mayor Nugent, to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2019 as presented; motion carried by voice vote. All ayes, no nays.
Public Participation: None Items for Discussion:
• NAACP – Chief Swinford stated that local police departments have a strong relationship with the local chapter of the NAACP, and they meet quarterly. They are requesting that all municipalities pass a resolution affirming ten (10) shared principles. The resolution will be placed on the next board meeting for board approval.
• Video Security System – The department would like to update the security system and put all cameras onto one system. The quote from Cinema Home Solutions is $10,022.00. The village has budgeted $6500. The current system is on coax cable and it will all need to be replaced. The committee is recommending that the extra money be found in the budget to complete the project.
Trustee Crockett entered the meeting at 7:07 a.m.
• LPR Camera Update – Chief Swinford stated that the current LPR system works during the day, but not well at night since the cameras are not LPR, but regular cameras that use LPR software. After speaking with an LPR vendor, a test LPR camera was brought to our location. The vendor has quoted $6,000 per camera with the need for four LPR cameras. There will also be a yearly fee for the software, but the current system also has a yearly fee. Chief Swinford stated that the Illinois State Police uploads into the software vehicle plates each day that might be stolen or involved in some sort of incident. The software then notifies officers on duty if one of the plates showed up on the LPR cameras. The department would also be able to “hotplate” a license plate into the software to have the cameras look for that specific plate and then notify officers.
Trustee Crockett stated that the village should find the money so these cameras can be purchased. Trustee Dole and Mayor Nugent agreed. Mr. LaRocque will review the current budget and see if there are funds available to move forward with the purchase of the LPR cameras.
Chief Swinford would also like to see these types of cameras on Rt. 50. He will look at costs and see if they can be part of next fiscal year budget.
• Monthly Stats – Chief Swinford stated that the numbers are holding steady and are very similar to 2018.
Chief Swinford announced that he met with States Attorney Jim Rowe concerning the new cannabis law. Mr. Rowe stated that his department will not be prosecute any cases that are not clearly against the law. The new law is gray in some areas and Mr. Rowe will not review those types of cases.
Chief Swinford stated that the new police trucks are at Federal Signal for installation of equipment, but it may be February before they are completed. Federal Signal is very busy and had to push our date back.
A motion by Mayor Nugent and seconded by Trustee Dole, to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 a.m. Voice vote – all ayes.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk