
Kankakee Times

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Village of Loda Village Board met January 8

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Village of Loda Village Board met Jan. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Village of Loda Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on January 8, 2020 at the Village Hall. Present were: President Carol Areseneau, Trustees: Ronda Breeden, Cathy Tittle, Jon Boone, Joyce Gharst, Gene Breeden jr, Patricia Allen and Village attorney Dale Strough. Clerk Regina Ptacek Meeting called to order at 7pm, all spoke the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minute: Ronda approve meeting minutes 12/9 and waive reading of both, Jon 2nd, all aye, no opposed

ERH work report. Jon states Junior from last month contact him and inquire that meter is still just spinning. Carol will verify with Myles if any update.

Water tower: Tom Overmyer, Village given State award and authorized today for bids! Will have Carol sign and advertise for bids, 4 companies that will do probably bid and do a conference call with information. Will let Carol know so she can attend. On big projects we do conference call to go over information with funding or requirements, federal prevailing wages. Nothing unusual for tank. We will get to pick out the color or lettering or logo. Jon verified who would come. Tom verified would not be local contractors but from other states. Carol verified what Tom recommend, Tom said don’t need to decide today and see how goes with pre bid and get specifics. Maybe opening bids by next meeting if all works out with postings. Jon and Carol verified interested to go to meeting. Carol verified if any questions that ERH may need to have or ask, Tom said no and we will have a pre-construction meeting also after we have the bid granted.

Dale, attorney verified the lowest responsible bidder. Can get some pretty big companies that will be coming in but any concern with responsible. Tom verified that since smaller size tank that may not have some putting in bid. Discussion that be simple block lettering and white. Discussion with mascots or colors. Carol verified keeping blue or will be white. Discussion for white with black lettering. Will be a leg tank. Tom will be in contact with Carol.

Carol brought up oil and chipping on roads, didn’t get done last year with high bid and we rejected. Myles not available to verify motor fuel tax, Jefferson, Mulberry, Franklin. Tom handed out a map. Carol verified we put another layer of gravel on Jefferson. Tom need to know if we are rebid what is from last year and what is in the budget. Cathy state to table till know or Jon verified for Tom will estimate it and give info to Carol. Carol verified that did receive a pkg with all paperwork from Michelle.


Letter sent for vehicle parked in water right away at a resident home that needs to be moved.

Verified one resident to move van within 10 days from court but has not moved. Dale verified next court and Carol will be witness.

Cannabis: Carol asking board what they want to do, ordinance, permit, what to charge, separate building. Is trustee interested in having in town? Jon verified that owner is willing to get a building somewhere if not here. He is willing to spend as much as fee to get permit. Dale verified there are some limits on tax rates and also set a license fee to set up and ordinance. He mainly wants a yes or no from Village. It was stated he needs to be here at meeting. Jon verified there is a lot of money in it and use to fix roads, drains. Carol verified scared that easy to get alcohol and drugs, we don’t have police, southern end of county. Where will we get this protection? Jon said he would have security, talking about guard and cover expenses. Raj has verified lot of requirements and likes this area. Cathy verified the revenue would be great and not pass opportunity due to fear. Cathy verified its in Champaign or north of us and if they are going to get it then people will get it. Jon verified not a bad idea if he is paying and since it is legal now. Jon concern with not knowing rules or regulations. Paxton is currently debating it. Pat asked how much income, Carol state Watseka permit is $25,000 a year. Pat doesn’t have objection and if we can make income off it then we should. If Paxton and other areas around us then we need to get into it also. Board state to pursue it. Dale will start ordinance. Dale will try to inquire for fees and other info.

Webbers: no response, Dale did encounter attorney and that have not been contacted back. Cheyenne was to be here to get issue resolved but no one is here to discuss. Put on next agenda


Certificate $25,123.82 renewal 1/30/20 from Buckley St Bank, Ronda motion to roll over CD. Gene second, Roll call all agree.

$28,887.15 renewal 1/13/20 federated bank Ronda motion to roll over CD. Gene second, roll call all agree


Trees: no update for tree removal, carol verified had heard in past will wait till February

Gene: status on Owls nest clean up? Linda present and advised removing it out, every month

Cathy: also inquired on Owls nest on work for outside and on ground. Linda verified debris is being moved out.


Next month Buckley fire to use Loda building for cash bash in March, Will have on next agenda.

They are also looking with board approval and get permits to burn Genzel and one on Maple for fire training. Village still have expense of removal. They will check on permits and cost and will have more for next month.

Clerk the Economic interest forms will be in mail soon for everyone that served in 2019 including zoning board.

Joyce: complaint for letter with no license on vehicles with resident but seeing cars at Ken Mcready with vehicles and Carol verified he has gotten letters from us in past. Verified ordinance states can have a vehicle unlicensed in garage, covered and vehicle able to move on its own

Next month for mowing bid as will have changes with weed wacking and other areas to fine tune.

Gene: tires laying in yard, Mike Micheals, Hutchinson: Don Hutchinson present and stated they are filled with dirt for gardening, tires for Luspinis, old sawyer property with tires in chicken area. Plow truck having hard time starting, will check glow plugs. Gene will put jumper on it. Carol verified if know someone that works on diesel, Gene suggested Buddy. Gene will check with him and get cost.

Gene motion to have Jerry look at snowplow truck and not to go over $1000, Jon second, roll call all ayes, motion carried.

Carol: reminding that people getting careless with burning items that they think is ok, can only burn untreated wood and yard waste. Garbage needs to be with garbage pick-up. Reminder if you see it, lets work and get things resolved.


Ronda motion, 2nd Cathy roll call, all ayes


Linda Bogard, Bert Helregels truck park next to railroad ground. Linda said it is not on railroad ground, Carol verified that is their ground according to map. Linda also asked for gravel in back alley behind post office, large holes.

Adjourn: Ronda motion, 2nd Gene
