
Kankakee Times

Monday, May 20, 2024

Kankakee County Board Met June 2


Kankakee County Board met June 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The special county board meeting of the Kankakee County Board, Kankakee, Illinois, was called to order at 9:00 a.m., by the Vice Chairman of the Board, Mr. Sirois. Mr. Sirois asked for a moment of silence to denounce racism and violence. Mr. Byrne, County Board Member, delivered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The following members were present:

Mr. Washington, Jr., Mr. Hess, Mrs. Polk, Mr. Snipes, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Sirois, Mr. Liehr, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Peters, Mr. Payton, Mrs. Parker, Ms. Dunbar, Mr. Kinzinger, Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Zenz, Ms. Haas, Mr. Carrico, Mr. Ekhoff, Mr. Smith, Mr. Swanson, Ms. Zuccollo, Mr. Fetherling, Mr. Dunnill, Mr. Miller, Mr. Long, Mr. Kerkstra, Mr. Wheeler

Members Absent - Mr. Tholen

Quorum - Present

Public Commentary - None


A resolution was read regarding Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Sign a Renewal Agreement with NIMEC Aggregation. Mrs. Polk made the motion to adopt the resolution. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. Mr. Snipes made a motion to amend the resolution of Scrivener errors. Mrs. Polk seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote. A roll call vote was taken with the motion passing 26 ayes to 0 nays to 1 Absent (Mr. Byrne). Motion carried.

A resolution was read regarding Authorizing the County Board Chairman to Sign a Vehicle Leasing Agreement for the Kankakee County Sheriff's Department. Mr. Hess made the motion to adopt the resolution. Ms. Dunbar seconded the motion. Mr. Sirois explained the resolution. Sheriff Downey also explained the resolution. Mrs. Peters made a motion to amend the resolution of Scrivener's errors and the 2.25% which should have been 2.5%. Mr. Payton seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote. A roll call vote was taken with the motion passing 27 ayes to O nays. Motion carried.


A resolution was read regarding An Action Plan for the Phased Reopening of Kankakee County Businesses. Mr. Byrne made the motion to adopt the resolution. Mr. Ekhoff seconded the motion. Mr. Wheeler wanted to clarify that the amendment was not saying the county was opening up anything. Mr. Wheeler stated in the Governor's plan, he believed that churches could resume services with Phase 4 following social distance guidelines. Mr. Kinzinger made a motion to amend Paragraph 9 to add churches to the resolution. Mr. Fetherling seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote. Mr. Snipes spoke regarding the resolution and was opposed to it. Mr. Sirois stated that the resolution was a recommendation to the governor. Mr. Hess made a motion to amend the title to say Resolution of the County Board of Kankakee County. Mrs. Parker seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to call for the question. Mr. Hess seconded the motion. Motion carried by voice vote. A roll call vote was taken on the original motion with amendments with the motion passing 25 ayes to 2 nays (Mr. Snipes, Mr. Kerkstra). Motion carried.


Mr. Hess made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Ms. Dunbar seconded the motion. Motion carried by a voice vote.
