Kankakee County Planning, Zoning, and Agriculture Committee met Jan. 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present
Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Mr. Payton, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Fairfield, Ms. Peters Mr. Smith Mr. Long and Mr. Miller
Members Absent
Mr. Tholen Mr. Swanson, Ms. Polk, and Mr. Dunnill
In Attendance
Board Members
Mr. Sirois and Mr. Wheeler
Department Heads
Delbert Skimerhorn, Ben Wilson and Nancy Nicholson
Media None
1. CalltoOrder/RollCall
The meeting was called to order by the Committee Chairman, Mr. Fetherling, at 9:00 a.m. Quorum present.
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Minutes: December 18, 2019
Mr. Payton made a motion to approve the minutes, and Mr. Miller seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
4. Building
Building Report – December 2019
Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed the report for the committee. There were a total of 43 permits.
Mr. Dunbar made a motion to combine and approve, Mr. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
There were no further questions from the committee.
Stormwater /MS4 Program Discussion
Mr. Skimerhorn asked the committee if there are any stormwater issues that they would like to discuss or make him aware of.
There were no issues to discuss.
Mr. Skimerhorn advised that Keith Moser is now a certified stormwater inspector.
5. GIS
Aerial Photography Vendor Selection
Mr. Skimerhorn advised that there were 7 vendors that submitted their qualifications and pricing for the aerial photography project.
The committee has reviewed and the Zoning Board of Appeals recommended the contract with Surdex.
Mr. Washington asked if the cost was lower than in the past.
Mr. Skimerhorn confirmed, stating that technology has made the cost decrease and the timeframe is much quicker.
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve the recommendation, and Mr. Kinzinger seconded it.
Mr. Sirois asked about the quality of the recommended pixels.
Mr. Skimerhorn stated that with this level, you can see into a manhole cover. It will be very detailed. Mr. Kinzinger asked of this contract is within the budget that was set.
Mr. Skimerhorn confirmed and stated that they are under budget.
Mr. Wheeler asked about the quote from the vendor that included the oblique imagery. Mr. Skimerhorn advised that the specific quote didn’t include the submission of the photography that was only to take the images and not process those.
Ms. Dunbar asked if there were any local firms that provided this service.
Mr. Peters asked if there were examples of the imagery that each vendor provided.
Mr. Skimerhorn advised that each vendor was interviewed for about 40-45 minutes going over their portfolios, qualifications and proposals.
Motion carried with a roll call vote of 11 ayes and 0 nays. Voting Aye was: Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Washington, Mr. Payton, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Fairfield, Ms. Peters Mr. Smith Mr. Long, Mr. Miller and Mr. Wheeler.
6. Planning
Decommissioning Plan Focus Group
Mr. Skimerhorn advised there was a discussion about creating a focus group to discuss the decommissioning plan. Mr. Skimerhorn advised that this group may not be necessary.
Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed the ordinance with the committee.
Typically, decommissioning plans are reviewed every 3 years, where the first decommissioning for a solar farm will be in 20 years. After review, this ordinance is reasonable.
The question is does the committee want to remove the value of scrap from their financial security. A second question is do you want a financial security for the entire amount of the decommissioning plan. Scrap is a very volatile commodity and those numbers go up and down all the time.
Thirdly once those 2 questions are answered, what type of financial security will be accepted?
Our ordinance says that a letter of credit or cash in escrow, or the board can form a different form of security.
Mr. Skimerhorn stated that he recommends that the county accepts these costs as outlined, as they are reasonable. He also recommends not accepting a reduction for the value of scrap. A bond or cash in escrow for the amount of the decommissioning plan would also be his recommendation.
Mr. Skimerhorn stated that this ordinance will be reevaluated after three years.
Mr. Wheeler stated that bonds or cash in an escrow account would be the best option. The value of scrap should be included in the bond or escrow, that way it is on them. Mr. Wheeler stated that the security should be included for the whole thing.
Mr. Kinzinger asked if the bond is made to Kankakee County and he recommended that the bond be made for 120% with a penalty if it is not renewed properly.
Mr. Skimerhorn stated that those recommendations are not in the ordinance.
Mr. Kinzinger felt that those items should be included.
Mr. Fetherling stated he feels that a decommissioning group should be formed to discuss this further.
Mr. Skimerhorn stated an ordinance change would take an additional three months.
Mr. Kinzinger stated that we can specifically state what our bond requirements are and what adjustments will require an ordinance change.
Mr. Wheeler asked if the bond is 20 years. Mr. Skimerhorn stated that it will be reviewed every three years.
Mr. Skimerhorn advised the committee that in order for the tax credits to be received, these solar farms must be producing power.
Ms. Peters stated that there could be a hazardous material warning in the future. What was the process for the last decommissioning plan that the county underwent and how did that work?
Mr. Skimerhorn advised that the county has never decommissioned anything.
There were no further questions from the committee.
Mr. Fetherling asked if there was a motion to approve the current decommissioning plan.
Mr. Skimerhorn stated that the motion would need to specify the recommended changes and if it was a bond or escrow for financial security.
Mr. Fetherling stated that he doesn’t want to hold up permits on the solar farms, because they are one year into it.
Ms. Dunbar made the motion to approve the recommendations, and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Wheeler asked that the committee should take a look at the recommendations of Mr. Kinzinger and start to take a look into this closer.
Mr. Skimerhorn advised that while the committee approved the recommendations, there should also be a motion to approve the decommissioning plan.
Mr. Washington made a motion to approve the decommissioning plan, and Ms. Dunbar seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Mr. Fetherling advised that he has requested a quick review of some of the aspects of PZA and to assist the committee in learning about some of the things that will be coming up in the near future.
Commercial Permit Review Process – Presentation
Mr. Skimerhorn reviewed an organizational chart to the committee that shows the complexity of the permit review process.
Property Rights & Zoning - Presentation
Mr. Skimerhorn gave the committee a brief insight and review of property rights and zoning.
The committee requested that the presentations that were given today are emailed to the committee.
Mr. Kinzinger thanked Mr. Skimerhorn for the presentation.
Mr. Wheeler suggested that PZA members receive a binder of information to review as a form of training. 7. Old Business
8. New Business
One Opening on the Historic Preservation Commission
For Openings on the Kankakee County Regional Planning Commission
One Opening on the Zoning Board of Appeals
Mr. Fetherling read the committee the openings that are available and discussed the requirements for any specific openings.
Mr. Skimerhorn advised that there will be an opening for the GIS committee that is a board member and that will be on the executive agenda in the upcoming month.
Mr. Skimerhorn asked of there were any suggestions for topics for the next month. Mr. Wheeler asked for a review of the engineering process for the solar farms.
Mr. Skimerhorn said that if that topic is what the committee wants, the engineers would need to be here to discuss.
Mr. Fetherling suggested the drain tile systems and learning more about that topic. Mr. Skimerhorn stated that he will bring a map of drain tiles.
Mr. Smith asked if there is a notification process for the permits that are given that creates a possible issue for the surrounding area. Mr. Smith stated that there was a wind survey tower that went up within his area and created large clumps of mud in the road. Mr. Smith asked if there could be a discussion at the next meeting regarding the process.
9. Adjournment
Ms. Dunbar made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 a.m., and Ms. Peters seconded it. Motion carried with a voice vote.