Village of Loda Village Board met April 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Village of Loda Board of Trustees held their regular meeting at the Village Hall. Present were: President Carol Areseneau, Trustees: Ronda Breeden, Jon Boone, Joyce Gharst, Gene Breeden jr, Patricia Allen, Clerk Regina Ptacek, Treasurer Myles Reck
Meeting called to order at 7pm, all spoke the Pledge of Allegiance.
Due to CoVid 19 chairs all spaced 6ft apart
Minute: Ronda approve meeting minutes and waive reading, Jon 2nd all aye, no opposed
Widmer welding bid for trailer on Jefferson St., Carol read the bid, verified he does have insurance. Robin going to contact Myles for putting items in her name for water line and will tear down the burned garage in her property also. Verified the full price is $6,600. Verified normally Village doesn’t pay up front and pay at end of job completion and signed contract to release Village of liability. Mike agreed. Ronda inquired if anything we can do to prevent rats spreading into town, Carol verified not really anything to do. Mike verified process to remove or tear down due to so much garbage and rodents at location. Inquire for electrical lines and power to property along with gas meter, Myles will contact electric and gas to have off and removed. Discussion with board on property. Carol verified with septic, fill with gravel, Mike verified will do labor if Village pay for gravel. Carol will type up contract. Myles verified options to pay up front.
Pat motion to accept bid proposal$6,600 with paying ½ up front, and Village pay for gravel for back fill. Jon second motion. Roll call, all ayes, motion carried
Grant- Build Illinois $250,000 has to be by end of month and need to let Tom know, and he thinks the Village is in good position to get it. Carol verified for storm drainage and tiles, items to not involve EPA. 5 yr program and can apply next year also. Paperwork cost $5,500
Gene motion to go for $250,000 at cost of $5,500 to apply for it. Jon second roll call, all aye, motion carried.
Jon motion pay bills, second Gene
Gene motion to adjourn meeting, second by Pat